Frontiers to The New / FTN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security

Welcome to Frontiers to The New. We work to assist the galaxy’s trade to make it as easy and safe as possible. Traders will advance the company through trade missions and security forces of the company shall protect others and ours trading ships. Please join us in making the Galaxy better. Thank you


Frontiers to The New, History

April 10th

The company is created. A company the aspire to a galaxy were trading is safe and fast. The company focuses on trading and security for these trading vessels.

April 22nd

First test flight of the first ship in the fleet, an Aurora MR AC. This is the CEO’s own personal ship that will be used as a trading vehicle. Only a short flight no actually combat training. It does fly well.

April 26th

The first combat test flight of the Aurora MR AC, against a fleet of Vanduuls. We simulated a normal situation, the cargo ship, the Aurora MR AC, and two security Hornets, Warlord and Vixen. The first wave went well. The three Vanduuls arrived and were dispatched with haste and not damages were sustained. The second wave consisted of five Vanduuls, we sustained some damage the weapons over heated a lot faster so I assumed it was an issue with the ventilation. This lasted through out the third wave, which consisted of 4 Vanduuls and a Little King. The CEO was driving the vehicle through out the test and at the start of the third wave focused on taking out the Little King. Assume it was the most difficult out of the wave, he thought it would make the wave easier and he took out the four other Vanduuls. The next wave had two Vanduul Hunters and four Scavengers. Much like before, the CEO focused on the Hunters first, he took one out with the other on his tail and sustain some damage, nothing really of note though. He then set his sights on the Scavengers who were occupying Warlord and Vixens time. He dispatched two following Vixen and then discovered Warlord was in a bad state. He took out the last two but as he did so, Warlord died. Either due to the fighting still going on, damage to his ship or crash in to space debris. Sadly, it was not see how he perished. The next wave arrived with an unknown amount of fighters but it did consist of a single Priest and an unknown amount of Scavengers and Hunters. Immediately, Vixen was unable to be located. Vixen is now called as missing in action as she may have be fight behind a meteor and was unable to be pick up by our scanners but if she did die it was not known when in the wave. The CEO decided to go for the Priest first as he believe the same as all the another waves, strongest first. He found taking the priest out very difficult as it has homing missiles and two fighters assisting in the fight Will he was evading the incoming missile and taking out the priest, the two fighters were causing serious damage. Sadly the CEO’s ship was soon taken out but it did show that even though the Aurora MR AC is not meant for fighting it can hold it’s own.


What is Frontiers to The New

Frontiers to The New is a company that prides itself on providing safe, fast trade along with strong, reliable security. We aim to have all trade routes between colony complete safe from pirates and other dangers that current trader encounter. We have traders providing the best trading system in the galaxy and security forces providing the security of this trading system.

After a time in the military, our CEO became a trader. During his time as a trader he realised that the cruelties found in his time in the military were not just isolated to the military. He was attached by pirates multiple times and which caused him to lose large amounts of income, since his cargo was constantly stolen he could barely make any money. So he wanted to apply his military knowledge to making trade safer for the entire galaxy.


This charter contains the many principles and rules of Frontiers to The New.

All these shall be followed or consequences shall occur to anyone this obeying them. This is to ensure that the customer get the best service from our company.

1.Piracy, will not be accepted in this corporation. Pirates will be expelled immediately. Anyone found intracting with known pirates that have been expelled or are just known pirates will also be expelled.

2.Past Pirates and smugglers may join the corporation as long as they have not smuggled to pirated in the last two months but this means full transparency. All past missions must be divulged to a higher member of staff, e.g Commanders. If the higher members of staff think that you have reformed or produced appropriate reason for these actions you may join. If it is found that they have lied about past, then they shell be expelled.

3.If a member that has no previous history of piracy or smuggling has lied they shall, unlike the smugglers and pirates, will be give a second chance, but after that they will be expelled. We rely on the trust of a employees and these are all put in place to assure that the customers receive a good service. If information leaks on our missions it could be devastating for us and the customers.

4.The cargo takes over all priorities. If pirates attack, the security must protect the cargo ship at all costs. If other obsolete security forces are being used or ours have been put out of action, then all hands to the turret and guns and go on the defensive. If all this fails and the ship is boarded, all crew must head to the cargo hold and protect it from the attackers. This insures the customer that the are getting the best for their money, them and their cargo are our number one priority.

5.Traders must have ships focusing on large cargo and high speed. Security forces must have ships focusing on fire power and manoeuvrability. The size or original purpose of the ship does not determine the roles you shell play as you can work in both branches with any ships along as that ship are focusing on these properties.

6.If a Commander or an Admiral is killed in battle and their heir takes their possessions, they may still become a Captain in the company but they will not hold the same rank as the loved one unless they earn it as they did.

