Freight Haulers United / FHU

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Social

A new group looking for Haulers and independent from our org PMC escorts


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our Intention is to provide a place to allow new players a chance to find work crewing ships. As stated we will attempt to hire independent PMC (you can come and go as you please and do not have to be a member of the org to reach out about escorting our fleet. Our first goal is to get a RAFT that will be used as our first org flagship. Independent Owner-operators looking for a crew are welcome to ask Ferret or any future members to join your crew for a flat rate per trip ( a trip is going from one landing zone to another. In the event of a crash, you will be expected to pay a member re- equip fee 1/2 the cost of the gear that member of the org had.)


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