Foxtrot Escorting Company / FEC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Sec-U-rity – You are at the center.


FEC was created with the idea that it would be fun to protect others, and make a profit off it. We also choose escorting and bounty hunting because of the idea that someone would not be in combat all the time, but would still experience the thrill of being shot at :)


FEC supports anyone who wants to make a living and needs help doing so. We specialize in Mercenary work, Escorting, and bounty hunting.


FEC members must…
  • Follow orders
  • Try their best to be active
  • Be nice

FEC members do not need to…
  • Use Teamspeak, Skype, or any other Chat service (we will use the in-game messaging system)
  • Have a certain ship to join (all ships are welcomed)
  • Be a certain age (just act mature)
  • Need to be active everyday (We know you have a life)