Friends of the Wolf / FOTW

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Infiltration

We are the friends of the Wolf. What’s that? You haven’t heard of the Wolf? THE Warden Wolf? Well then, I guess you aren’t his friend… yet…


First there was the Wolf. Then there was his family, then his friends.

Now many know him – and either respect him… or fear him….


The friends of the Wolf are loyal.
The friends of the Wolf are honest.
The friends of the Wolf are true.
The friends of the Wolf are strong.


To join this organization you must simply know the Wolf, and be in good standing with him. Rank is assigned based on relationship to the Wolf.

Please keep any interaction between members friendly and courteous. Being a jerk can get you kicked out, per the Wolf’s discretion.

Logo and icon are based on third party artwork used under Creative Commons and modified to remove background color.