Praise Tiny Feex / FEEX

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This thread isn’t about upvotes, drama or memes.
[FXHD] Beals died today in a vehicle collision.
Standing before you today to farewell our Beals is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Words cannot describe the sorrow and loss that I am feeling, but I will try.
Beals was a wonderful, sweet Foxhounder. Even as an Operator, he had a calm temperament and as he grew into a little Grey Fox, always took things in his stride. I remember his first day at Training – I think I was more nervous than he was. I held his hand and walked to the thinking that he was about to cry, but Beals calmly turned to me and said, “This is going to be fun, Space!” I laughed and assured him it would be.
As Beals grew from an Operator into a Grey Fox, I could see the man that he would become – strong, steadfast and assured. He loved planetmans and loved his Minecraft. Every afternoon after school, he would race down to the bus stop and hop on planetmans. When he became captain of the scrim team, we were so proud. He was always competitive, but humble. It was such an endearing quality.
Beals and I had some wonderful times together. After the girls had left the outfit to go to hell, the two of us would go drunkenly shitposting. Beals loved memeing– he loved the adventure and simplicity of it. After a day of galdrops and gitguds, we would set up camp and spend hours memeing about nerds. It was those conversations that I will never forget. I was watching a shitter grow into a bro of the highest order – a young shitter with so much enthusiasm and with so many plans for the future.
Recently, all he talked about was the overseas trip he had planned to Emerald. He couldn’t wait to go over to Emerald to have what he called “his amazing shitposting adventure”. But he also looked forward to studying to become a skyknight – a vocation that was a perfect choice for Beals as he was a salty soul, unwavering in his impatience, and with a real desire to shit on others.
Beals was adored by his one IRL friend and outfit and it is testament to him how many of you are here today to farewell our Beals. Not only was he a prowess filled lover and planetman, he was a kind and giving friend. Someone who was always a pleasure to be around.
To have lost Beals is heartbreaking – it has come as such a shock to us all. His life was far too brief.
Foxhound wishes to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who have given their support, compassion and love throughout this very difficult time. I know in my heart that he would not want us to grieving for too long. Rather, Beals would want us all to remember the good times we all shared with him; Owls, girl kissing, buttass, slopes, chemtrails, spidertank, weeaboo pillowfuckers, Flair Template (COPY THIS ONE!), everyone change your name to Cackslop.
Goodbye, my Beals. You will live in our hearts forever.
Foxhound will be holding a kickstarter to buy a new Beals. Please donate if you can.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.