Falling Star Acquisitions / FALLSTAR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security


Interested In Joining? Join the “FSA Community on Discord



When UEE Navy pilot, Commander Wyatt “Frekl” Drake (No relation to Drake Interplanetary) retired from service he was looking for a simple life of a freelance contractor, working odd jobs from system to system, just enough to keep his Cutlass up and running and food in his belly. During the early stages of his new found profession he would avoid the high-risk jobs, he had risked enough in his time with the navy, but as his name became more and more known for quality the harder it was to pass up the more lucrative, albeit dangerous, jobs. With the new, more dangerous jobs came the need for an escort or two. Unfortunately, all the wingmen Frekl knew were still flying for the UEE, or dead forcing him to rely on open combat escort beacons for anyone with a fighter to apply for. For a while, it worked, getting from point A to point B with little to no combat and his escort holding up his part fairly well. But that all quickly changed when his ship was interdicted by pirates and his escort was nowhere to be found. Forced to fend off his attackers solo, Frekl barely escaped limping to the nearest rest stop for repairs. It was at that point he had had enough, he was done hiring some random fighter pilot or additional hauler to assist him. He needed a team that he could trust. A group of individuals that he could rely on to provide an escort, to assist in hauling cargo, and to service repairs without the worry of a trap or abandonment.

And so Falling Star Acquisitions was born.


Today FSA continues that same idea on a much grander scale. Today, FSA has expanded into a company, providing our members a safe harbor to conduct their personal operations as well as the ability for our members to organize and carry out jobs that they would not have access to otherwise.
For our clients we strive to continue Frekl’s mission of quality service in every thing we do. With the ability to provide in every area we have made FSA the best choice when it comes to any service you might need. With connections and alliances with other organizations covering all fields of employment, if for some reason we can’t do the job, we know someone who can that will fulfill the job as if you had hired us.



Falling Star Acquisitions is an organization built for acquiring, well… anything; Goods, knowledge, fugitives, minerals, stranded Citizens, you name it we will acquire it. We are looking to provide Citizens an organization that gives them the ability to try out every aspect of the game, or if they so desire, dive deep into one and rise through the ranks to become a commander of a fleet. We have a place for every style of gameplay, so I am sure you will fit right in.

Before you apply here are a few things to think about.
  • Must have and use Discord; headset recommended but not mandatory
  • Must be mature, willing to work with others and follow orders.
  • Must be willing to make FSA your primary Org if you wish to rise through the ranks.

What We Offer Our Members

As stated before, our focus is acquisitions. But what does that mean? For our members it means that our focus is to acquire them the means to see their dreams come true and line their pockets while we do. Whether it be your dream to become a merchant captain, establishing trades with the Banu. A famous Explorer documenting new systems and planets. Or if you want to hone your skills in battle and become a formidable pilot or ground troop. We can make it happen.

Security Division:

Our Security is one of the best in the world. With advanced flight and ground combat training programs, our members are never without practice and have access to some of the most advanced ships and weapons in the Verse. Security members have access to some of the Verse’s top instructors with the ability to perform one-on-one training and familiarization.

Career Paths Within Security Division:

  • Fighter Pilot
  • Ship Security
  • Ground Team
  • Hostage Rescue Team
  • Capital Ship Pilot
  • Undercover Security
  • Scouts

Science Division:

The Science Division is in a constant search for knowledge. Backed by the most advanced technologies, our scientists travel and explore the verse gathering information and compiling it into actionable intel and data to be sold and relayed to the other division to see their mission through.

Career Paths Within Science Division:

  • Exploration
  • Data Running
  • Data Mining
  • Information Broker
  • Research and Development
  • Medical

Commerce Division:

Our Commerce Division handles all trade and distribution of the company. With ships flying 24/7 we have our finger on the pulse of the best deals and trade routes in the Verse. Members of Commerce have access to some of the largest cargo vessels ever designed and with the help from the Security Division, the cargo pilots know that their cargo with get to its destination safe and secure.

Career Paths Within Commerce Division:

  • Cargo Pilot
  • Loadmaster
  • Logistics

Services Division:

The Services Division is the lifeblood of the company. With 24/7 operations for repair, rearm and refuel, our fleets can be anywhere in the Verse at a moments notice. Allowing the Company to be completely self-sufficient the Services Division mines, refines and produces our own ores and fuel to allow ships to be repaired and refueled without having to outsource.

Career Paths Within Services Division:

  • Repair
  • Refuel
  • Rearm
  • Reclamation
  • Salvage
  • Mining
  • Search and Rescue
  • Passenger Transport

Fugitive Recovery Division:

Our Fugitive Recovery Division handles all the bounty hunting and repo contracts. Our Bounty Hunters are some of the best trackers and, working in tandem with the other divisions, can find and recover anyone or anything anywhere in the verse. With access to both lethal and non-lethal weaponry, our Fugitive Recovery Experts can perform any sort of recovery or repossession.

