Baltar Industries / GBALTAR

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Before we begin to explore the Baltar Industries organization’s history, manifesto and charter, it is important that you—the reader and potential org member—understand certain distinctions. Number one, we are not a griefing organization nor are we common trolls. We strive to shake things up in the universe while at the same time providing entertainment for participants and onlookers alike.

(Introduction expanded and amended by Kyn O’Din at the request of CIG)


[Note to reader: This may not make sense unless you have seen all four seasons of Battlestar Galactica. The ending was kind of disappointing so, with my entry into the SC universe I am revising that ending. I am including the last 10 mins of the show from youtube.]

150,000 years ago I started a new life on Earth with my darling Caprica Six. The plan was to abandon all our technology and start over. Something about this did not sit right with me, because I was a scientist and abandoning all that knowledge just seemed wrong.

But I had a secret. While the final five Cylons were downloading resurrection plans to the colony, I had intercepted the data and made a copy of it. With Caprica’s help I was able to construct a resurrection facility on earth. (and later in other parts of the galaxy) and be resurrected like the Cylons, which meant that after my human body died I would live again as a Cylon.

Wanting to skip the early and brutal periods of humanity’s development, I died at age 96 and went into cold storage with Caprica Six until much later when we woke up to find man kind only slightly below the technological levels we were accustomed to some 150,000 years later. Things were looking kind of dubious to me, as if things were going to happen all over again.

Some several hundred years after we came out of cold storage a new era began; humanity found new alien races and made war with them. This gave rise to a military dictatorship known as the Messer Era. War broke out and humanity nearly wiped out the Tevarin race. Not wanting to see this vicious cycle return we decided that it was best we aided the rebel elements against the new Imperator.

It was during this period that I lost my darling Caprica Six. We had been labeled as rebels by the local authorities and in control of an illegal cloning facility. (What was really my resurrection lab) They raided the site and damaged the data of my Caprica Six. I have not been able to resurrect her since.

Now she rides the stream that separates life from death. Sometimes I see her when I download, it’s my only chance to talk to her again until my purpose is complete. It’s all apart of God’s plan she tells me. Why does that not make me feel better?

At some point I must have developed “D’Anna Syndrome” as I like to call it. After a while I would get these urges to suicide and download again, just so I can experience the beauty of beyond and be in my Caprica’s arms again.
As the years passed I continued the cycle not letting my body wear out from old age. Suicide to download again and again. I even made a dummy corporation called “Baltar Industries” to keep funding my resurrection sites and keep them secret.

As mankind continued to expand into space, so did I. It was a long shot but those Cylons who left Earth all those years ago were out there somewhere. I had to reach them, perhaps then they were advanced enough to repair Caprica’s corrupted data stream. My syndrome would come and go. Sometimes I would get the urge and now I have taken to ramming my ships in order to die and be with Caprica again, even if for a short time. Each time she would reassure me about “God’s Plan” And so in my moments of sanity, my search continues in space…



Gaius Baltar here, of Baltar Space Industries!

I know many of you can’t decide what to be when the ‘verse comes out. Do I become a law abiding Star Citizen or a ruthless pirate? The lonely life of exploring? The dangerous life of a Merc? You need not struggle with this question any longer: Become a Star Troll! Let’s face it, space can be a very boring place and it’s our job to make everything more fun – for us that is!

You’re asking yourself: “What is a Star Troll?”

Let me break that down for you, A Star Troll is neither a dedicated PVEer who only seeks PvE combat nor a pirate who just wants to gank and steal stuff. We kind of ride the cutting edge of the Law but never actually break it. Keeping a good standing in UEE space is important to funding our Star Trolling operations. We study and probe game mechanics to see what we CAN do without taking a reputation hit, and so on.

We play both sides at times, unless it’s illegal to sell arms to pirates we’ll make deals with the more honorable types on their side. Or protect dedicated PVEers from being ganked – you never know which side of the coin we’ll be on. All of our actions can be put down to one principle: Implied consent. What this means is, if you steal then we’ll feel free to steal from you. If you gank, we’ll feel free to gank you and so on. But all within legal actions under UEE space in order to keep faction rep up. If we have to gank or steal from someone who has pissed us off we’ll have to do it in parts of space that are not monitored.

“What Kinds of things do Star Trolls do?”
Put simply, we use game mechanics to play pranks on people or otherwise piss them off, record the actions and put it up on youtube, for the enjoyment of the entire community. Here’s some ideas I have been tossing around.

