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Dragon Clan / FURIOUS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Dragon Clan is a organization created for mature players who enjoy dirty deeds such as piracy, capturing and ransoming ships, working as a team to overcome odds, smuggling, stealing loot, transporting prisoners for profit, bounty hunting and mercenary work.



6/3/2014 – Recruitment has begun for pirates, smugglers, and syndicate types.
5/22/2014 – Dragon Clan was founded by Aviticus Dragon.



Dragon Clan is a new organization created for mature players who want to experience being on the other side of the law but also want friendship and other like-minded individuals to play Star Citizen with. This organization is for players who enjoy dirty deeds such as piracy, capturing and ransoming ships, working as a team to overcome odds, smuggling, stealing loot, bounty hunting, mercenary work and even transporting prisoners for profit.

Dragon Clan is made up of those who believe that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. There’s a dragon in each and every one of us. As one of the most feared mythical creatures, a dragon is not to be trifled with. Dragons have the power to stand up for themselves and conquer anything trying to bring them down. We may be small in numbers, but with experienced leadership, planning, and strategy; there’s nothing we can’t accomplish in Star Citizen.



Dragon Clan is listed as hardcore, because we pride ourselves as being highly organized. When we’re playing together we will play to succeed in whatever our goals are. Whether our goal is to assault an enemy, smuggle prisoners, or capture a ship; we will effectively PLAN and STRATEGIZE our mission where everyone takes part in and shares in the rewards. This does not mean that real life is not the most important thing, and all members have the freedom to play as much or as little as they want. There is no “we’ll kick you out for being inactive” mentality here.


Our organization will be hunted, not only by mercenaries and mega-corporations, but by bounty hunters and other pirates as well. A lot of our tactics will specialize in guerrilla warfare with a get in, get out mentality. We are pirates, not militia. While militia and large corporations will have access to continuous resources, we unfortunately will not. Every decision we make will be carefully planned to be flawlessly executed to reduce risk and loss. As pirates, we always have to decide if the juice is worth the squeeze.


Since the organization only consists of myself at this current time, there are plenty of specialized roles, and leadership positions available for those who are looking to work together to shape and build this organization from the ground up. As an active YouTuber and content creator, I will be looking for a second and third in command to keep things operational in my absence. Like-minded individuals who share my vision and want a leadership position are encouraged to apply.
While our main missions and goals will include all active members, squadron leaders are encouraged to form their own squad with other members and do whatever they feel like doing in their spare time. When a scheduled mission requires all active members, depending on the strategy, multiple squads may be formed with their own set of goals for the mission handed down from leadership. This could range from causing distractions, retreat feints, scouting the enemy, protecting an important vessel with cargo, guerrilla warfare, pincer attacks, and many other things.


While we will have dedicated roles for those who want to specialize in something, any member is free to do as they please as long as a scheduled operation is not taking place. Don’t feel like flying with a squad, and want to go pirating lone wolf style? Go for it. Want to sit around in your hanger and just chill? You can. Whatever it is you want to do, you are free to do it. My job as a leader is to provide options for members on things to do, but not force you to do something you don’t feel like doing.


When you join Dragon Clan you will start out as a soldier of the organization. After sticking with us for a month you’ll then be recognized as a full “Patched” member. After becoming a “Patched” member, those who show an interest in certain roles such as squadron leaders, recruiters, spymasters, etc. are eligible to apply for a specialized role. Applications will be reviewed and approved or denied from there. Very rarely will we deny a role or someone’s passion for that play style. We may suggest the applicant for a different role, or even create a new role that leadership feels they would do well in. Leadership will often ask other members for input before they make their decision.

Note: There will always be room for anyone to grow in this organization. If you show dedication and passion for a certain role, we will recognize it.


  • SOLDIER – New member, has shown interest in the organization.
  • PATCHED – Full member. Has shown dedication. Able to apply for a specialized role that suits their playstyle.
  • ENFORCER – Proven as a capable pirate and/or specialized role. Actively organizes raiding parties, leader of squadrons and other specialization groups.
  • CHIEF – Actively promotes Patched members to Enforcers when earned or recognized. Hands out scheduled mission orders and makes sure all squadrons understand their strategic role in any official operations. Manages day to day operations in absence of Boss and Underbosses.
  • UNDERBOSS – Manages day to day operations. Discusses strategy and organization plans directly with the Boss offering input on decisions and upcoming operations.
  • BOSS – Manages all aspects of the organization. Leader and head decision maker. Actively schedules and strategizes operations.


