Frontier Dynamics / FRODYN

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Frontier Dynamics is a small Corporation predominantly based around exploration and mining of the outer reaches of the Earth controlled systems with the aim of establishing a mining colony in the future. We are a lawful enterprise.
Frontier Dynamics – Living on the edge.


Frontier Dynamics was founded upon the basis of this simple quote…

“It is in our nature to explore, to reach out into the unknown. The only true failure would be not to explore at all.”
Ernest Shackleton


At it’s core Frontier Dynamics holds a number of principles as fundamental building blocks upon which all endeavours rest. They not only underpin everything within the Organisation but form the basis from which all members can better themselves, reach their individual potential and goals and in turn help others do the same.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
Arthur Ashe

The individual members of any organisation are what shape it’s character and the future it may have, without them there is literally nothing. Therefore Co-operation, Integrity, Understanding, Respect and Responsibility are key to everything we do.

- Co-operation between members regardless of role or position, the main purpose of which being development and achievement of personal and group goals.
- Integrity at the personal and group levels through which standards can be met, maintained and built upon.
- Understanding of members needs, abilities, differences, goals, difficulties and situations.
- Respect for other members, the ideals and standards they hold and how they pertain to the greater whole.
- Responsibility for ones conduct, actions and upholding the values of the Organisation.

By working together as a greater whole, adversity and difficulty present more surmountable obstacles. These in turn pave the way for a longer and more fulfilling journey towards discovery and destinations otherwise unattainable to the unaided individual.

As a primary endeavour Frontier Dynamics is dedicated to the exploration and settlement of the outer reaches of UEE territory. Through this necessary resources can be secured, vital scientific research conducted in various fields and the forefront of human knowledge pushed beyond it’s current boundaries. Achievements only possible, and with any real value, by upholding the core principles of the UEE, Frontier Dynamics and UEE law. These are what will build settlements for future generations. It is not enough to simply generate revenue. We must also generate innovation and the means to build upon what we have today.

The road ahead is long. The road ahead is hard. But so was the one behind us.

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
T.S. Eliot


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.