Legion of Stray Travelers / FOUND

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  • Exploration

Welcome to the Crossroad.

Through the Legion, the lost are found; the way is lit; the one becomes many. We are the light in the great darkness, guiding the way for those who have strayed from their path. We welcome you to The Crossroad and prey we can help you on your way.



The Crossroad has always been a holy site, a place of empowerment, for it is here at the intersection that the blessing of choice is bestowed unto man. It is here at the crossroads where paths meet and mingle only to diverge again. it is here at the Crossroads where one path can quickly become another. It is here at the crossroad that the Legion of Stray Travelers was convened.

The Journey

Through the years, decades, and centuries the Legion of Stray Travelers has both come together as our paths crossed and strayed apart at the forks. We know that all things have a place and all things have a time. As a faith we have observed many paths; some that converge, some that fork, some that cross, and some that do much more; such is the role of the Legion of Stray Travelers. We are the caretakers of the crossroad, and the shepherds of those who have strayed from their paths. As the grains of time pass to dust, the many paths of man sprawl before us, and we stand ready, torch in hand to guide the way.

The Convergence

The time of convergence is upon us. We now come together, to the Crossroad where our paths shall meet; and we, the Legion of Stray Travelers, bring with us all of those whom we have found, and whose paths we have lit. It is in this era, this age of gathering, that we now find ourselves and for this reason we hold our beacons high; may their light shine the way for the faithful.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.