Chain of Command

The CEO decides the missions done by members of the company and assigns the commander for the missions. This is the main role of the CEO but they have the ability to preform any role in the company they desire. So that can be the Commander of a mission, the Admiral that leads a fleet in a mission, a Captain commanding his ship and crew or just a Crew Mate. All members of the company must follow his instructions.

The Officers are Commanders that have done so well in the company that they now lead large parts of the company. They are still commanders themselves but assist the company in business. Unlike regular Commanders, Officers decide which missions shall be done but, much like the regular Commanders, control the planning of these missions.

The Commanders instructs the Admirals and anyone lower in the chain of command. If an Commander is on a ship they are immediately in charge of that vessel and its crew unless someone higher in the ranks is on board, e.g. the CEO of an Officer. Commander deal with the planning of a mission and how they should be executed. Commanders themselves do not usually carry out the mission as that role is given the Admiral.

The Admirals leads a fleet of ships each and commands the captains in this fleet. If an Admiral is on a ship they are immediately in charge of that vessel and its crew unless someone higher in the ranks is on board, e.g. a Commander. The Admiral will carry out the mission planned by the commander of the mission using they fleet. Their fleet could be many or a few but as long as they are leading the mission and commanding the Captains of the other ships then they will be performing the role of Admiral.

The Captains instruct the crew of the ship they own, including the First Mate and Crew Mates. A New Recruit or a Crew Mate will become a Captain if they join a crew of a ship that they own. The Captains just command their ship and will only carry out a mission if they are promoted to admiral or it is just a single ship mission. A pilot of a fighter will be considered a Captain as long as it is their ship, even if it is a two or multi-crew fighter. A Captain does not have command over the other crews of the other ships in the fleet.

First Mate-
The First Mate of the vessel is the second in command to Captain and is the intermediary between the Crew Mates and the Captain. The First Mate is decided by the Captain of the ship that they are the crew of. They direct to movement of the crew around the ship; instructing them on what they need to do to follow the Captains command.

Crew Mates-
The Crew Mates are only high in the ranks then one, the New Recruits. When there is a New Recruit, a Crew Mate is assigned to them to teach them all that is need when in the FTN. Crew Mates preform any operations to Captain commands. Captains will become Crew Mates if they join a crew of a ship they do not own. Crew mates can swap between ships at their will as long as it is still a ship of this company.

New Recruits-
The New Recruits are the newest members of the FTN. They are assigned to a Crew Mate which will then teach them all that is needed to be a Crew Mate. Often after their first mission, they will be promoted to crew mate unless they have committed a grave mistake, in this case they will be removed.

Rules of Combat

If there is a Commander in the fleet, it is in charge, but every mission should have an Admiral which commands their ship and the fleet and they are in command if there is not Commander. In small single ship missions, the captain of this ship is in charge to carry out the mission.

If an Admiral or a Captain dies in combat then their first mate of their ship takes over. If the Admiral dies, the first mate of his ship will then command the fleet. If the Admirals ship is destroyed, then the command will be given to a Captain of the cargo ship as they are the most protected. If the Admiral’s ship was the cargo ship, then all Captains of the security forces must protect the wreckage until reinforcements arrives to salvage the wreckage.

The cargo is the most important part of the mission. Security forces must protect it, no matter the cost. The security must defend the cargo ship until it can get to safety. The forces must keep a constant perimeter around the cargo ship, I know this is tricky in 3D space but try to get it done. Protects it rear as that will be the most likely spot for attack as the cargo ship may have guns in the front and it also most likely will hold the cargo. If a security ship is under attack, another must follow the two dog fighting ships to take it out. If it is a single security ship and a single cargo ship then the security ship must fly over the cargo ship as they maybe able to take out the attacker as you fly over head.

If all security forces are lost during the mission, then the cargo ship must go in the defensive. This means hiding in behind space debris to stay off some scanners or just run away, use the speed to your advantage and run. If there is no way to run or hide, go on the offensive; use all fire power of the ship to fight off the attackers.

Dealing with other companies

Trading companies-
Only our security forces shall be at the disposal of other trading companies for guarding of their cargo.

You can pay the security personal for both them and their ships or just the people for a crew.

Cost of a ship and crew
Small = 1200Rec
Medium = 2200Rec
Large = 4000Rec

Cost of a single personal
1 = 600Rec

Security companies-
We will only work with other security companies if our own security forces are unable to help carry out the mission, which is unlikely. They will follow all orders given to them to by the Commanders and Admirals of the mission. If all is well at the end they will be paid. If mistakes were made and cargo or ships were lost it will be deducted from their pay as it was their job to protect them.

Amendments shall be made to this charter if the demand is large enough.