Freelance United Celestial Knights / FUCKINA

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Few have what it takes to be a F.U.C.K.


We’re making history every day!


Freelance United Celestial Knights is a social guild dedicated to those in the universe that are passionate about Freelancing and Exploration. The idea is to provide a place for like minded citizens to share information, resources, tell stories, ask questions, and assist one another in making our own individual paths. We’re like Freemasons, Shriners, Screen Actors Guild, or the American Welding Society for the Star Citizen universe.

While we are primarily a guild dedicated to Freelancing, secondarily (but just as passionately) we are dedicated to exploration of the verse. To us, Freelancing and Exploration really go hand in hand. We feel being able to put our talents to use in a variety of situations and in various locations give us all the advantage of being able to go where we’re needed, and work how we want, where we want.

Travel the universe. Explore uncharted space and discover the wonders of known territories. You don’t have to join the Millitary or a Slaver Cartel to see the universe and earn a check. Freelancers take the opportunities they feel will take them on the adventures they seek.

F.U.C.K is all about freedom to make your way in verse with a group of like minded people who value the adventure options variety gives you. Work where you want, when you want. Sometimes you’ll need/want to go it alone, sometimes you’ll need some extra hands or equipment to get the job done. We’re here to pool resources and help one another with our Freelancing and Exploring aspirations whenever support is needed. There are a lot of different ways to make money in the verse and a lot of area to explore, discover, and profit on. Let’s do it together.


Freelance United Celstial Knights values the freedom guild members have to work independently in their chosen fields, or to be a jack-of-alll-trades for any one in any area of the universe. You may be a part of one or many Orgs, or you may fly solo. We’re here to support those who want to “own” themselves as a business. That can include anything from working with an independent team on a reconnaissance venture, to assisting in larger projects as a member or affilate within an org, or to having a mobile repair shop you man alone and take wherever you feel like being at the moment. In keeping with that spirit, we don’t impose a lot of rules on our members, but the few guildelines we do have are outlined here.

1st Rule – Respect your fellow Knights! – As a F.U.C.K, you are a member of a an exclusive club, like a Freemason, a Star Citizen Concierge Wing Commander, or person who’s picture is on the wall of The Big Texan Steak Ranch after completing the 72 oz steak challenge. Despite being a part of niche corner of the verse, F.U.C.K. is an organization that is welcoming to all who share our common passions, regardless of race, religion, color, sex, etc. Racisim, sexisim, and various other isms and assorted bullshit will not be tollerated.

1st Rule# 2 Have each other’s backs – Not everyone can be a F.U.C.K. Our numbers are few, and those few are a proud lot. If you see a brother or sister in need, lend a hand.

Other rules that don’t deserve a number

Resource and information sharing – Ship sharing, trade route information, scanning locations, etc are permited and encouraged to be shared within the guild. The more we help one another out, the tighter our network bonds will be. This ensures we can be there for one another at our fullest capacity, when so required.

Operation Information – Information on Operations planned within the guild is not permitted to be shared or traded outside of the guild. Knights found to distribute or sell information that undermines F.U.C.K. Organizational goals will have their membership revoked.

Organization Membership – Knights have no restrictions on orgazational memberships and affiliations. Guild members are permitted and encouraged to join other orgs.

F.U.C.K. Org remains neutral in organizational conflicts – If 2 Knights are also members of conflicting or opposing orgs, the F.U.C.K. Org is not permitted to ‘pick a side’ in said conflict. However, other Knights may engage in Freelance work for either org.

  • The exception to this is any work or conflict that undermines the governeing goals of F.U.C.K. Org. Knights participating in such ventures will have their guild membership revoked.
  • Knighted members are not required to engange in conflict resolution regarding these matters, however, F.U.C.K. Org will persue damages and/or retribution where warranted.

We believe most internal conflict can be handled diplomatically, so we’ll talk through concerns whenever possible, and encourage those with Knight membership to do the same. Cases deemed serious enough will be reviewed by F.U.C.K Senior leadership, who reserve the right to revoke membership at any time.