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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Engineering
  • Resources

We’re a ragtag group of pilots, salvagers, miners, merchants and builders.

We’re Fly Casual. Pirates with a conscience!


Our core group of players are seasoned MMO veterans who want to create an environment of camaraderie and support. Our mission is to have fun in the verse. We’re not hard core, but are dedicated to gaming and progression/advancement. We plan to focus on resource acquisition and base building and hope to sell our skills in the ‘verse. If this is something that appeals to you, you may have a home in our organization.

If you can fly and want to create consider our organization.

Oh, and fly casual.


Fly Casual LLC is a soup-to-nuts construction group that is dedicated to fabricating bases in the ‘verse. We really don’t want any trouble with anyone, but are ready to defend ourselves in a pinch. We want to build our company and our brand to be the best construction crew in the known universe. We mine our own ore, salvage materials, gather fuel, and build bases. We can even search out new areas as potential sites for new bases and outposts.


Fly Casual was created to be a casual, mature gaming community with the intention of creating a fun environment for Star Citizen. We intend to participate in all Star Citizen will offer, be it PvE, PvP, mining, combat, salvage, construction, and exploration. No one will be required to participate in events they do not enjoy but we will encourage group participation

Being a mature group, we are looking for low drama and high enjoyment. We don’t necessarily intend to be family friendly, but we also don’t condone behavior that is inflammatory, derogatory, or mean. We may swear from time to time and we also ask that our members “know the room” and act accordingly.

Register for our Forums here: