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The Flight List / FLIGHTLIST

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

The Flight List is where I belong.

A cutthroat crew of pirates and smugglers, we thrive in the dark underbelly of the Star Citizen universe. Home base, “The Island,” is no ordinary ship – it’s a mobile fortress, cloaked in mystery and teeming with illicit treasures. Ruthless, cunning, lucrative


Embracing the Shadows

“The Flight List” was born from the ashes of desperation and a desire for freedom. Its origins are shrouded in secrecy, just as its members have always operated in the shadows of the ‘verse.


The organization’s precise founding remains unknown, as its roots trace back to numerous criminal enterprises and ambitious individuals seeking a life untethered by societal norms. What brought them together was a shared thirst for adventure, independence, and the audacity to live life on their own terms.

The Rise of “The Island”:

At some point in its early history, the group acquired its legendary mobile fortress, “The Island.” This acquisition marked a turning point, transforming a loose association of miscreants into a formidable force in the cosmos. With “The Island” at their disposal, the organization gained a reliable base of operations, a sanctuary hidden from prying eyes, and a symbol of their indomitable spirit.

Piracy and Smuggling Mastery:

As the years passed, “The Flight List” honed its craft. Its members became renowned for their audacious piracy and ingenious smuggling operations. Fear and respect spread through the ‘verse, and the organization’s name became synonymous with cunning, precision, and ruthlessness.

Code of Honor:

Despite their outlaw status, “The Flight List” adhered to a strict code of loyalty and trust among their own. Betrayal was met with a swift response, fostering a unique sense of camaraderie that bound the members together like family.

The Present and Future:

Today, “The Flight List” continues to sail the cosmic currents, its history a testament to audacity and defiance. As they operate on the fringes, their story unfolds, and their legend grows.

“The Flight List” stands as an enigmatic force, embracing the shadows and etching their mark on the ‘verse, defying society’s norms and seeking prosperity on their own terms. In the ever-expanding universe of Star Citizen, their history is still being written, one daring escapade at a time.


In the Shadows, We Thrive

We are a league of outlaws, the underbelly of the universe, the ones who dance in the darkness. “The Flight List” is not merely a crew; we are a family bound by a common purpose – to plunder, smuggle, and navigate the cosmos on our terms.

1. Unshackled Freedom

We reject the constraints of lawful society, carving our path across the stars. No system, no authority can chain us. In the limitless expanse of space, our freedom knows no bounds.

2. Code of Honor

Though we live on the fringe, we have our code. Loyalty, trust, and respect amongst our own is sacrosanct. Betrayal is met with swift retribution; together, we stand, or together, we fall.

3. “The Island” – Our Sanctuary

Our legendary mobile fortress, “The Island,” is not just a ship; it’s our home. Hidden, impervious, it’s where we plan, regroup, and store our ill-gotten gains. A symbol of our indomitable spirit, it rides the waves of uncertainty with us.

4. The Art of Plunder

Piracy and smuggling are our crafts, honed to perfection. We plunder without mercy, but we do so with precision and skill. Our reputation as the most elusive and cunning in the ‘verse is well-deserved.

5. Brotherhood of the Shadows

We are the darkness that society fears. Our ranks include the audacious, the cunning, and the relentless. Together, we share the spoils and the risks, forging an unbreakable bond.

6. Fear and Respect

In the ‘verse, our name is whispered in hushed tones. Fear us, but also respect our audacity, for we are the renegades who stand undeterred in the face of the law.

This is our manifesto, our pledge to an existence beyond the confines of morality and society. We are “The Flight List,” the enigmatic force that defies the stars, and our journey is bound only by the horizon of the cosmos.

Our Mission:

  • Generate wealth and prosperity among brothers within the organization through any means necessary
  • Support any and all combat missions that may prove lucrative and prosperous for our members and our organization
  • Envelop a brotherhood where all are welcome and encouraged to fight along
  • Growth and conquest of any and all types


Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1.1 Name: The organization shall be known as “The Flight List.”

Section 1.2 Purpose: The Flight List is a clandestine collective of pirates and smugglers. Our purpose is to operate on the fringes of the known universe, seeking freedom, profit, and camaraderie through the execution of piracy, smuggling, and related endeavors.

Article II: Principles

Section 2.1 Unshackled Freedom: We embrace an unbounded way of life, navigating the cosmos without restraint, beholden to no jurisdiction or authority.