For activities against hardcore pirate gankers /greifers.

1. Ship ramming.
2. Mass fleet counter-ganking. Protecting dedicated PVEers.
3. Disabling ship and towing / ramming that ship into UEE stations so the pirate gets blamed for the damage.
4. Setting ambushes on cargo ships being attacked by boarding parties.
5. Forcing the pirates to sing Trolololollol song or another song over voice coms or be ganked.

For activities against / with honorable non-ganking pirates.

1. Stealing ships and leaving it derlict in the middle of vanduul space.
2. Selling arms and munitions to pirates or their representatives who can enter secure UEE space.
3. Making them sing songs over voice coms for loot.
4. Setting up ambushes for the pirates to steal loot. IE “Hey miners some rich stuff over in X system” then “Hey Pirate d00d, sending some miners your way!”
5. Sending pirates on ‘Treasure hunts’ with players at each treasure hunt positioned. Pirates must answer a riddle to go on to the next clue or treasure! IE Monty Python style riddles. “What… is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?”

For activities against / with dedicated PvE’ers.

1. Sneaking onto their ship or being a crew member then playing music like Trolololol song or Herbert the Pervert sounds over voice coms.
2. Bumping cargo containers or dragging the cargo away but without actually stealing it (and setting off the stealing mechanic) then hiding it somewhere maybe among npc’s.
3. Sending them on trade missions into a pirate camped system.
4. Asking them to sing songs over voice comms for rewards.
5. Engaging in market PvP and jacking up prices for goods needed in mining/exploring and so on.
6. Sending them on ‘treasure hunts’
As you can see our code is followed in each category of player. We don’t gank the non-gankers, don’t steal from the dedicated PVEers but conduct activities which will have alot of LOLz.


In light of recent articles regarding the UEE, I have come to the conclusion that they are not the government I want to support. They are by their very nature fascist and evil! They are no better than the ‘criminals’ they claim to keep us safe from. As such there are two other threads I want to make mention of which lends themselves to this sentiment! This is not a post for a new organization or clan – but a call for action on the part of many clans and organizations! Much in the same spirit of “Operation Pitchfork”. The aim is to found a new government in exile then overthrow the UEE!! The beginnings of which I will state below.

This thread wants to overthrow the UEE. I am all for it, but one has to consider the massive military might they already have. And what would we replace it with? A rabble of greedy pirates? I think not!

This thread is about clearing a system and claiming it as our own. I propose joining this fleet to help clear out the space for our own purposes. After the operation is over we can claim some systems for our own then resist any attempt of the UEE to impose their authority over us!

I propose the creation of the “Union of Free People’s Space” (we can vote on names later) Or UFPS for short! Once we have secured the system we’ll have a Constitutional Convention to work out the details and framework of our organization. To that end I will state that we will be of the mind that individual liberty is paramount to it’s creation. Based on the principles of Non-Aggression.

I am open to new ideas but this idea is what I bring to the table. A fundamental basis by which every company who joins this association can operate by.

The One Law:
ARTICLE 1: Everyone must obey the One Law.
ARTICLE 2: No one shall require anyone to do anything, from under threat of physical force.
ARTICLE 3: Anyone who deals with these things: Water, medicine, food or land may not monopolize it to such an extent he may threaten the denial of these basic resources in exchange for unfair terms of labor or political influence.
ARTICLE 4: No other law except this one may be enforced, using physical force.
ARTICLE 5: Physical force should only be used to stop the violation of the preceding articles.

Voluntarism is great and so is the Non-Aggression principle. But What it needs is someone to enforce it’s basic tenants. And that is what the “One Law” provides. As long as our Constitutional Convention includes something along these lines then our organization is unlike any government ever formed. That said the rest of the Constitution can lay out the basic framework for the new government which can be based on not taxation, but facilitating fair trade for a fee.

Another way this government can be funded is by issuing Letters of marque to respectable pirates who don’t attack UFPS members. As such they will be helped in operations against UEE encroachment into UFPS territory. Since the UEE is a habitual violator of the non-aggression principle, or one Law, it is legal then for pirates or anyone in UFPS territory to pirate ships serving the UEE – for a small fee of course.

Everyone will be tolerated in UFPS areas – even pirates so long as you stick to pirating UEE folks. But If pirates are caught picking on UFPS dedicated PVEers, they will be shot!

Once the Constitutional convention is over we can begin elections for the three branches of government. Executive, Judicial and Legislature. Personally I am going to shoot for President. I hope I get some support in this! I have experience being a president!