Fist of the Empire / F0E

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Exploration

Fist of the Empire is founded on military principles. These principles are reflected in the guild’s organizational structure which permit agile expansion into other games, without the loss of command and control or the degradation of the guild’s standards.


Founded in 2002 with the release of Star Wars Galaxies, FoE has smashed, shot, stabbed and griefed its way through every major MMO released thereafter. The guild’s tenets and organization follow a military model and formed the foundation of a stable gaming community for over 15 years.


Fist of the Empire is founded on military principles. These principles are reflected in the guild’s organizational structure which permit agile expansion into other games, without the loss of command and control or the degradation of the guild’s standards. The guild is has three tiers:

Strategic FoE (STRAT-FoE)
Operational FoE (OP-FoE)
Tactical FoE (TAC-FoE)

Each tier has their own responsibilities to maintain the guild.



Knowing the chain of the command is essential to being a successful potential recruit and member of FoE. If an issue arises within the guild, you will utilize the chain of command to seek help. We ask that you utilize the chain-of-command to resolve issues, this reinforces leader responsibilities and facilitates efficiency.

STRAT-FOE (Strategic FoE)
The strategic level of the guild organizes and plans community level operations and supports operational level Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs) along with oversight into both Chapters and Sections, in their respective games. Additionally, STRAT-FoE publishes community-wide guidance and regulations for MSC/CH/SL to follow. This guidance is published quarterly, at least two weeks prior, in order to allow all units proper time to resource, plan and execute accordingly.

Tasks: Provide operational, logistical, website, support and guidance. Purpose: Ensure over-arching guild operational flow and coordination between MSCs. Deliverable: Hold Weekly Status Meeting, Maintain Lessons Learned Database, Guild History, Knowledge Base, Quarterly Guild Guidance

OP-FoE (Operational FoE)
Operational level of the guild organizes, plans, and supports tactical level units in accordance with STRAT-FoE guidance. OP-FoE is responsible for recruitment and management of members as well as training of tactical level units. OP-FoE acts as an autonomous unit levying support from STRAT-FoE level leadership. Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) are OP-FoE level units. Chapters (CH) are OP-FoE level units. Sections (SL) are led by FoE Members.

Tasks: Provide operational control, recruitment and leadership for TAC-FoE Purpose: Ensure guild’s mission is met within the game. Deliverable: Attend STRAT-FoE Status Meeting, organize in-game events, maintain an active recruitment strategy,ensure that events and TAC-FoE is logistically supported

TAC-FoE (Tactical FoE)
Tactical level guild structure resources, plans, and executes in accordance to OP-FoE guidance. TAC-FoE is responsible for all assigned members and ensures they meet and maintain standards that are set by MSC CDRs. TAC-FoE may be divided up into various companies or other sensible means of organization to ensure leaders are within their span-of-control.

Tasks: Provide in-game expertise and leadership to train and mentor gamers Purpose: Ensure that the MSC’s personnel are ready to accomplish in-game tasks. Deliverable: Attend MSC level meetings if necessary, maintain accountability of personnel assigned.
At the STRAT-FoE and OP-FoE level, there are staff positions that strongly mirror an army battalion/brigade staff. The following are the pertinent positions and description:

C1/S1 (Personnel) The C1/S1 position of responsibility administratively manages the PR guild, and administers the MSC personnel roster. The S1 instructs PRs on the PR process and handles all judicial procedures regarding PRs. C2/S2 (Intelligence) The C2/S2 position of responsibility provides intelligence collection for both PvP and PvE operations. The S2 has the responsibility of “painting the picture” to leaders and providing an enemy course of action to provide flexibility in the plan for the commander.

C3/S3 (Operations)
The C3/S3 position of responsibility plans, resources, and executes all FoE guild functions both tactically and administratively. The S3 maintains the guild events on the calendar, and covers down as needed to manage a maneuver unit.

C4/S4 (Logistics)
The C4/S4 position or responsibility manages the logistic and supply operations of the MSC. The S4 maintains guild equipment, guild vault, funds and manages the MSC crafters.


MSCs are comprised of MSC CDR, XO, S1, S2, S3 and S4. A Chapter becomes an MSC when it can support a recruitment guild and has 50 members actively signed up to play the game.

Chapters are established gaming sections which operate at the OP-FoE level of the community. Chapters have shown high activity levels, meet all required prerequisites, and have at least 1 OP-FoE level leadership member. Chapters do not have staff or recruitment support outside of designated Chapter Leadership.

Moba, FPS, and Casual Game Sections who wish to be considered an official Chapter need to meet minimum team sizes, show activity with planned events, have active recruitment, and a TAC level or above FoE leader who is willing to be Chapter Leader. Moba, FPS, and Casual game sections team sizes will be dictated by the game. For example most Moba style games team sizes are at least 5 members with substitutes.

An MMO Chapter requests an upgrade to MSC when it can support a recruitment guild, has 50 members actively playing for a minimum of 30 days, planned weekly events, and a full Support Staff of Op-FoE level leadership.

To help the FoE community continue to play games that may only have a smaller size or more casual component to them Section Leaders can make a request of Strat FoE for Discord logistic such as voice channels and text channels as needed. Any FoE member can make a request to start up a Section for any game and be labeled as the person to seek out for game guidance or guild/section invitations. Section leaders can request an upgrade to a Chapter if they can show at least 30 days activity, active recruitment, and weekly events at the minimum.


Fist of the Empire was originally founded with no rules, and we would prefer to operate on a simple ‘BE A GOOD DUDE/DUDETTE’ rule set. However, as we have grown over the last decade, we learned some tough lessons and found a few commonsense rules are a necessity when operating within a community this large. Members who violate any of the few rules we do have (as confirmed by the leadership of FoE) will quickly find themselves being removed from the guild; no questions asked.

The following are the Community Rules of FoE regardless of the game:

1. Do not /GQUIT, doing so forfeits your right to ever fly the FoE tag again.

2. Do not apply to other guilds in a game we are currently playing in; doing so will get you removed immediately.

3. Do not lie, cheat, or steal from the guild or it’s player-base.

4. Do not use derogatory or racist comments.

5. Do not share any sensitive information regarding the guild to people or organizations outside of the guild.

6. Do not become a disruptive force within the guild. This is subjective on purpose. – Play Nice