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- FreeMAX -


‘Jobs with quality since 2895’


++++++Welcome to FreeMAX!++++++


Permanent Fleet:

- “Its no use!”… …to change something here, our $hipmaster is buying to many ships… we cant count them…



The FMAX is based on a simple premise: Where’s always a job to be done and a crew capable of performing it, you just need to bring them together.

That’s why in 2895 a few pilots and freelancers from the Goss system decided to form a company to bring them together. Starting out with just a single Freelancer, the FMAX today boast over a dozen ships of various types to be able to perform a wide variety of tasks. From cargo transport to interdiction, our fleet can do it all!

The Goss system proved to be an ideal starting location for the young business, its combination from tourisem, local trade routes and the infamous “Olympus Pool”, combined with frequent stops of UEE captial ships, always meant work to do.

Beginning with cargo runs from Goss-I to Cassel, the early days proved rather uneventful and only moderately profitable. Later contracts in the further reaches of the system, quickly also meant contact with local pirates and an expansion of the companies ship raster over two Aegis Gladius fighters, to keep the cargo safe. With the new combat potential of the company contracts to provide support to outside contractors soon followed and FMAX started to become a known name in the system.

The newly found recognition also meant more people joint the company and an expansion into neighboring systems or more precisely Terra. Terra of course being a much harder place to get a decent foothold so new investment were necessary, quickly a Constellation Andromeda became part of the growing fleet to keep up with growing demands for cargo space.

In the following years the company expanded further, more system and more contractors were waiting after all! Now we want to expand further the fleet has grown again we are looking for new pilots and crew, so if you are interested in joining our ranks look into the “Charter section of this site”.

FMAX Manager


signing off







How we work.

You might think that an organization of independent pilots contradicts itself. But you can only get so far alone, where are always reasons to not do a job alone, it might be to dangerous or maybe you can’t do a job at all because your ship’s not up to it.

Of course finding good jobs can be a challenge on its own, that’s why information sharing is one of the key aspects of our organization. If one of us comes across a nice offer while out in space that we don’t want or can’t take right now we share that knowledge with the org, so the job can be given to a different pilot.

FMAX pilots understand these things and as a result are always ready to help each others out so you don’t need to hire specialized orgs. After all these orgs don’t work for free. So if you can’t haul all that cargo by yourself or you need to cross a dangerous system, you can always rely on the help of other member in the org.

Hireing FMAX.

Specialized Organisations can also hire the FMAX as a hole for various tasks, why? Here are some good reasons why small & midsized orgs might hire us.

So you are probably asking yourself why would an organization hire us to do there jobs, instead of doing them by themselves? So let us explain.

Filling up ranks

Your organization may has a lot of members but what if nobody is available for that small job? FreeMAX pilots can help you out getting all that little stuff done, that your elite pilots are to busy for!

Space is a big place..

..and you can’t be everywhere. The best pilot in the Verse is useless than he is on Terra but you need him in the Stanton system. Our pilots and crews are nearly everywhere, so you don’t need to wait three days for one additional pilot to arrive.

Just a little bit assistance

You are unsure if you can handle a risky job? Everyone can need some help from time to time and FreeMAX pilots surely won’t disappoint you. Our pilots have experience in all tasks you might have for them and there getting just better at that they’re doing from day to day.

Crew members

Big ships need big crews and you surly don’t want to pull a pilot to an engineers job or the other way around. FreeMAX members can take on the position you are lacking people for, so you can be sure to have your best people on the stations you need them, without making sacrifices.


When you are hiring a random freelancer for a job you can never be sure if he is up to the task. The FMAX ensures that only pilots capable of fulfilling the task at hand get to do it.




FreeMAX stands for family, friendship and fun at what your doing!

Here at FreeMAX we are a community! We are not just a company with its employes, we are a big family there everyone is treated with respect and there we are not just working for the customer, but enjoy the life as freelancers!

What awaits you here?

1. A community that which holds!

2. No fixed working times, we are freelancers!

3. Jobs that fit your strengths and interests!

4. A fair payment!

5. Respectful handling

7. And a lot more!

What do we expect?

1. Fair handeling with each other, as well as the customer!

2. Careful execution of jobs!

3. Rare standbys for services!

We have lots of different jobs to offer, you can always chose what you want to be:

Pilot: you are going to fly goods and persons form point A to point B.

Explorer/Scout: You are flying ahead trying to spot potential threats. You will also scan asteroid field or jumppoints.

Fighter: You will be hunting targets or escorting other ships.

Crew member: You will be working as a regular crew member on bigger ships for customers.

Taxi: Then you don´t have a specific job, you are expected to fly other member to their target.

If you have still questions you can always ask them:

Interested? Then send us your application! We are always happy to see new members!




FreeMAX steht für Familie, Freundschaft und Spaß an dem was man tut!

Hier in FreeMAX wird Gemeinschaft groß geschrieben! Wir sind nicht nur eine Firma mit ihren angestellten, wir sind eine große Familie in der jeder vor jedem Respekt hat und wir nicht nur für denn Kunden arbeiten sondern, sondern das Leben untereinander Genießen!

Was erwartet euch hier?

1. Eine Gemeinschaft die zusammenhält!

2. Keine festen Arbeitszeiten, wir sind alle Freelancer!

3. Jobs die auf deine Stärken und Interessen abgeschnitten sind!

4. Eine angemessene Bezahlung!

5. Respektvoller Umgang!

6. Viel Herumkommen in den Systemen!

7. Und vieles mehr!

Was erwarten wir?

1. Fairer Umgang miteinander, sowie den Kunden gegenüber!

2. Sorgfältiges Ausführen von Aufträgen!

3. Seltene Bereitschaftsdienste!

Wir haben viel im Angebot und du kannst jederzeit wählen was du sein willst:

Pilot: Du fliegst Leute oder Waren/Ressourcen von A nach B

Forscher: Du fliegst eine Strecke vor und hältst nach Gefährlichen Stellen oder Gegnern Ausschau. Auch muss du auf Asteroidenfelder und Jumppoints scannen.

Fighter: Du wirst auf Auftragsjagd gehen oder Begleitschutz geben.

Crewmitglied: Du wirst mit dem Kunden mit fliegen und wirst für eine bestimmte Zeit Teil der Crew.

Taxi: Keine feste Rolle, aber du musst, wenn du gerade nicht beschäftigt bist, andere Angestellte abholen und sie zurück nach Hause oder zur Firma fahren.

Falls du noch Fragen hast, kannst du dich jederzeit bei uns melden und fragen stellen:

Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt? Dann frag uns an! Wir freuen uns immer über neue Member!