Task Fleet Nemesis / EXODUSDI

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Scouting

Task Fleet Nemesis: A Private Militaristic Organization that provides a wide range of operational capabilities for hire. Such as; Naval Combat Services, Short/Long-Range Reconnaissance, Para-Military operations, CSAR operations, and much more! For Recruitment or Services contact us today!


TASK FLEET NEMESIS’ foundations as a community, are deeply rooted within its parent organization TASK FORCE EXODUS, an ArmA 3 MilSim group centered around an extremely immersive and coordinated gaming experience. Its members take pride and care in the hard work they dedicate to the unit both in the support they give logistically, but also in the expertise, knowledge, and professionalism brought into the operational space.

We now look to bring that same immersive/role-play experience into Star Citizen: EDI seeks to maintain a lot of its roots from TFE in the ways that we can, and that has shaped how the organizations billets were formed. Splitting the company into four main components, we operate under a wide range of mission capabilities to offer independent, commercial, or military contractors.


    • Our MEF is our primary ground combat element, it features several Infantry Marine Detachments whose job ranges from naval combat support, interdiction, ship-to-ship combat, shore party duties, overall fleet security, and ground assault & raiding operations.
    • The MEF also includes the 232nd Marine Multi-Role Squadron. This Squadron is the combat aviation element of the MEF and is primarily responsible for Marine transport/ground support, close air patrol, fleet security, and interdiction among other things.
    • The 721st Rangers Company is our primary reconnaissance unit, they feature 3 Long-Range Recon Patrols and operate in 6 man teams. Their job is to conduct recon for the MEF, bounty-hunting, surveillance contracts, interdiction, raiding, and much more.
    • The Rangers are supported by the 266th Naval Support Squadron, as the Rangers often patrol in Carrack Class or other expedition class ships, the 266th acts as direct air combat support for whatever the Rangers need.
    • The Navy is currently comprised of a single carrier strike group consisting of heavy gun ships, transports, dropships, expedition vessels, and a wide array of light, heavy and stealth fighters as well as bomber craft. However once the game facilitates our aspirations, the fleet will transform into a proper strike group comprised of support and combat frigates, corvettes and a carrier and its entourage of support craft.
    • The billeting of our Naval forces is still work in progress and more or less only consists of pilots and crew. Those looking to man ships like the Hammerhead or others like it should consider being apart of the Naval component.
  1. COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT COMPANY: is exactly how it sounds, it provides a wide range of support capabilities for the rest of EDI forces.
    • The Medical Support Detachment consists of 2 CSAR teams, these Pararescue Marines provide direct medical support on the battlefield for our other units, as well as conduct missions on their own. They conduct rescue missions of stranded ships, provide medical support for those in need of aid around the system, and anything else medical or rescue related.
    • Our Logistics department is in charge of the commercial dealings of the company, they deal in non-combat related contracts for the organization in order to build reputation with company’s who may be in need of one of our other services someday, as well as providing a more steady stream of revenue to further support the ground or naval combat elements.
    • * The logistics department also houses our engineer teams which focus on the repair, refueling, salvaging, and recovery aspect of our Naval forces.



  1. Be respectful to all members. Anyone found to be “trolling”, “griefing” or a “detriment” to other users may receive a ban.
  2. Sending harmful links intended to spread viruses, grab IP, or malware will result in a permanent ban.
  3. No doxing (i.e releasing personal information related to identity information).
  4. Do not use this community for the main purpose of recruiting for your own community.
  5. Post in the appropriate channels (Discord).
  6. Do not post/display any pornography content in any channel or profile.
  7. Avoid disrespectful & divisive content that starts distasteful arguments and drama within the community channels.
  8. Admins will moderate and mute/kick/ban or remove content if deemed inappropriate or in violation of the rules. This includes any material that may not be explicitly covered in the guidelines.

These rules are subject to change at any time. This serves as a broad guideline, please use common sense in regards to behavior. If you have any questions or are unable to phone verify your discord account, please contact an admin.