Career Paths Within Fugitive Recovery Division:

  • Bounty Hunter
  • Repo Agent
  • Tracker

If you would like to know more about our different divisions, please contact one of our recruiters and they would be happy to help.


Q. Why do I appear as a Community Member in Discord, while others are FSA members?

  • The reason you appear as a “Community Member” in Discord and not an “FSA Member” is that you have not gone through the recruitment process and interview to become a member of FSA. If you wish to take the next step in your career, contact any FSA Recruiter and they will be happy to help you.

Q. Am I allowed to be a part of another Org?

  • Of course! FSA is not an exclusive Org and therefore doesn’t require its members to be. HOWEVER, if you wish to rise through the ranks of FSA you will be required to make FSA your primary Org. otherwise you may not rise past Senior Operative.
    Caveat: Members are not permitted to be openly affiliated with any pirate organizations.

Q. What type of Org is Falling Star Acquisitions?

  • We are a professional organization that relies heavily on maturity and organized teamwork. While this may sound hardcore we are not a hardcore org. There are rank and file that allows teamwork to be organized and missions to run smoothly, but we accept both casual and hardcore members.

Q. How can I get to be the commander of a fleet?

  • The best way to rise through the ranks is to be an active member of the org by participating in Events and practicing your professionalism and maturity. There are also other ways outside of the game to show your dedication to the org such as staying active in Discord by helping new members, assisting the moderators in keeping conversations in their respective channels, volunteering services to assist or presenting new ideas to help the org.



“1)” Falling Star Acquisitions has a zero-tolerance policy regarding discrimination, disrespect or hatred towards ANYONE based on ethnicity, race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, nationality, origin and/or religion or lack thereof. “a)” to include jokes and statements across all voice and text channels such as, but not limited to: Discord, SC chat, and the Spectrum. “b)” FSA works for many different people of all nations and races. We don’t care who they are, just how deep their pockets are.

“2)” Inter-Organization Interactions: “a)” Keep chat mature and respectful, you are representing the finest acquisitions organization in the Verse. “i)” If your actions or words, spoken or written, are deemed to put FSA into a negative light, punitive measures will be put in place to include but not limited to: temporary mute, suspension, demotion, and/or banning. “b)” This is a role-playing organization and the rank structure will be adhered to. “i)” While ingame, the member in charge must salute the senior officer (in order: Officer, First Officer, Captain, Senior Captain, Commander, High Commander) when the senior officer enters a room or boards a ship. If a higher-ranking officer is already present, the new officer does not need to be saluted.
“a)” All other members must cease conversations until the senior officer receives command.
“b)” During an emergency, proper rank and file can be disregarded. “ii)” While in Discord chat, when a senior officer enters the conversation for the first time, react to their statement with a “ :o7: ”. “iii)” While in Discord Voice, when a senior officer enters the conversation for the first time, acknowledge their arrival with a greeting of their rank i.e. “Commander” or “Sir/Ma’am.”
“iv)” There will be no backtalking a direct order. However, members are encouraged to bring up questions and concerns. Deliberate disregard of an order will result in punitive measures.
“c)” No fighting. At the end of the day this is just a game. “i)” If you feel like you have been wronged bring it to your supervisor. “ii)” Depending on the severity, punitive measures may be implemented.
“d)” If you must ask if it is offensive, DON’T say/post it. “i)” FSA will not tolerate any abusive attacks on any members and punitive measures will be put into effect.
“e)” Keep Discord chat Star Citizen relevant in the respective channels. “i)” Moderators may ask you to move or remove a statement or asks you to move a conversation to the Community Server. Multiple infractions will result in punitive measures. “f)” Respect members privacy. Members are under no obligation to disclose their real name or location. However, leadership will ask for time zones to better coordinate events. “i)” Use members handles even when you know a member’s real name. This is to avoid confusion ingame. “ii)” If a members handle is deemed to be offensive or derogatory in any way, they will encouraged to change their handle to a more appropriate one.

“4)” Stream Policy
“a)” FSA does not endorse any stream of any kind unless stated by the Executive Directors. “i)” Do not represent yourself as a spokesperson for FSA unless authorized. if authorized take care in speaking appropriately regarding FSA. “a)” Avoid imposing your political, religious, or social views onto FSA. FSA has no affiliations with any political, religious or social views. “iii)” When streaming an Event, the Event takes precedence, the chat does not control the movements of the organization. “iv)” Directors reserves the right to dis-allow streams at any time during an Event or mission.

“5)” Alcohol Policy “a)” Here at FSA we understand that this is a game and for many is a time to relax and unwind and with that comes alcohol. We do not discourage members from drinking, however a member’s participation may be limited if they are or appear to be drunk. “i)” It will be up to the officer in charge as to whether the member will be allowed to continue and/or participate in the event/mission. “ii)” Multiple infractions will result in punitive measures. “b)” This does not mean members are unable to drink during the mission or events, however, members are expected to drink responsibly.

“6)” The Executive Directors reserves the right to edit, change and add items to this Code of Conduct at any time without notification