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Not Socially Acceptable / EWI

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Elite Warriors Intergalactic is a Private Security Firm founded on Earth and deeply connected to the Elite Warriors gaming community and Elite Warriors Hosting. With its wide arrange of members and its variety of skills, Elite Warriors are a very diverse group ready to take on anything.


H1: Origin (2476)

As space travel became more and more the hype of the millennia Elite Warriors Ltd decided to make a move for space aswel.
The had already allot of fame over the world for their Data Hosting services that they started in the year 2012 aswel as other fields of expertise even trumping large organisations like Google and Microsoft. They decided to start a sister company under the name Elite Warriors Intergalactic.

The first focus of this company was to play into the Extranet (Extraterrestrial Network) and provide high
connectivity to all colonies of the United Nations of Earth. By developing their own line of data ships that could reach underling bandwidth speeds of 100+ Pbps (Peta bites per second) they quickly got preferred over conventional ESPs (Extranet Service Providers).

H2: Expanding Services (2501)

With the rapid expanding from the UNE came more outlaws throughout the known universe targeting the data ships of EWI
to cripple valuable targets.

As a response for this EWI needed something to protect their data ships, after allot of consideration
EWI board of directors have found that hiring other security companies was to expansive and decided to make their own security
force within the company, creating the first EWI PSC (Elite Warriors Intergalactic Private Security Contractors). Whilst the PSC group kept growing by the year and the data ships being kept safe from the outlaws UNE turned into the UPE (United Planets of Earth). And shortly after that the first war for mankind happend, the first Tevarin war.

With hostilities increasing all over the universe EWI’s PSC group was vastly more needed, the data links where of major importance to the UPE to keep communications open to all colonies and also to connect the UPE Military and coördinate them. this resulted in EWI buying bigger warships then they ever had before.

As the UPE was fighting on the front agains the Tevarin, cargo transports and passenger transports became a weak target for outlaws and guerrilla Tevarin forces that where sabotaging behind enemy lines.
As such EWI started chartering their services towards other companies aswel becoming a PMC rather than a PSC.

They also got contracted by the UPE to clean out guerrilla bases of the Tevarin to destroy all their efforts for ever.

H3: Choosing Sides (2792)

After many millennia of war and terraforming and of coarse reforming the UPE into the UEE (United Empire of Earth) EWI had become the monopoly not only on the datalink side but also on the PMC side becoming a force as large as the navy of the UEE.

However after the Massacre of Garron II, EWI ships where found as the cause of the rapid distribution of the vid-footage over the extranet ensuring that in-between the rioting and civil war they where blamed for all the bloodshed by the empire and thus the empire tried to destroy the EWI to try to safe face towards the public. having taken all of their battle ships and datalink ships EWI started the financial crisis of the ages whilst doing small oddjobs as mining, cargo delivery and passenger transport to come by.

in a year time they had moved from the most influential ESP/PMC to the poorest of them all, the UEE did not hold up to the people and together with the Xi’An the insurgence managed to reform the UEE again holding up till now.

H4: Never giving up (2793 – 2949)

Whilst they had virtually no assets left after the crisis in 2792 EWI managed to keep their heads above water ever since being a small company now they perform any kind of service they can do to cover the costs if it is recon or security or cargo transport they will do it whilst building themselves up again to become the monopoly over all the services they deliver.

H5: Reformation (2949-present)

After reporters uncovered the truth about Elite Warriors Incorperated, they decided to let the past be past en start freshly overnew with a clean slate, hence why from 22-12-2949 Elite Warriors Incorperated existed no more and a new company with the same assets came to rise called Not Socially Acceptable. this was put as a pun intended to the anti clamactic feel they had from their previous run.


Datalink & Communications:

The first priority of EWI will always be to lead the innovation of data communication and connectivity.
Since it’s beginnings, EWI has taken care of the growing needs of humanity to send data whether that is over the Internet or over the Extranet.
By deploying Datalink ships all over the universe at critical locations we wave always managed to provide our clientele with the best connectivity available.


Whilst we are carrying the data from one side of the Extranet to the other side, security was and always is our main concern! We understand you don’t need any leaks with the data that you entrusted us with. This is why we have our own PSC group to keep our data ships secure for your peace of mind. We can also offer these protective services for your company fleet too if you require so.


Since 2900 EWI decided to add transport for persons and cargo to our offered services.
We can move data safely from one end of the universe to the other, and we can do the same for physical cargo and people.


In order to support or science we require resources and what easier way to do this than to mine what we need. EWI can also offer this your company if wanted.


Next to deploying all these services we also perform recon and exploration jobs.
With these jobs we try to map out the known universe even further to make sure we find more places of value to support the entire human race. It is our future after all.
