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GasHogs / GASHOG

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Founded in 2872 by BigHog-In-Command Sr. for the purpose of delivering fuel and natural gas resources to aid in the development of Project Archangel (SynthWorld) at the behest of Imperator Salehi. GasHogs were tasked with delivering UEE supplied resources to construction workers onboard Archangel Station and the SynthWorld.

Although nothing had been proved, suspicion began to arise surrounding the methods in which GasHogs were delivering fuel. Problems and malfunctions would frequently arise among vehicles and equipment using GasHog supplied fuel. the issue seemed to be attributed to insufficient fuel quality. Workers and Scientists began to suspect GasHogs of cutting the gas and mixing it with cheap synthetic filler in order to maintain cargo manifest quantities. Despite complaints and malfunction records, GasHogs were never caught tampering with the fuel and thus never charged with a crime.

2922- Imperator Salehi dies and and Imperator Kelos Costigan is elected. Project Archangel undergoes extensive staff changes and audits with the new administration in place. Years of piled accusations and evidence of GasHog tampering is discovered and a UEE lawsuit is brought against the GasHogs. The legal battles span from years 2923-2928 ultimately ending with the UEE dropping its case after Plaintiff failed to find or expose any of the alleged “Stolen Gas”. Notably, the case had many situations where the key witnesses meant to testify against the GasHogs mysteriously went missing or refused to testify.

Despite the legal victory, GasHog public opinion fell drastically as many believed they cheated the system and got away with it. GasHogs Public UEE contracts were revoked and the organization was blacklisted from participation in Project Archangel despite its long history with the project.

2930- GasHogs moves into the private sector, focusing primarily on selling gas and natural resources to disparaged planets and outposts. Rumors begin to arise of GasHog Blockades and Mercenaries threatening and attacking competing organizations surrounding the planets they service in attempts to corner markets and extort the already suffering locals they claim to serve.

2944- -Concerned Citizens Foundation files another lawsuit against the GasHogs after discovering hidden witness testimonies supposedly revealing tampering evidence from the lawsuit of 2923. The lawsuit spans from 2944-2946 with a similar ending to the first lawsuit. Concerned Citizens Foundation lawyers are unable to find any stolen gas deposits and too many of the key witnesses in the trial go missing or fail to incriminate The GasHogs.

2951- GasHogs continue to operate in both monitored and unmonitored space, providing poor and impoverished communities with natural resources and security services at affordable rates.



-GasHogs run wild, buck hard, and get gas. Being a GasHog isn’t a title. Its a lifestyle. Hogs live by a set of standards most would consider too wild and unconventional. We take what others waste. When its comes to non Hogs, if they’re poor, they don’t matter no more.

Purpose of The GasHogs:

Acquire Gas. Take what others would waste. “Help” those who cant help themselves.

Overarching Principles of Operation

1. Never waste a drop.

2. Make sweet baby love.

3. HRRROINK while doing it.

Targeted Objectives

1. Get Gas

2. Reduce competition

3. Stop fair trade

The Primary Tasks:

Maintain Public Image.


I. All GasHogs must maintain GasHog public image. Every interaction must end with a HRRROINK.

II. GasHogs are not terrorists. Hogs serve the Gas.

III. Hogs must answer the squeal of duty from other Hogs whenever possible.

IV. Never expose HogHouses or SlopDeposits.