Ghost Pilot Guild / GHOSTGUILD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Scouting

Alone we Evade Together we Swarm without forewarning!


The history of the “Ghost Guild” dates back to the day the blue prints for the F7C – S HORNET GHOST were first drawn up for the UEE Navy by Anvil Aerospace. It was clear from the first time we set our eyes on her schematics that she had but a purpose “Spy and Evade”.

Since that day the Ghost Riders have used their stealth to gather intel on the big corp’s, keep tabs on their dirty little secrets, map their supply lines, foresee the supply crisis at critical nodes and sell troop movement intel to rival factions.

The “Ghost Guild” has used it’s invisible hand to tip the balance of power in the quadrants and shape the destiny of Corporations and Syndicates alike.

Alone we Evade Together we Swarm without forewarning!

I pledge my allegiance to the Ghost Guild.
Your fellow Guild member
Ghost D Vanstealth


Calling All F7C – S HORNET GHOST Pilots!

The “Ghost Guild” was created soon after the blue prints for he F7C-S class were first drawn up. “We were all brought together by the commonality of our ship” recalls D Vanstealth. Ghost pilots started sharing information about their top secret stealth missions for the UEE Navy. Over time they came to the realization that by gathering and centralizing their observations they pieced together a deep and wide picture of the comings and goings of the mercenaries, the big corps, the syndicates … This sharing of intel among pilots was kept secret from the UEE Navy officers and as the months passed the pilots formed the “Ghost Guild” to formalize their underground activities. As pilots left or retired from the UEE Navy their work and allegiance to the “Ghost Guild” remained and thus its work proceeded with more and more vigor. Elite Ghost pilots shared decades of flying experience with less experienced pilots as well as the best surveillance spots to spy on the big corps activities…

This band of brothers united by their gear have maintained a tight bond and helped each other out.

Alone we Evade Together we Swarm without forewarning!

- Gathering / Sharing / Centralizing Intel from Stealth Spy missions. Spy on Behring’s Applied Technology division (BAT) as they ferry out new weapons projects [after their test cycles] out of their test labs on the moon of Odin II (named Vili). It seems undeniable that BAT is heavily involved in black ops research. Although this will never be formally confirmed, the trillions of UEC funneled into the research efforts within Vili’s core could retrofit the standing navy’s wide caliber lasers a dozen times over. More horrific rumors imply that BAT is responsible for biological warfare research. Per game developer : “Not all exploring is just getting stuff, and information has value. Even if other players don’t want to pay for it, the UEE sure wants to know if several Vanduul hordes have come together under one leader. And then they want to know the exact troop deployment of every branch of that mass, every border incursion, every supply line…”
- Join a Ghost Guild reconnaissance mission to Rihlah VI to corroborate the persistent spacer rumor that the planet is home to a Xi’An “tripwire” capable of autonomously placing the Empire on a war fitting. The claim, wholly unsubstantiated, goes that the technology is left over from Rihlah’s days as a fortified border system and that the technology remains active, buried in Rihlah VI’s core to this day.
- Pilots shared their skills and advise about the F7C-Stealth ship.
- Organize stealthy swarm missions where several F7C-S ships come out of nowhere to pray on their target.
- Sell Intel to rival factions and tip the tide of wars and the balance of power.
- Join a Ghost Guild Wolf Pack on Offensive Operations.
-Join the Ghost Guild as it investigates the “Hades” greatest archeological puzzle of our time. Most traders avoid traveling through the Hades system as the whispers around the shipping hubs are that the system is haunted. Shippers claim to have encountered the ghostly visage of the “blue man” while traveling near the star. What is clear is that there is appetite for Hadesian artifacts.
- Join a Ghost Guild Early Detection Net. [ Guild customers will have total assurances that they will have early warning of any trouble or opportunity heading their way. The Guild offers Early Detection Nets: An invisible web of Ghost ships encircling Guild Customers valuable assets]. Heavily shielded independent mining outfits in the “Odin I Belt” will need the Ghost Guilds Early Detection Nets to give them a heads up on the activities of well-armed Odin pirates, seemingly immune to the electromagnetic phenomenon in the “Odin I Belt”. [The pirates are believed to be based deep within the Belt.]
- Join a Multi-Ghost Mission to Tiber II (aka the Tomb) to chart the surface for the most valuable abandoned gear. The Ghost Guild might not be able to haul much home due to minimal cargo space but Ghost Guild Customers will pay for intel on the location of top notch equipment on the surface of Tiber II. Much of the planet’s surface is coated with the wreckage of spacecraft and other former war machines. Per the Galactic Guide : “ Priceless military hardware has been left on Tiber II “. Spot the derelict wreck on a picture taken by our operatives. In 2930, the Bengal class carrier Indomitable famously suffered extensive damage trying to move through Second Taranis in pursuit of a pirate Q ship.
- Help a brother in a time of need. “FYI Per Developers : Players that attempt to gank a player in UEE space will face serious repercussions.”

