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The Federacy / FEDERACY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

When the basic needs of people are met, we work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.

Commune of Astrogeological Survivalists

Est. April 5, 2949


Established in 2949 as a small scientific expeditionary outfit of planetary geologists and constructors with offensive and defensive capabilities with the goal of sustainability. Working within the Imperial Cartography Center (ICC) as well as a proponent of the Militia Mobilization Initiative and the Civilian Defense Force. We value sustainability over profits. Not a corporation but instead a small commune of miners looking to help each other out in order to achieve our goals and have fun.


noun: federacy; plural noun: federacies
a state with a central government but independence in internal affairs;

Federacy refers to a form of government sharing both the features of federation and unitary state. In federacy one or several sub units enjoy considerably more independence than the majority of other sub units. For example, the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico is a federacy.

Neither a Confederacy nor a Federal Republic. A UEE neutral state.

With the intent of being self sustaining the goal of the Federacy is to be as little reliant on the empire as possible. If something were to happen to the stability of the empire, the Federacy would be able to sustain itself independently through mining, construction, and defense in order to survive.


-We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity. Our goal is to give everyone a sense of belonging and a place to call home.