Armata Strigoi / GFSS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

We just won’t die.

Founded in 2946

We are recruiting new members and affiliates in all positions, including management. Apply and discuss your future with us.


If you have any questions about our company at all, contact us through PM, or our discord server.

Brief Overview

Armata Strigoi is for-profit corporation that will take on nearly any job, or perform nearly any service for credits. We allow our operatives to choose which role they feel will suit them best, or that they just want to perform. While our primary concern is credits we also want our members to have fun while doing their job without feeling they are a number. For more information check out the Manifesto or Charter tabs.

As an Organization

We plan to obtain equipment for all of our members so there is no need to risk your own ships unless you want to. As of right now the payment system is under review, so we have no official plan set up yet. There is not a requirement for how much time you must spend in the organization or anything of the like. We plan on allowing contracts to be a pick-and-choose system, allowing you to select what you have time for, or want to do. This should allow any members to choose their commitment to both Star Citizen and the organization. You’re also free to roleplay any roles you want, it’s all in good fun!

We are also trying to ensure that anyone within our ranks remains a member, and does not become a number. We would like for people to want to be in our organization and enjoy anything they do within it. While seriousness is all good, it is also important to be able to have fun while you’re blowing the enemy to bits, or piecing back our members that have been blown to bits. If you are interested in positions, take a look under the Manifesto tab for some idea of the ones we offer


Armata Strigoi is a for-profit PMC and will perform nearly any job for the right amount of credits. Some of these are:

  • Bounty Hunting
  • VIP and Prisoner Transport
  • Search and Rescue
  • Repossession
  • Security Details
  • Securing Facilities/Ships/Areas from Hostiles
  • Armed Escort
  • Materials Acquisition
  • Salvage Operations
  • Boarding Operations

and much more.

Armata Strigoi Fleet

  • Aegis Avenger Titan
  • Aegis Vanguard Warden
  • Aegis Retaliater (x2)
  • Aegis Hammerhead
  • Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black
  • RSI Polaris
  • Tumbril Cyclone


Founders and notable members:
Name    Roles
Ashy    Pilot / Soldier / Commander
NightRaiderActual    Pilot / Wing Commander
Shadz    AWAC / Medical
Swiss Rear Admiral – Support & Logistics


Our mission here at Armata Strigoi is to provide overwhelming firepower for those who need it. We also specialize in materials acquisition, securing structures that have been occupied by hostile forces, securing areas occupied by hostiles, armed escorts, security, transportation of VIPs or prisoners, high value transport, mining in areas that the average citizen would deem to dangerous to work in, and whatever else someone would be willing to pay for.

New Citizen and Recruit Friendly

We believe that training and experience has the ability to overcome what some people would call raw talent. You don’t have to be an elite pilot or soldier to become one of the elite. Armata Strigoi will train new recruits to perform the position they desire to fill with on-site training.

Freedom to Choose

We pride ourselves in our operator’s ability to select the jobs that they wish to partake in. We also allow you to choose what role suits you best within our ranks. This includes administrative positions if amply qualified. Having the ability to choose your own contracts also allows you to choose PVE or PVP missions as well.

Join the Elite

Armata Strigoi focuses heavily on training our operatives to be the most efficient and best they are capable of being in multiple disciplines, or bringing on personnel highly skilled in various areas.

Try and Enjoy Yourself

Armata Strigoi is a great place for you to come and do what you want to do in the universe. Want to blow shit up? Come pilot a bomber or be a sapper! Want to help others? Come join our search and rescue sector! Want to do mining? While I’m not sure the market for dangerous mining, we’ll sure as hell cover it! Our freedom to choose our jobs is limitless, if you want to do it we are sure we can find a way for you to get paid to do it!

Available Positions

This list does not cover all positions, as needs for other positions may arise at any time. This is just to give you a general idea of what we are looking for. If you are interested in a position that is not on the list, please feel free message us in a PM or on our discord server and we will gladly discus it with you.

  • Pilot
    • Bomber
    • CAS
    • AWAC
    • Troop Transport
    • Material Transport
    • Search and Rescue Pilot
    • Data Runner
    • Fighter
  • Search and Rescue
    • EMS Agent
    • Retrieval Specialist
  • Salvage Team
  • Mining Crew
  • Soldiers
    • Grunts
    • Elite Operatives
  • Advanced Security Guards
  • Ship-based Assault Specialists
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Materials “Acquisition”

Join us now and become one of the unkillable.


New Citizen and Recruit Friendly

We believe that training and experience has the ability to overcome what some people would call raw talent. You don’t have to be an elite pilot or soldier to become one of the elite. Armata Strigoi will train new recruits to perform the position they desire to fill with on-site training.

Operating Procedures

Armata Strigoi is a for-profit PMC and will perform nearly any job for the right amount of credits. Our motivation for the job is credits, making legality trivial and morality non-existent to our ranks.

Contracting Rules and Guidelines

Contracting Armata Strigoi does not make us your ally permanently, we will only perform allegiance as long as we are under contract. Once the contract has expired or has been fulfilled any allegiance has been forfeited. Once the contract has expired or been completed contracting organization will be put into a neutral state unless deemed as hostile.

If an organization requires assistance of any form a contract must be formed for Armata Strigoi to respond and provide any assistance. If the situation is urgent and requires immediate attention the group will be allowed submit a request for rapid response along with a base-line contract.

We reserve the right to refuse any contract for any reason. We will also require that we have full operational control over a contract.

Stance on Multiple Organisations

Armata Strigoi is fine with those who wish to join as an affiliate. However, those who have full status within our company will gain first rights to contracts and those who are affiliates will be treated as sort of a reserve. Affiliates will have access to contracts, but only those left over from our main operations.

Conduct within the Company

We have a strict policy on rules within the company. You will receive one warning before being removed permanently from our ranks, unless otherwise stated.

  • No destruction of company personnel or property.
  • No fighting within ranks while on operation.
  • No interfering with company operations.
  • What you do on your own time is not the business of the company.
    • If your actions outside of company contracts hurt the reputation of Armata Strigoi you may be subject to immediate termination.

Remember, we are the elite. We are those who just won’t die.


This section is still under review