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Welcome to FUtilez!

PvP focused guild. English speaking, based in EU.

Do You Have What it Takes?


The guild roots started back in 2003 with Lineage II and other games after it, but our main policies and structure began in 2006 with Dark and Light where we were know under EGG guild name.In 2007 we lost our old domain and forums so we decided to start from scratch using guild name FUtilez.

In May 2008 we started a new chapter in Age of Conan and became quickly the dominant guild on the server. When server merges hit we were moved to Fury and still stayed dominant force in both Sieges and PvP. The guild was closed in February in 2009 for a summer break and to try out Aion. We then returned to Age of Conan PvP updates & Kithai expansion in February 2010 and once again became a dominant force until we closed it down in August 2010.

Early in 2012 we worked on setting up a massive alliance for gw2 WvW warfare. We tried to find guilds like us from as many timezones as possible to keep fighting 24/7. We upgraded our TS server to 512 slots to host the whole alliance on our TS. We setup an alliance website, www.pevepe.net, to give our alliance a good structure. At launch, in august, we switched the whole alliance to an empty server. During the next few months we fought our way up through the rankings. In december we entered the highest WvW competition and immediately came in first. Shortly after we closed the gw2 division down cause our members had lost interest in gw2. We still host the alliance on our TS and keep on managing the alliance website wich we might use for future projects.

At the moment we have guild devisions in The Elder Scrolls Online and in Arche Age (russian beta atm, waiting for Trion’s EU/NA release) and are also recruiting for those games. Feel free to team up with us there while waiting for Star Citizen release.

Since 2007 more then 2.600 users registered at our forums, which speaks volumes about the impact we had among the MMO player base worldwide and we are very proud of it.

Visit our forum here


We are adult collection of gamers who have come together under the same ideology and the real strength of our guild lies in the positive attitudes and the dedication of our members.

We strive to be the best in everything we do including having fun and laughing at ourselves even when we really aren’t the best. A good sense of humor will get you far and looking after your fellow members is key to success in the guild.

While gaming to be on team speak, always sign up for guild events (available/not available), intense participation in mass guild events and having fun in such an environment, be active in community forums and self-motivated to take initiative.

We are here to have fun and to increase our enjoyment through the guild.

Visit our forum here



01. Exploiting / botting
Will not be tolerated. Penalty: Instant kick.
(unless the exploit is bit vague, and it’s not considered as an exploit, in that case the player will receive a warning)

02. Team Speak 3
A working microphone and a copy of Team Speak is needed if you wanted to be Futilez member.
While ingame you are expected to be connected on Team Speak and in appropriate channel

03. Inactivity
If you quit or are not interested in the game we are currently playing, we will deactivate you from the guild and you can look to meet up with us again in the next game we play.

04. Disruptive Behavior
An excessive amount of complaining, non-constructive criticism, arguing will result in removal from the guild.
This does not mean that members can never complain, criticize or argue. The keyword here is “excessive”, meaning that it reaches the point where it affects guild cohesiveness.

Any guild member that engages in excessively disruptive behavior will receive a cautionary warning first, and if that behavior continues, they will be booted from the guild. Bad mouthing ANY member or the guild itself in guildchat or on the forums is forbidden.
  • If you have a complaint, take it first to that player and if you feel it is serious enough, take it to the leadership.
  • No harassing, belittling, stalking or any other behavior that disrupts the guild�s continuity will be allowed.
  • Petty arguments and disagreements will not be tolerated.

05. Quality Players
Futilez has a standard of quality play that we intend to maintain. If any guild member is found to be lacking in their skills, they may be asked to leave the guild.

06. ALT’s
Members are NOT allowed to have any alts in other guilds.
( except if it was approved for some special purpose )

07. No Cliques
We will not allow special cliques to form within the guild. Everyone in the guild should get to know all of the other guild members, and be equally helpful to all of them.

08. Respect Your Guild Members
You are required to treat other members of the guild with respect. How you actually feel about them is not relevant, but your behavior is. Feel free to interact with anyone outside of the guild however you like, as long as it doesn’t violate any of the guild rules.

09. Ninja Looting
Ninja looting any item for any reason will not be tolerated.

10. Applying for other guilds
You are by no circumstances allowed to to make any sort of enquirers about joining other guilds. (for instance: posting on their forums; your application, etc.). In order to gain that sort of information you have to leave the guild, otherwise a kick will follow.


Promotion is based on merit and not on seniority. The best way to receive a promotion is to show initiative and good judgement. If an officer start to lack the time and can not fulfill his obligations he will be asked to step down and this is not meant as a punishment, this is meant to make sure we keep functioning efficiently.


The primary aim of the guild is to have fun, and cause some mayhem while doing it. Please try to remember this before you get caught up in exp or loot worries, panicking about not having a group, or a myriad of other things that spoil both your enjoyment and that of others.

The guild is its members. This means taking an active part in the guild, joining in events, grouping with other guildies on regular basis, helping others with quests, doing what you can to help the guild as a whole. That does not exclude soloing, grouping with others, or not jumping in to help every person who asks. It is about finding the right balance to benefit you and the guild.

If you know that you will be gone for few days or plan to quit the game, let us know through our Away/Absent forums.


All guild members are expected to be ACTIVE on the forums. You don’t have to post 1000 topics, but you are expected to browse them once a day for any new updates or changes. You are also encouraged to use them as a means of communication to express your ideas, opinions, and criticisms. We will not censor you until you turn into ten year old. If you do not have a forum account (hopefully you do if you’re reading this) you must create one before you can become a full member of this guild. We feel this is a small thing to ask to show some initiative and dedication on your part.

Because we like to keep our forums clean, accurate, and efficient, our members may register only once. If you lose or forget your password and/or user name, do not create another account. Instead, use forgotten password feature or post it in support forum. Members with multiple accounts will be deleted without notice.

Visit our forum here