Jumptown Mafia Family / FAMILIES

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Resources


The U.E.E executed ALL of The Jumptown gang in the war!! or so they thought hehehee…They forgot i was detained on an assault beef that turned into accessory to murder 4counts and three counts of extortion!! When i wouldn’t tell who the actual leader was? i was hit with obstruction of justice and sentenced to 50yrs. cryo sleep!! But now “Guess Who’s back?” and now the Boss? ME!! and it ain’t over till the fat lady sings ya dig?


We WILL be the ULTIMATE test of Criminal game mechanics!!!


Loyalty!! Honor!! Respect!! For self and each other!! Organizational takeover Period!! smugglng,piracy,assassinations!! This is the MOB!!