The Ghost Guild – We Are Watching You –

I pledge my allegiance to the Ghost Guild.
Your fellow Guild member
Ghost D Vanstealth


As the “Ghost Guild” was formed its members started sharing more and more information about their ships capabilities and performance as well as their surveillance missions:

Summary of Ghost specs:
-Low Emission Drives
-Low Draw Weapons
-Scan Diffusing Capabilities with Void Armor Technology


Your “off the assembly line” Ghost will be powered by a Stock ArcLight 300 from ArcCorp. This engine offers the smallest signature of any TR3 engine on the market. Great for a stealth ship as the “Ghost”. Comes of the assembly line with a Size 3 (TR3) engine. Most pilots are eager to upgrade to a Size 4 (TR4). Guild members can report the price of the TR4 they are considering buying to the Guild’s Central Intelligence Repository (CIR) at and you will receive confirmation on whether you can find a better deal somewhere else. BEWARE: Make sure you don’t sacrifice Stealth when you trade up. Ghost Guild Members have reported that the moon of Odin II named Vili is the spot for occasional deals on discarded military-grade surplus. Owing to its origin as a junkyard, Cathcart is also a great place to pick up ship upgrades …See map for directions / as well as this Map!


Per Developer : “You might pay extra for “silencer” thrusters which don’t give off such a large drive plume.


Your “off the assembly line” Ghost will be powered by a Light Blossom 6HE8A from Sakura Sun. This power plant is made for the pilot who doesn’t like to leave an impression, the Light Blossom utilizes a sonoluminescent process to minimize EM signature.
Standard Comes off the assembly line with a Size 2 (S2) power plant. Most pilots are eager to upgrade to a Size 3 (S3). Guild members can report the price of the S3 they are considering buying to the Guild’s Central Intelligence Repository (CIR) at and you will receive confirmation on whether you can find a better deal somewhere else. One upgrade option is the award-winning (S3) very dependable helium 3 fusion reactor power plant (A&R LR-7 ULTRA OverDrive) creates an impressive energy output for a plant of its class. Standard equipment on a F7C – M SUPER HORNET. Produced by Klaus & Werner. BEWARE: Make sure you don’t sacrifice Stealth when you trade up.


The Guild Brothers count on each other in offensive operations. The Ghost being a stealth spy weapon it is incredibly lacking in firepower with only 2x Klaus & Werner CF-007 Bulldog machine guns. The Bulldog features a three-barrel sequential fire design which is capable of high rates of power while maintaining a good degree of accuracy. The overall low damage rate is countered by low overall power consumption. The Guild members started relying on each other early on to collaborate on offensive mission deep inside hostile territory. Alone the Ghost is powerless to achieve any meaningful offensive objective with only two forward facing Bulldog machine guns the ghost has no rear fire power forcing wing man formations to cover each others ass. Several Ghost ship swarming a lone target in wing man formations can disrupt supply lines. Get in and out undetected. Guild members will profit from supply line disruptions that the “Guild” creates. Guild Member will be eager to report their finding to the (CIR) regarding possible upgrade of the guns (Class 2 – Wings Slots) to either one of these better options:

- 2x Klaus & Werner CF-117 Badger available on the F7C HORNET. The Bulldog can stop plenty of fish in the pond, but when you’re ready to move up to a larger pond, it’s time to move up to the Badger. From a technical standpoint, it is merely a better-tuned Bulldog (with some additional styling to attract higher-credit spenders). The Badger maintains the Bulldog’s power issues, producing an overall poor power-to-damage ratio.

