The Fancymen / FNCY

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Home of fancy men and fancy women. All equally mustached.


We played Mechwarrior Online.

We met at Comstars Teamspeak NA and EU.

We discussed fancy topics on our subreddit.

We became the Fancymen.


What the fancy men are and aren’t.

Crude – You will hear teases and cries of meta-whore while playing with us. We love needling people. Don’t be surprised by it.

Exuberant – don’t expect disciplined voice comms, we laugh, cheer and curse.

Casual – We’re not a competitive in any way. We play for the sole purpose of having fun!

Positive – Fancy men love of space ships and robots – we love flashy space ships and stompy robots (among other things). Chances are if you play with us you share this love (or not).

Independent & creativ – we appreciate funny builds and odd setups far more than someone strapping the meta flavour of the week to their mech spaceship. We won’t refuse to play with you, but expect to at least get made fun of now and then in jest.

Supportive – Fancy men look out for each other. You need a couch to crash on – one of us will make a plan.

Equal – Fancy men don’t discriminate – Fancy men don’t care if you are black, white, yellow or blue. Fancy men don’t discriminate on age, gender or sexual preference. Moustache’s and Monocles for everyone. Especially the ladies.

Teasers – Fancymen tease – It’s what we do. We make fun of people. Hell our official color scheme has bright purple and orange in it. Don’t get angry if someone needles you. Slap on some thicker skin and tease that fucker right back.

Distractible – Fancy men play things other than MWO StarCitizen. Sometimes someone will start playing a new game and we all flock to it like lemmings. This is fine and cool. Don’t feel like you have to play just because we play something.

Inhomogeneous – Fancy men don’t always agree on stuff – This isn’t needed nor required. Some of us love marmite, some love strawberry Icecream. Doesn’t matter.

Indifferent – Fancy men don’t care about politics – Have fun discussing it if it tickles your fancy, Don’t try and force your views on others.

Insensitive – Fancy men don’t care about religion as well. Some of us are atheist, some are christian or of various other denominations. We poke fun at everyone. We don’t mind you having faith – just don’t angry if someone makes fun of “insert religion of your choice here”. It’s all in jest.

Nice – Fancy men do say nice thing about other players if they feel like it. They know that being nice does not clash at all with beeing crude and is no sign of weakness.

Cooperative – Fancy men do help each other out in a drop space. If asked for help they do so in colourful and fancy way but they try to do so. Of course nobody can order a fancy man to do something. We are all equally mustached.

Adult – Fancy men don’t whine about balance and such. Whining about an online game is neither fancy nor fun.

These are the fancy tenets as some of us we see them. This isn’t fancy law, this is just how some of us see ourselves at the moment. Hell someone else could have a completely different opinion.


  • We are blissfully disorganized
  • We are open and welcoming to all players, even if we’ve had words before (this is not serious business)
  • We enjoy gaming and are not beholden to a single game
  • We are friends. Actual friends. If you want to make friends, hang out with us.


We have no leadership and our only rule is: don’t be an asshole. Respect each Fancyman. The person you’re talking to is a human being. If you don’t call sociopaths trolls and if you know the difference between teasing and hate-fueled discrimination you already live by our rules ;-). In that case:

You can read our fancy words at

You can hear our fancy voices in the FNCY channel at
Comstar Relay North America

Drop by and have fun!

If you are into MWO: join our toasty tuesday (flamer-locusts) or wobbly wednesday (playing while using performance modifying drugs like beer) to get an impression :-)