Forsaken Gamers / FGS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Forsaken Gamers Star Citizen Organization.



Forsaken Gamers members are mostly EU players. We are mostly active during the afternoon/evening GMT with many players logging in and out sporadically throughout the day. One of our goals is to have a 24-hour operation, so members can represent our community at all times. This means we are not indifferent to having players from America, Asia, or Oceania. In fact, we welcome players from other countries.

Our clan is currently recruiting new members as we continue in creating a diverse player base. Furthermore, all skill levels are welcomed. It doesn’t matter if you just started playing last week or have been playing since beta. Our members are casual gamers to hardcore enthusiasts. Our final goal is to branch out and have a playerbase covering multiple games and genres.


The co-leaders of Forsaken Gamers have organized player associations in most major games for several years. Some had a larger player base, while others were much smaller and focused on one aspect of the game. We have been successful with every endeavor we have begun. In each case, we helped our members to grow within the game and cooperate with each other to create a cohesive organization.

Forsaken Gamers is a close-knit community and we tend to look for members that are not afraid to be themselves. We DON’T want clones and respect each of our member’s views and opinions. Foremost, we want our members to be successful with any game they play with us. The main goal of any game experience is to have fun and we’re all about enjoying the game. We tend to speak our minds and don’t worry about how we are perceived in-game.

The clan values participation and active members within it’s ranks. We understand that can change from time to time and not everyone is a social butterfly. Additionally. the leadership element of Forsaken Gamers wants everyone to work together like a well-oiled machine. Everyone has a role to play in the success of the community and without its members, then it has failed. Also, don’t be afraid to approach the co-leaders or officers, if you are having difficulties in-game or with another member. Most of the time, we can come to a logical solution that makes both parties happy. If you need to take a break from the game for a while, then just give us a head ups and we’ll see you when you get back.

Like many of the other fine player association, we value the undying loyalty of our members. Your leaders and other members will bend over backwards for you and give the shirt off their backs, if needed. Still, you get as much back, as you put into the clan, which can be as simple as helping another member or spending time getting to know your guild members. If you want to beg for help, loot, gear, etc., then DIAF and you’ll get nothing and like it. Also, Forsaken Gamers is about a community that pools their resources together. In other words, before you go out and sell that rare loot, please ask if someone needs it first.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.



General Rules and Expectations:
  • All Forsaken Gamers Syndicate members will, at all times, represent Forsaken Gamers Syndicate and display their allegiance through the use of proper Forsaken Gamer tags (avatars, signatures, etc.). This requirement extends to both the RSI forums as well as Teamspeak, and any other public or private communications mediums.
  • Members are granted the right to rationally and maturely defend themselves, The Forsaken Gamers, other Forsaken Gamers Syndicate members, and our allies from any defamatory, derogatory, disrespectful, or otherwise negative remarks wherever and whenever appropriate. It is important to note, however that members are still expected to act in a manner that will reflect positively not only upon themselves, but, by association, Forsaken Gamers.
  • Members are cautioned to not take important matters related to Forsaken Gamers Syndicate into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been previously approved by appropriate ranking hierarchy.
  • Members are charged with maintaining the integrity and privacy of information found within Forsaken Gamers secure forums.
  • Issues and concerns regarding any Forsaken Gamers Syndicate decisions, members, and allies must be, as soon as possible, brought to the attention of the hierarchy or Staff member, in private (offline), who is next in your immediate chain of command.
  • Members will avoid public confrontations or internal arguments at all costs as it reflects poorly upon not only you, but also upon Forsaken Gamers.
  • Members will respect one another and show each other kindness, understanding, tolerance, and patience.
  • At all times, members of Forsaken Gamers Syndicate will show respect to the hierarchy by listening to them and following their lead.
  • NEVER undermine the authority of a ranking member.
  • Absolutely no racism, sexism, or any other forms of prejudice will be tolerated if used in derogatory manner.
  • Do not, under any circumstance, reply to attacks or topics about Forsaken Gamers Syndicate or Forsaken Gamers in general on the RSI forums or any forums. This is a Zero-tolerance rule and breaking it will result in either immediate dismissal from Forsaken Gamers Syndicate or will be dealt with as a duly designated officer sees fit.
Syndicate Rules and Guidelines:
  • All members will, at all times, represent their allegiance to the Syndicate through the use of proper Forsaken Gamers Syndicate tags or other approved symbols.
  • Under no circumstances can any Forsaken Gamers Syndicate member be a member of another fleet. This is a Zero-tolerance rule and breaking it will result in immediate dismissal from Forsaken Gamers Syndicate.
  • Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to attack other Forsaken Gamers Syndicate members.
  • Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to engage allied forces when conducting missions, tasks, as part of a wider group or at any time when working together for a common operational goal.
  • Members are granted the right to defend themselves, Forsaken Gamers Syndicate, other Syndicate members, and our allies from any acts of aggression that may take place.
  • Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programs or bugs found within the game, are highly unacceptable.
  • Forsaken Gamers Syndicate members should take initiative and engage in tasks assigned to their division.
  • Members will follow the lead of their division officer / command squad and complete assigned tasks.
  • When working with another division, you are expected to adhere to their policies and protocols and to follow the lead of that particular division’s commander.
Teamspeak (TS) Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:
  • No mic spamming.
  • No chatbox spamming.
  • No excessive private messaging or poking of officers or Hierarchy. Officers or Hierarchy will get back to you when time permits.
  • If someone else is speaking, allow them to finish.
  • Keep chat and links appropriate to the channel.
  • Less civilized, not-exactly-appropriate, conversations should be moved to a designated channel.
  • Stick to the appropriately assigned TS channels for your current game or activity. i.e. When playing Star Citizen do not form up in the Battlefield channels.
  • Treat all guests with a welcoming and respectful attitude, trolls will be dealt with by admins.
  • Refer to General Rules listed above.
Forums Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:
  • No spamming.
  • Keep chat and links appropriate.
  • Refer to General Rules listed above.