Den of Dragons / FIERYDRAGS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Social

Are u ready to become a dragon?

Looking forward to meeting you in the verse & on discord.

Join us if you are into cargo hauling, bounty hunting or salvaging.

Please make sure to read the rules in our charter below or on discord:


Our core believes and our conviction were/was formed from the unbearable heat of molten lava itself. We are dragons, we are strong. Compared to our lifespan humans are only here for a very short time. They don’t see the full picture of life yet. We have transcended beyond that and treat every member of our corporation as family.


Our main motive is to earn money together to improve the ingame experience of everyone in the corporation to the max (better ships, better loot, etc.)

Core values that are important to us:

1. Loyalty
2. Integrity
3. Honesty
4. Trust
5. Respect


Rule 1 – No Harassment or Discrimination.

No personal attacks or harassment towards any other users. It doesn’t matter whether you like them or not, nor does it matter if they are being disruptive. Do not discriminate or joke about people’s race, gender, sexual orientation, or disabilities; this will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Rule 2 – No Spamming or Trolling.

This includes repeated use of bot commands, using spoiler tags/code blocks/special text to circumnavigate filters and rules. Tagging members (especially mods) who are not currently active in the chat is also forbidden. Do not spam ping Admins or Moderators, this includes direct messages. They should only be tagged/mentioned in case of a server emergency.

Rule 3 – No NSFW or Suggestive Content.

Do not post anything that is NSFW (Not Safe For Work) or sexually suggestive, including discussions about NSFW topics. If you are unsure, don’t post it.

Rule 4 – No requests for Games, Codes, Merch, Services, Advertising or Sales.

This server is not a marketplace: Do not ask for money or in-game currency, try to buy / sell / giveaway anything not related to the game. Do not ask people to join your Discord server or community.

Any kind of requests for games, codes, consumables, merchandise, money (in game or not) or other kinds of requests for services is not allowed. This includes messaging any user on the server. Unsolicited promotion of any kind via Direct Message is also strictly forbidden.

Rule 5 – Impersonation and Online Appearance

Impersonating anyone else, including moderators, admins or other community members is not allowed. Please ensure that your display name does not contain any special characters and is taggable at all times. Additionally, profile pictures, statuses, bios and banners deemed inappropriate by admins/mods (in our sole discretion) are not allowed. To protect yourself, please do not post any private information about you or others at any time. Please note that admins or mods will never ask for your personal or account information.

Rule 6 – No Posting/Discussion of Leaked/Data-Mined Info

We have a zero-tolerance policy on posting/discussing leaked and/or data-mined information or discussion around video game piracy, cheats, emulators, or anything that can break the Terms of Service of ANY game.

Rule 7 – Keep all discussions in English

This is an English-speaking community. As such, please keep all messages/communication in the game or on discord in English. This makes it easier to communicate with your fellow members, as well as being necessary for moderation purposes.

Rule 8 – Respect the Admins and Moderators

Any kind of unsolicited direct messages or mentions to Admins or Moderators are not allowed.

We ask that you have usernames consisting of only regular English characters that are mentionable, readable, and in line with all other rules. Unsuitable usernames may be changed and/or accompanied by sanctions.

Rule 9 – Keep Conversations in Appropriate Channels

Be mindful of the each channel’s purpose and post appropriately.

Rule 10 – Admins & Mods can Permanently Ban Users Without Warning if Needed.

Administrators and Moderators have the power to permanently ban a user for breaking any of these rules with no warning.
Mods/admins will not discuss action taken against any member of the server, especially in channels.

Rule 11 – Keep Conversations Civil & Considerate

A constant negative attitude may lead to sanctions; we are here to embrace and enjoy the world of Star Citizen together.

By joining our corporation & discord you confirm that you have read all the rules and that you comply with them.