Section 2.2 Code of Honor: Our members shall uphold a code of loyalty, trust, and respect within the organization. Betrayal of fellow members is strictly prohibited and will be met with severe consequences. This code of honor includes respect for fellow members of the organization. Do not, at any time, disavow, disobey, disrespect, transgress any authority given by those on The Board unless those have truly broken the code of honor. Do not steal, cheat, lie, maim, hunt, kill, or transgress any ideological beliefs, rules, principles, and statements above. If a member happens to transgress or violate any part of the Code of Honor, said member will be exiled and considered an enemy of the organization. See Section 2.3 for more details on the meaning of Brotherhood.

Section 2.3 Brotherhood: We shall foster a strong sense of camaraderie and brotherhood amongst our members, recognizing that together, we are stronger, and together, we prevail. Integrity and honor are values highly respected, recognized, and encouraged by this organization. If a member feels that any of their personal rights have been violated, you may request a meeting with The Board and motions will be made swiftly to resolve any dispute.

Section 2.4 Prioritization: Membership of this organization is casual; therefore, activity is not required by any means. Any real-life priorities and/or outer organization activities are allowed and encouraged to be taken care of before this organization. That being said, please prioritize your real life more than this org if you are required to.

Article III: The Island

Section 3.1 “The Island” – Our Sanctuary: Our mobile fortress, “The Island,” is the heart of our organization. It shall serve as our base of operations, refuge, and treasure trove, providing the security and resources needed for our endeavors.

Section 3.2 Maintenance and Security: Members are responsible for the maintenance and security of “The Island.” Any breach of its secrecy or compromise of its safety is considered an act of betrayal.

Article IV: Activities

Section 4.1 Piracy and Smuggling: The Flight List specializes in piracy and smuggling activities. We shall conduct these operations with the utmost skill, precision, and discretion.

Section 4.2 Plunder and Profit: All gains secured through our activities shall be fairly distributed among members, recognizing the contribution and risk undertaken by each.

Article V: Governance

Section 5.1 Leadership: The Flight List shall be led by a council of elected leaders known as “The Board.” These leaders will oversee the organization’s operations and make crucial decisions.

Section 5.2 Decision-Making: Major decisions affecting the organization shall be made by consensus among “The Board,” with a majority vote required for action.

Article VI: Reputation

Section 6.1 Fear and Respect: The Flight List’s reputation is paramount. Our name shall be known for audacity, cunning, and a formidable presence in the universe.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 7.1 Amendment Process: This charter may be amended by a majority vote of “The Board” when deemed necessary, with the organization’s principles and purpose in mind.

This charter outlines the principles, purpose, and structure of “The Flight List.” Members are bound by its provisions, committed to upholding our code and achieving our goals as an enigmatic force in the universe.

Article VIII: Ranks and Roles

Section 8.1 Ranks: There are five ranks within this organization, and they are explained as such:

  • Initiate Operative – A new member entrusted with the same right to respect, brotherhood, and prosperity as all brothers are given. An initiate
    operative must prove themselves worthy to the organization to gain greater responsibilities that come with promotions.
  • Junior Operative – A member who has proven themself on one or more missions and is granted the same rights and responsibilities as an Initiate, but may be often selected, delegated, or entrusted with more benefits and operations.
  • Senior Operative – A member who has proven themself on many occasions, previously a Junior Operative, who has proven themself as a bountiful, lucrative asset to our organization. Said member may be entrusted with greater responsibilities and delegations as the higher-ups see fit.
  • Risk Officer – A member who is a highly proven asset to our organization. Entrusted with handling any risk with our operations, whether it be planning, security, emergency evacuation, or any other missions that may arise.
  • Operational Manager – A leadership position member who may guide lower-ranking members towards a common goal. An operational manager may organize operations, strikes, raids, runs, and any missions that may benefit the organization.
  • Operational Director – A leadership position member who oversees all operations at any given time. Entrusted with high responsibilities and benefits of the organization.

All ranks are paid the same for each mission. Ranks may be paid bonuses for promotions, certain missions, or operational supervision and management.

Section 8.2 Roles: There are four roles within this organization; they are very self-explanatory and act as such:

  • Chief Executive Officer – The Founder, Commander-in-Chief, Chairman of the Board, and Overseer of all operations performed by this organization. The CEO has the power to veto the board, but the Board also has the power to veto the CEO.
  • Board Member Executive – A leadership member who has the ability to vote for a veto against any motion made by the CEO. Oversees operations and reports to the board on the success of said operations. A Board Member is an administrative, diplomatic, and democratic position.
  • Human Resources – Member who oversees recruitment and applications, acceptance to the organization
  • Marketing – Member who manages branding