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Farstrider Consortium / FARSTRIDER

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

The Farstrider Consortium is a small group that seeks the glory days of early exploration, in it for the pure joy of discovery. Their journeys tend to be paid for through trading, Mining, Search and Rescue services for hire, and other odd jobs.


Note: Also a place to save some character history.

2913 – Victor Komnenos, an Origin Jumpworks executive, relocates his family to Terra with the shift in corporate headquarters.
2922 – Markos is born to Victor’s son Joshua, an Origin non-technical executive and his wife Sasha, an engineer with Origin.
2923 – Alistair Villeufort is born to Joshua’s sister Vivian and her husband Emile Villeufort.
2938 – Emile loses his job at Origin and moves his family to Quasi to take a position with Crusader Industries’ Platinum Bay landing facilities. The cousins are parted.
2939 – Joshua gives Markos an Origin 80x, precursor to the 85x, for his 16th birthday. Markos immediately flies from New Austin to Quasi to see Alistair. After meeting up and sneaking some alcohol, the two nearly crash into one of the ruins and are grounded by the local police but released quickly on the basis of their last name.
2941 – Markos enters into the prestigious Wei-Yin Song University in Prime. He plans to major in biology and xenobiology, but fails to graduate spending 2 years in school after an argument with his family over being a civilian versus a citizen.
2941 – Alistair, after completing 3 years in a UEE-funded civilian engineering program, steals the designs for a cutting edge military engine design and sells them to a freelance ship component company. He is arrested and is given a choice of 3 years UEE Navy service or prison. He takes the service. Discovers he possesses a natural aptitude as a pilot and an engineer.
2943 – Markos joins the UEE Navy. Ends up as a scout and SAR team member, both pilot and medic, thanks to his background in biology. Meets Syndic Harlan and the two become friends.
2946 – Alistair finishes his required service, and to everyone’s surprise, remained on for one additional year as a technical advisor and training officer. Uses the funds from his commission to purchase a Freelancer DUR with the experimental engine design and immediately disappears into deep space for one year, returning with charts of a previously undiscovered system. Alistair contacts Markos, who presumed him dead somewhere in deep space, and the two begin talks of founding a deep-space exploration and trade company.
2947 – Markos finishes his tour of duty. Takes his inheritance and founds the Farstrider Consortium with Alistair, Harlan, and a few others, a grandiose name for a bunch of friends and his cousin. But it grants them access to equipment and licensing not available to private individuals, even citizens.


Certainty Among Uncertain Stars


MEMBERSHIP To be considered for membership within the Farstrider Consortium an applicant must adhere to the following requirements:
  • Be passionate about exploration and discovery beyond any monetary benefits it may provide
  • Have a clean UEE record, or record of time served.
  • Be willing to act toward the benefit of the whole group
  • Contribute to exploration missions both financially and physically

If a candidate meets those criteria, their application will be considered by the existing members and the individual evaluated for fit.

  • A member of the Consortium may be an affiliate or primary member of any other non-criminal organization that is not acting against Consortium goals
  • Specific other organizations may be allies of the Farstrider Consortium itself, in which case they will be listed below

We are a casual group of gamers who have jobs and lives that some times take precedence over our lives within the game. We are all adults and therefore require all applicants to be mature as well as 18+. In addition, the founders are all interested in RPing the Star Citizen universe. If we are engaged in situations that require fast responses, ie, combat, we will likely drop out of character, but otherwise encourage role playing.