NOTE: Due to the need to fill roles before Star Citizen’s release, the timeframe on these promotions may be significantly decreased.

  • RANK 0 – Soldier – Immediate
  • RANK 1 – Patched – 1 month with organization
  • RANK 2 – Enforcer – Earned. Promoted by Chief rank & above
  • RANK 3 – Chief – Earned. Promoted by Underboss rank & above
  • RANK 4 – Underboss – Earned. Promoted by the Boss
  • RANK 5 – Boss – Not achievable


Exact title names and roles not fleshed out 100%

  • Recruiter – Recruits new members
  • Communications – Manages branding, and communicates on forums on behalf of the organization.
  • Spymaster – Gathers Intelligence on potential targets
  • Squadron Leader – Leads a flight squadron
  • Wing Commander – Leads multiple flight squadrons
  • Logistics Specialist – Experts at hauling cargo
  • Diplomats- Good with words. Able to scout potential alliances, or mercenary contracts.
  • Video Producer – Creates propaganda, recruitment videos, etc.
  • Bookkeeper- Manages finances to some degree, lets us know what we can and can’t afford, who owes us, etc.
  • Organization Analyst – Analyzes entire organization and suggests improvements to any and all areas.
  • Raiding Force Analyst – Tracks the size and ship models of our current raiding force.
  • Strategist – Proven ability to come up with strategies to reduce risk and loss.

Note: All members of the rank “Patched” and above, can apply for a specialization. Patched members are full members, and have proven their dedication to the organization. New specializations can be suggested if there is a need for that role.


I have roughly 12 years of guild leadership experience from 1998-2010, and have taken my previous guild through over 10 online role playing games starting with Ultima Online and ending with Darkfall Online.
Note: Dragon Clan is a Star Citizen only Organization and there are no plans to move to other games. If Star Citizen delivers, then we will be able to enjoy this game for many years to come!


I’ve found over the years of leading a guild that rules are ineffective. The last thing one should do is tell people how to act, or how to play their game. Instead, I will list the traits we are looking for each member to have. You as a person have these traits or you don’t.

    Dragon Clan will consist of mature players who respect everyone in the game even though we side on the other end of the law. You are the type of person that ignores trash talk, says “Chin up!, you’ll get us next time” and continues having fun.
    Lonewolf style of gameplay is encouraged, but also working as a team. You enjoy flying in a squadron with others as much as you do by yourself.
    When a friend is in need you enjoy offering your support. If a mission is being planned, you are willing to help your organization succeed.
    We are seeking those who are true to their word. If you make a deal with someone, you are the type of person who will honor the terms of that deal no matter what.
    The success of the organization depends on you and your word. If a mission is planned for a certain day and time, and you agree to be online, then we’re counting on you to be online. Real life ALWAYS takes precedence over the game. We understand last minute issues can come up, but you try to schedule your time the best that you can.


Most of our official missions will be streamed, recorded, documented, and uploaded to YouTube where they can be viewed by anyone. People will watch our accomplishments and defeats as they take place in the game.


Put in an application on this page!


It is recommended that you join the Dragon Clan discord server, where we can talk strategies, play together in the Persistent Universe, and prepare for Star Citizen’s official launch.


A passion for piracy, causing destruction, stealing loot, and being the underdogs in the galaxy!

Dragon Clan will consist of mature players who respect everyone in the game even though we side on the other end of the law. You are the type of person that ignores trash talk, says “Chin up!, you’ll get us next time” and continues having fun.

Lonewolf style of gameplay is encouraged, but also working as a team. You enjoy flying in a squadron with others as much as you do by yourself.

When a friend is in need you enjoy offering your support. If a mission is being planned, you are willing to help your organization succeed.

We are seeking those who are true to their word. If you make a deal with someone, you are the type of person who will honor the terms of that deal no matter what.

The success of the organization depends on you and your word. If a mission is planned for a certain day and time, and you agree to be online, then we’re counting on you to be online. Real life ALWAYS takes precedence over the game. We understand last minute issues can come up, but you try to schedule your time the best that you can.