Good Game Cooperative / GGCOOP

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Social
  • Medical

Bringing peace to the Verse.


As members of the Good Game Cooperative, we embark on a journey to redefine online gaming culture. We envision a space where the words “GG” (Good Game) resonate not just as a sign of sportsmanship at the end of a match, but as a commitment to creating and sustaining a community that embodies the spirit of positive play.


At Good Game Cooperative, we strive to cultivate an online environment where every player is empowered to engage in gaming experiences that inspire joy, respect, and camaraderie. Our vision is to foster a community of gamers that connects all games together under a set of purposeful values.

Core Values:

Joyful Engagement:
We envision a gaming landscape where every interaction, from competitive battles to cooperative adventures, is infused with the sheer delight of play. We believe that gaming should be a source of happiness, providing a refuge for players to unwind, connect, and share in the joy of digital exploration.

Inclusive Community:
Our vision extends to creating an inclusive space where players of all ages, genders, backgrounds, and abilities feel welcome and appreciated. We celebrate diversity as a strength, recognizing the richness it adds to our collective gaming experience.

Respectful Conduct:
We aim to set a standard of respectful conduct in every game, conversation, and interaction. Our community members commit to treating others with kindness, understanding, and sportsmanship, fostering an atmosphere free from toxicity and negativity.

Learning and Growth:
Embracing a growth mindset, we believe that every gaming encounter is an opportunity for learning and personal development. We encourage members to share knowledge, strategies, and experiences, creating an environment where everyone can level up together.

Positive Impact:
Beyond building positive gaming communities we seek to make positive changes in the gaming community by communicating and lobbying for our member’s expectations in regard to game development, marketing in physical and online spaces to support our vision, supporting indie game developers, and eventually developing our own games.

Our Collective Journey:

As members of the Good Game Cooperative, we embark on a journey to redefine online gaming culture. We envision a space where the words “GG” (Good Game) resonate not just as a sign of sportsmanship at the end of a match, but as a commitment to creating and sustaining a community that embodies the spirit of positive play.


Bringing peace to the verse.

Join others in bringing peace to the universe. Adult’s dedicated to elevating the gaming community by taking personal responsibility for our actions and their effects on society.

We, the members of Good Game Cooperative, recognizing the importance of sportsmanship, fair online gameplay, and ethical conduct in all our activities, hereby establish this Charter of Good Game Cooperative. We are committed to fostering a culture of respect, integrity, and camaraderie in our organization, on and off the internet, the verse, or any other venue where we engage with our fellow human beings.

Article I: Purpose

To promote the values of good sportsmanship and fair play among our members.
To create an inclusive and respectful environment that welcomes individuals of all backgrounds and skill levels.
To enhance the enjoyment of online gameplay and role-play activities by adhering to ethical principles.

Article II: Principles of Good Sportsmanship

We, the members of GGCOOP, agree to uphold the following principles of good sportsmanship:

Respect for All: We will treat all participants, regardless of their skill level, background, or identity, with respect, dignity, and courtesy.

Fair Play: We will play by the established rules of the Game, respecting the integrity of the game and its outcomes. Cheating and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.

Inclusivity: We will actively work to create an inclusive and welcoming environment, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate in and enjoy our activities.

Grace in Victory and Defeat: We will show grace and humility in both victory and defeat, recognizing that the true value of our activities is in experience and personal growth.

Conflict Resolution: In the event of disputes or conflicts, we will seek to resolve them amicably and respectfully, through open communication and mutual understanding.

Article III: Principles of Good Sportsmanship in Star Citizen Gameplay

Respect for All: Respect other Citizens’ time invested in their ships, character, and roleplay. Real people spend real time playing video games to relieve stress. The activity of “Griefing” ruins gamers’ time in the verse and degrades their experience with the game.

Fair Play: Fair play in the Star Citizen Universe consists of no PVP outside of socially recognized and designated PVP zones unless their is mutual consent between both parties. i.e. fair gameplay between pirates and our pirate interdiction team could take place outside of PVP areas if there is an agreed-upon engagement.

Inclusivity: The world is diverse therefore, the internet is diverse. Your actions online are directly connected to your actions in the real world. If you are being a bigot online you’re a bigot irl. If you are being a womanizer with your buddies online you are a womanizer irl. It’s time to adapt to the times and take personal responsibility for our actions online. Our organization and discord group is a safe place for all individuals.

Conflict Resolution between members is done in an educational manner. We encourage a growth mindset in ourselves and our organization’s operations.

Article III: Responsibilities of Members

Exemplify Good Sportsmanship: Each member shall strive to exemplify the principles of good sportsmanship in their actions, both during and after their online session.

Encourage Others: Members shall encourage their fellow participants to display good sportsmanship and hold each other accountable.

Report Violations: If a member witnesses a breach of this Charter, they should report it to the group leadership for appropriate action.

Article IV: Consequences of Violations

Violations of this Charter may result in disciplinary actions, as determined by the group leadership. Such actions may include warnings, suspensions, or bans from the organization, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.

Article V: Amendments

This Charter of Good Sportsmanship may be amended by a majority vote of the group’s members. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and discussed openly before a vote takes place.

Article VI: Adoption

This Charter of Good Sportsmanship shall be adopted upon approval by the majority of the group’s members and will be in effect immediately upon adoption.

In Witness Whereof, we, the undersigned members of Cosmic Serenity, hereby commit to upholding the principles of good sportsmanship as outlined in this Charter.

Upon joining our organization you’ll be asked to sign our charter in our discord server.

Date: 11/6/2023