- 2x Behring M4A Laser CannonClass available on the F7C – M SUPER HORNET. The behring M4A Laser is an upgraded version of their classic laser, the M4A packs a heftier punch than its little brother.

The Guild has reports that the Omnisky VI size 2 Laser (S2 – Class1) from Amon & Reese Co. is a great match for the Ghost. It comes standard on the Origin Jumpworks 325A. See picture!


All F7C Hornets come standard with the size 2 (S2) AllStop FR from Gorgon Defender Industries. All Hornets except the “Ghost” which comes equipped with the Instascreen 2 Small from Alliance Startech. Guild Members currently researching why the different shield package for the “Ghost”.

>>>Guild Member conclusions welcome. Send report to the Guild’s Central Intelligence Repository (CIR) at redfin4u@gmail. Current finding conclude that Instascreen 2 is a two-zone shielding unit offers directional protection while keeping the energy signature low (vital for stealth missions).

Guild Members will be eager to upgrade not once but twice to size 4 (S4) shield generators. Incredibly vital in this lightly equipped in firepower stealth machine with no rear fire power.


Per Developer : “Our philosophy is that sometimes small craft (especially ones that are carrier based) won’t start out with a jump drive … but jump drives will be available, inexpensive and able to be mounted to any ship larger than the parasite fighters (Merlin-class). We don’t see the lack of jump drive on, say, the M50 as limiting gameplay in any way; if players want to take their interceptor off to explore another system they’ll be able to configure it for that mission almost immediately!”


“I still wake up from sleep when I try to fight of a Ghost with my Freelancer MIS, not a single missile lock and the heavy ballistics from the Ghost Hornet ripping pieces from my hull… Even though the ghost ship is my nemesis I admire its design and capabilities” from Skye Freeman.


Current Estimates:
3 Ghost should be able to successfully swarm 1 Cutlass
The bulletin board will be updated with Guild Members Research and Analysis consisting of gun ratio calculations. Swarm Fire Power vs Lone Target Fire Power.

>>>Guild Member analysis welcome. Send report to the Guild’s Central Intelligence Repository (CIR) at redfin4u@gmail.

Confirmed Successful Swarm Tactic Kills:
Currently null – The bulletin board will be updated with Guild Member Wolf Pack attacks that swarmed a target ship out of the blue.

>>>Guild Member kill count welcome. Send kill count and battle report to the Guild’s Central Intelligence Repository (CIR) at redfin4u@gmail.


The Guild is currently analyzing the demand and supply projections for our quadrant of the universe. Give that the Freelancer, Hornet, 300 series and Aurora are the most numerous ships there will be high demand for the upgrade components for these ships. Controlling the nodes that supply these components will be a power struggle. The Guild will keep a close eye on these nodes. You are forewarned – We are Watching You –
With a StorAll Big Box (Model H) upgrade (and associated impact on stealth) the Ghost Guild can handle 16 FREIGHT UNITS MAX per ship, limiting our transport activities to items with the highest Valuable to Weight ratios (Gemstones, Crystals, Poisons …) .The less likely a material is to be found on Earth, the more valuable it will be on the commodities market in Shanghai; think Vanduul kan ores, thermacrete, isometal … Intel report show that the polar regions of Tat’ko (Geddon system in the Banu Protectorate) are a source of Bad-Ice, a highly illegal frozen combination of water and refinable poisons. Intel also suggests Bad-Iced could have a very profitable Value to Weight ratio.

>>>Guild Members supply and demand analysis is welcome. Send your analysis to the Guild’s Central Intelligence Repository (CIR) at redfin4u@gmail.


Per game developer : “Trading off planet/station will likely not be regulated in the same way that it might on planet. For example, when we’re out in space, I verbally agree to buy 1 tank of fuel from you. There’s no contract that binds this agreement. So either I pay you first, or you provide me the fuel first. More often than not, I would assume it’s the former. Then hopefully you give me the tank of fuel. :) If you run out, you’ll be able to scoop minimal amounts of fuel (unless you’re near a gas giant, in which case lots of fuel) that will allow you to putter your way home. And if there is someone in range, yes, you’ll be able to call for some help to either get refueled or a tow.

