Galaxy Exploration Group / GEG

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

Die GEG ist ein Verbund von Bürgern, die sich aus Gründen der Sicherheit zusammenfanden, um gemeinsam das Universum zu erforschen.

In der jüngsten, konfliktgeprägten Zeit, gehören nun auch Hilfsflüge, S&R- und Kampfeinsätze zum Geschäft der GEG.

An oberster Stelle steht die Menschlichkeit.


- February 2951- The assault on Stanton

In early February 2951 a group of xenophobic, anti-UEE terrorists managed to capture a small number of Idris class frigates. Said terrorists – who called themselves “XenoThreat” – launched an attack on the Stanton system in which they utilized those frigates. The only UEE Navy vessel in range to respond to the widely broadcasted announcement of the terrorists was a Javelin Class destroyer of classified name. This destroyer however was short on supplies and needed replenishment, when it arrived at INS-Jericho, where it awaited the UEE supply convoy.
When reports of an devastating attack on the convoy by XenoThreat reached INS-Jericho they showed devestating news: The convoy was reduced to rubble, alongside the complete fighter complement of the destroyer. It was clear that the Civilian Defense Force needed to be mobilized.

Special Agent in Charge Rowena Dulli sent out a call for help and amongst other brave imperial citizens the GEG responded. Their members fought off attacks on the stranded and helpless destroyer docked to INS-Jericho, their brave combat pilots flew CAP for Javelin and the civilian freighters that recovered the vital supplies, even some laggards of the convoy had been saved during this salvage and protect operation. Their commercial pilots on the other hand lend the UEE their hands and their freighters. They swept through the still terrorist-occupied wrecks of the military freighters and after securing them they salvaged their cargo and protected by the fighter pilots, yet under heavy fire, they broke through the blockade and delivered the cargo that proved to be so essential to the survival of the destroyer.

After the Javelin was fully combat-worthy again, the brave men and women of the GEG fought side by side with the UEE Navy and other valuable members of the CDF against an all-out XenoThreat assault, composed of three fully operational Irdis frigates and their fighter screen. As history tells us, through exemplary coordination by SAIC Rowena Dulli the losses of the UEE and the CDF where insolently low, merely one RSI Contellation Andromeda of the GEG took a hit by the railgun of one of the frigates, immediately resulting in a catastrophic loss of the vessel and all souls aboard. No mortal remains of the crew could be found, so only symbolic coffins had been entombed into the vast reaches of space, with full military honors during the ceremony.

The GEG will never obey those who try to lay waste to the glorious Empire and the wellbeing of its citizens!


Galaxy Exploration Group

– Together we are strong. Without help, we are lost –

It started with a small group of citizen, to have saver trade routes and to help People in need.
Today the GEG is larger then ever and we are try to make the Galaxy a better place.

for the good of all lifeforms!


– 1 – Hilfeleistung / Rescue
Jeder Kapitän ist verpflichtet, jeder im All in Lebensgefahr befindlichen Person Hilfe zu leisten, sofern er dazu ohne ernsthafte Gefährdung seines Schiffes und der Personen an Bord in der Lage ist.
Every Captain has the responsibility, to help every person who is in danger, as long as there is no huge danger for the own crew and ship.

– 2 – Leben verschonen / to spare Lifes
Wenn die Diplomatie versagt und ein Kampf nicht vermieden werden kann, ist jeder Kapitän versplichtet, wenn möglich, das Leben der anderen zu verschonen.
If diplomacy failed and a fight is not to prevent, it is the responsibility of the captain to spare life instead of killing, if it is possible.

-3 -Fairer Handel / Fair trade
Fairer Handel bedeutet für die GEG, dass alle Beteiligten an der Geschäftskette einen fairen Anteil bekommen.
Fair trade means for the GEG, that all the involved groups of a business are getting a fair part.