Ganymede Starlines / GANYMEDE

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  • Transport
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Fly business, Fly pleasure, Fly Ganymede!


Challenging the status quo!

As a brand new luxury transportation service, Ganymede hopes to challenge the status quo of passenger transportation around the UEE. Too many Starlines in the past have relied fully on bulk transportation of passengers. We started this venture because we are convinced that it is the experience that counts.

What is the story behind our name and logo?

In ancient Greek mythology, Ganymede was a handsome young prince of Troy who caught the eye of Zeus, the king of the gods. Zeus transformed into an eagle and carried him away to Mount Olympus, where he became his lover and cupbearer. Ganymede served nectar and ambrosia to the gods and goddesses, and was honored with a constellation in the sky. He was the most beautiful of all mortals and enjoyed eternal youth and happiness.

How we started:

Ganymede had its very beginnings just recently. Our founders were a small team of pilots and engineers working cargo operations with a small Hull A around Crusader doing freelance contracts. One day someone in the team delivered a rare archeological item to one of the higher ups at Crusader Industries. They started talking and this person became the first investor in our venture to the stars, sponsoring a large amount of what was necessary to get our first Spirit E1 variant aerospace craft. In cooperation with Crusader Industries, flight operations began with small charter flights bringing high level employees to their destinations.

Now that a few years have passed Ganymede has expanded to span the entire Stanton system with routes to and from all the major hubs. From sightseeing tours at Microtech to transporting business men to the CBD at Lorville on Hurston, the team at Ganymede is ready to take on any challenge that awaits them. Ganymede is now transporting private and commercial passengers from all over to their destination safely and swiftly.
Recently, the flight operations team has even started to think about opening up a small number of selected routes to the Pyro system and is in close communication with the UEE security forces and various PMC’s to ensure the complete safety of all our passengers. Stay tuned!

About a year ago the company started to expand into commercial cargo operations as well and has since begun adding cargo focused aerospace craft to the fleet.

GANYMEDE STARLINES is a certified member of the Interstellar Transport Guild.


Our Commitment:

Here at Ganymede, we pride ourselves on our reliability and comfort. Whether you are travelling for work or leisure, we will make sure your needs are met at all times. You will arrive at your destination rested and on time, ready to take on the challenges or pleasures that await.


In our operations, safety is always our first priority. With our brand new flight hardware from tried and trusted aerospace manufacturer Crusader Industries, you can be sure you are in capable hands. Not to forget our brillant engineering team which works day and night to keep our operations running smoothly, always.

The Fleet:

Our Fleet consists of the brand new Crusader Spirit E1 variant which hits new strides in efficiency, speed and defense capabilities. All this will ensure that you arrive SAFELY, SWIFTLY and SOUNDLY.

Cargo Operations:

For our commercial customers, our cargo fleet might be the right choice for you. Fly your cargo cheap, safe and fast! Visit our commercial customer page for more info.


Corporate Governance:

This is part of the internal employee area of the homepage. If you want to apply you can click the join org button and one of our recruiters will look at your apllications.