Easy Company / EZC0

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  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The distinguished captain and experienced crew of The I.S.S. Easy humbly at your service. No Refunds.


Cap’n had a string of rotten luck. He escaped the military with his life, but lost a few friends and nearly all of his savings to white collar criminals. Eventually the tables turned as they are known to do, and through a Hail Mary of a wager Cap’n won a rusty ex-military hull, spruced her up, and named her Easy. That’s what he claims happened anyway. He doesn’t like to be asked about it.


The crew of The I.S.S. Easy watch one another’s backs and stand up for the little guy… if the price is right. Don’t give me that look, protein packs ain’t cheap. We find most of our freelance work on the outer fringes of The Verse partly to avoid taxes, but mostly because the views are better out here. Don’t worry, we get back to civilisation plenty often to pick up supplies. You’ll have more than enough opportunity to “acquaint” yourself with the local culture, just don’t be late back on deck when the next job rolls in.


Don’t have a shiny resume? Lucky for you, we don’t need to see one. Don’t wanna tell us your background? Hell, we ain’t gonna ask. All we need to know is that you can handle yourself. It can get pretty rough out there. If you work hard and don’t piss yourself when the bullets start flying Cap’n will make sure you get a fair share of feed and pay. If you shoot him in the back he’ll make sure you get blown out the airlock. Welcome aboard.