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The FortiFleet / FORTIFLEET

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

This is the FortiFleet. We are not Friendly. We do not apologize.



The FortiFleet Initiative

Propose : Non-military pilots who engage in disruption of enemy, or supposed enemy, supply lines and infrastructure under direct command from [REDACTED] outside or inside of UEE space. This will allow for plausible deniability to High Command within [REDACTED].

FortiFleet has been involved in the following operations :



Due to the sensitive nature of the initiative, no roster will be provided. Please use appropriate channels with proper clearance to acquire the last known roster.


As of [REDACTED] The FortiFleet is to be considered ROGUE. Last contact was [REDACTED]. The FortiFleet has claimed responsibility for multiple acts of piracy in the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] systems resulting in [REDACTED] deaths and [REDACTED] UEE in damage to strategic assets under [REDACTED] control. They should be considered EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. All members and known associates fall under a “Summary Execution” order issued by [REDACTED] effective immediately.


Fortifleet Manifesto

  • Someones misfortune is our opportunity. Legality is someone else’s problem.



You agree to the following upon joining:

  1. You will follow orders explicitly without question when issued from Command.
  2. You will not engage in any activity that will directly affect the FortiFleets ability to do “business”.
  3. You will have no allegiance to anyone but the FortiFleet and you will defend it until death.
  4. If you cross the FortiFleet, your life is forfeit.