Geist Logistics / GEISTLOG

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Welcome to the Homepage of Geist Logistical Solutions. Our organization features talented pilots and security personnel specializing in the transport of hard-to-obtain materials into high-risk sectors. We provide reliable, timely transport for goods to assist in humanitarian efforts as well as MOOTW


Founded in 2937 by survivors of a Vanduul siege of a human settlement, Geist Logistics was formed with a single mission in mind: To never let the forces of political or criminal conflict allow innocents to starve, or die waiting for medical supplies that would never come.

Geist Logistics started out as a small fleet of secondhand ships manned by experienced crewmen that kept a low profile, and had a talent for getting supplies to the people that needed it most. Whether a planet is being blockaded by the military, or is simply the constant victims of piracy, if there’s a blind spot even ten meters wide, they would find it. As a result, Geist’s subtle technique and potent security teams have saved hundreds of civilians and noncombatants from starvation and exposure.

Since then, Geist Logistics has grown to be a modern, sophisticated provider of logistical solutions of any kind. While they still specialize in high-risk infiltration, Geist stands ready to transport valuable materials around the Galaxy, and has a reputation of Integrity and Valor that applies to every contract, large or small.

Our Company’s Sigil (Pending), the Skeleton Key, is a relic of a bygone era before electronic security measures. It was a key that could open any lock, allowing its holder to pass through any door that was closed to them, like a ghost. If we’ve done our job correctly, we will be the same. No system or sector will be closed to us, or to the vital materials that we carry.


Geist Logistics is dedicated to the Safe, Expedient, and Private transportation of our clients’ most precious and sensitive materials.

We are an organization that believes in a Citizen’s right to privacy, to self-preservation, and to freedom. We believe that as Citizens of the UEE, it is our duty to preserve those values, as well as all basic human rights, and support organizations and individuals who stand up for those rights.

The lessons that mankind learned during the Messer Era will never be forgotten by our employees. We know that there is a thin line between proper regulations and despotic control, and that the UEE has crossed this line in the past. This is why it is not still known as the UPE, and why we have an Imperator instead of a Prime Citizen. As an organization, we acknowledge the past as we press into the future, and will oppose any political or corporate policy, military or otherwise, that infringes on the basic rights of Citizens.

Unlike many of the larger organizations that involve themselves in everything, Geist Logistics believes in doing one thing extremely well. Instead of diversifying and doing many things acceptably well, we devote our efforts to one common goal: To be the fastest, most reliable, most trustworthy and discrete logistics company in the Galaxy.


The Charter rules of Geist Logistics are as follows:

I: Our Word Is Our Bond. No Member or Courier shall violate the terms of a Client contract. Skimming property, renegotiating prices after the Contract is signed, or redirecting shipments away from their intended destination harms Our reputation and will not be tolerated.

II: Our Business is Our Own: No Member or Courier will betray the trust of the Organization or its Clients by discussing business with outsiders. Discretion MUST be our guarantee.

III: Our Ships are Our Domain: No Member or Courier will willfully submit to warrantless searches or seizures, nor surrender their ship or cargo to any entity while they draw breath.

IV: Our Loyalty is Our Strength: All Members and Couriers will protect, advise, assist, and support each other. Infighting, Mutiny, and Sabotage will not be tolerated.

V: Our Merit is our Worth: Personal grudges, political preferences, and seniority are not to be considered in the promotion of Members and Couriers. Any upstanding Member or Courier that proves themselves worthy of higher station will be granted it.