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The Firefoxes / FIREFOXES

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Ain’t no place for no hero…


“Why do people become Firefoxes? It ain’t the damn chit, I can tell you that. Maybe they’re looking for some purpose out there. Maybe they want to help the helpless, or chart the wilds of frontier space. Maybe they done lost someone, and the law didn’t do a damn thing about it. Hell, maybe they just like trying to keep rusted-out space hulks in the sky when they ain’t got no business flyin’ no more.

Don’t really matter in the end why they joined up. The ‘foxes are freedom. Foxes are family. Foxes are looking up at the mystery and the misery of the black and saying ‘I ain’t afraid of you no more. I’m standin’ my ground.’

People join for a lot of reasons I reckon, but I tell you this: Everyone’s got a story to tell. You won’t find no better drinkin’ buddies anywhere else in the ‘verse.”

Founded in 2944 by Nymera Shaw and a group of private investors, the Firefoxes are a small militia of privately-funded peacekeepers that operate between fringe colonies and remote star systems where the UEE military is thinly stretched. They are formed from ex-soldiers, traders, and fringe-world colonists wanting a better life without the slow-moving bureaucracy and corruption of the UEE government (though, the Foxes do not oppose the UEE in principle).

Unlike most militias or PMCs, the Firefoxes try not to get involved in armed conflicts between major powers on either side; rather, they focus their attention on pirates and raiders at the behest of civilian clients. The Firefoxes are not the largest or most powerful organization in the verse, but they try to help people best they can and make an honest(ish) wage on the side, often trading their services for donations or equipment in lieu of credits.


What do the Foxes offer?

- A close-knit community only possible with a smaller org, where most everyone knows most everyone else rather than being a face in a crowd.
- Active fleet leaders who have experience commanding multicrew ships into the heat of battle (via experience in ArcheAge and Allods Online)
- Leadership that understand the importance of allies, and wants to work closely with other Orgs for joint ventures! A smaller Org cannot always work alone.
- An open-door policy and transparency in all decision making. Talk to officers about anything, never be afraid to offer suggestions or criticism.
- A community of older mature gamers mostly in their 30s, who have been around the block enough times to avoid some pitfalls of running an MMO group
- A less restrictive community; join other orgs too if you like, and feel free to leave at any time with no hard feelings. We understand that we might not be able to offer everything you want!
- A progressive group of individuals that won’t tolerate harassment of any members based on their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion.

Our Divisions:

Joining a specific division is not necessary and will never prevent you from doing the activities you want to do. Many Firefoxes don’t join any division at all and consider themselves to be generalists, helping out wherever is needed. (Generalists are usually referred to merely as “spacers”.) Some, however, choose to have a more focused role based on what they enjoy most or their personal roleplay, and may join as any of the following:

- Taking their name from the class of ships many of them utilize, Freelancers tend to be the merchants, miners and traders that support the Firefoxes; many are only part-time members of the organization officially, but nonetheless fulfill the important role of keeping supply lines running and capital flowing into the organization.

- Primarily the dedicated pilots of the Firefoxes, usually dogfighters and interdiction specialists; Jockeys have a reputation as being cocksure and arrogant in their skills, though this is not the case for every pilot. Many jockeys see themselves as being the true core of the Firefoxes as a whole, much to the annoyance of other divisions. Officially just called Class-A Pilots, their nickname originally came from their habit of racing souped-up performance ships against each other in their off hours.

- The logistical division of the Firefoxes does more than simply repair ships, but their nickname grew out of the original batch of ship mechanics tasked with keeping the aging makeshift fleet in working operation. Greasers server as quartermasters, engineers, and maintenance crews within the fleet. Salvage operations are all coordinated by the Greasers.

- Though the Firefoxes lack an official medical division and recommend individuals visit a real hospital for long-term care, there are many frontier medics within the organization. They specialize mostly in emergency field medicine, though sometimes tent-clinics are set up when responding to a crisis area. Firefox medics often are experienced at making do with few supplies and outdated equipment.

- Making up the Firefox pathfinding, recon, and search & rescue branch, the Rangers travel further out into deep space than any other members of the Firefoxes, often operating alone or in small cells. They often act as the vanguard for other teams, be they mining crews or militia, scanning and mapping areas in advance. Rangers tend to be lone wolves by nature, enjoying the quiet and never staying in one place for too long.

- The special ground operations division of the Firefoxes have a reputation for insubordination, reckless self-endangerment, and somehow overcoming extreme odds with minimal casualties. It’s unclear when the SGO started calling themselves “Helljacks”, but the moniker stuck, and is commonly used to refer to Firefox marine forces. They train primarily in boarding actions, zero-g combat, orbital drops, TITAN-suit operation, and any infantry-type role needed by the Firefoxes.

More about us:

We are a “light” roleplaying Org, and how we function as a roleplaying Org is to weave stories based directly out of our in-game actions in the persistent universe. Roleplaying is not a requirement, and we would not be actively roleplaying during most gameplay as the quick and efficient coordination of our players is paramount in these situations. In social hubs and hangars, many members of the Org may choose to be “in character” and should not be interrupted during their roleplaying without cause.

We plan to explore many different types of in-game activities, from bounty-hunting, to mining and industry, to deep space exploration; though the Foxes are a peacekeeping force and have a focus on stopping pirates and vanduul raiders, we handle all sorts of special missions as needed. We will not condone piracy, but it is expected that other organizations may become our enemies and we will have a list of “known enemies” our players may openly engage in combat as they see fit. Team play is very important to us, both in working as fleets and combining our preferred game activities to support the Org as a whole.

We welcome a variety of players, as long as they read and follow our very short set of rules. We do ask that all members be over the age of 18 as the Org is intended for adults.



- All members MUST be over the age of 18 years, regardless of country. We don’t expect a community of adults to have to censor themselves for minors.

- When you represent the Firefoxes, you must put on a good public face and not grief or harass other players. We’re better than that.

- Respect your fellow Orgmates, even if they are different than you or believe different things than you. None of our real-world baggage matters in the game, and it needs to be left out of the game. The Org is not the place for discussing politicians or political candidates, and we don’t discriminate against our members. This includes a strict ban on sexuality/disability/racial/gender-based slurs.

- Voice chat will be mandatory for official Org activities, for the rapid issuing of orders. If you don’t have a microphone that is okay, but you need to be able to listen. We currently use Discord as our means of voice communication.

- Org funds will work through donations or official Org activities, there will never be mandatory “taxes”. Anyone who approaches you saying you must provide UEC or real money to the Org is lying, and this should be reported immediately.

- The Firefoxes are a light roleplaying Org, and while Org members are not required to RP, we expect everyone to be respectful of roleplayers in social hubs. Our org chat will not be in-character, however, nor will active gameplay unless otherwise agreed upon.

- The one type of gameplay we do not condone is piracy of friendly or innocent orgs.(Pirating known pirates or other Orgs with a bad reputation may be allowed, we will discuss this and more specific pvp rules closer to release)

- “Permadeath” in roleplay will not be strictly enforced by the Org. If your character dies and you wish to recreate them and say you were rescued in the nick of time, that is something we will allow.