As for the act of transferring the fuel, we’re hoping to have you connect one ship to the other somehow (TBD). Once connected, you would specify an amount to transfer, and the transfer would be basically instant….ie. you wouldn’t need to wait like you would at a gas pump.

Clarification on this topic. We’ll probably have some sort of contract that players can use to trade with. So in the case of refueling, you would agree on an amount of fuel and a price for that fuel. Then once the act of transferring the fuel was completed, the credits would automatically be transferred as well. If for some reason the player requesting the fuel does not have enough space to hold the fuel at the moment the transfer would happen, the transfer is aborted, as is the contract. “


- WillsOp Long Look Radar (LLR). Fully loaded with WillsOp’s suite of scan systems, the LLR now brings its raw analytical power to the pilot for long range scanning. Standard equipment on a F7C – S HORNET TRACKER.

- Cargo Option Available on Class 4 Slot (Top Turret Location). StorAll Big Box (Model H). StorAll’s Big Box transforms the gap left by the turret into a respectable cargo hold, turning your F7C into the toughest hauler out there. The standard Stor-All container is rated for 500 jumps and the StorAll company takes quality control extremely serious in this regard. Vast quantities of expired containers are sold at low prices to less reputable shippers for permanent use. Sometimes called “ghosts,” these can typically be identified by blotches of newer paint covering the Stor-All logo. Stor-All has no liability for containers shipped in a “ghost,” and most insurance companies refuse to compensate users who suffer a loss while making use of the retired containers. The StorAll Big Box (Model H) S1 size can handle 16 FREIGHT UNITS MAX per Ghost ship.

As well as there findings on these other weapon upgrade options;

- Gallenson Tactical 220 Gatling Gun. A hydraulically-driven hard ammo cannon, the 220 prides itself on being faster than its target.

- MaxOx NN 13 Neutron Gun. For the combatant who values precision over saturation, the NN-13 is a heavy hit¬ter, plain and simple.

- Valkyrie FV Ball Turret. The FV offers elevation and azimuth versatility that’s second only to Anvil’s milspec tur¬ret field of fire. Apparently available as an upgrade on the F7C – S HORNET GHOST. Invaluable, worth its weight in Gold on this under-weaponized ship.

-Universal Upfitters Model K Canard Turret. An automated turret that con¬nects to the pilot’s avionics, this offers an option between a ball turret and the fixed weapons on the wing and undercarriage. Apparently available as an upgrade on the F7C – S HORNET GHOST. Invaluable, worth its weight in Gold on this under-weaponized ship.

-Talon Stalker IR Missiles. Coupled with Talon’s proprietary image process¬ing software, the Stalker missiles can be outfitted with a variety of payloads to maximize their destructive potential.

- Talon Dominator FF Missile. Talon’s award-winning target recognition system elevates the Dominator from Friend or Foe to another “FF,” Fire and Forget.

- Updated Scanning Software – Chimera Communications unveiled the latest version of their SBit scanning software. The new SBit upgrade offers advanced scanning capabilities for prospecting asteroids above and beyond their baseline systems.

- There will be afterburners in the game (per developer). Likely at the cost of fuel. It’s not clear whether they will be available to the Ghost.


Per Developer: “The current thinking is that when you log out in the middle of space, your ship will attempt to return to your home hangar via autopilot.. If you were to log back on shortly after you logged off, you would resume control of your ship if it hadn’t made its way back to your hangar yet.”


Per Developer: “We are planning on implementing a rating system (for contracts/jobs between players) so that you can make a better judgment call about players you hire. I think the majority of missions will be obtained on planets/stations. There may be some impromptu missions that can occur while in space, such as a distress call. PC to PC missions can happen just about anywhere. Criminal acts are automatically logged by the game. Victimized pilots will not need to actively report suspected pirates.”

Per Developer: “The overarching layer is which government faction controls the space you’re flying in, and how much are they paying attention (ie. low sec, high sec, etc…). The game will probably have some sort of “warning” system for if you just accidentally fire on another citizen, but if it happens enough, you’ll quickly have a bounty on your head. Bounties don’t go away over time and will propagate across all UEE systems. Now, if you’re in a lawless area, just because the UEE isn’t watching, doesn’t mean a local pirate faction is not (watching out for their own, at least). And they’ll most likely not be as forgiving. Stolen cargo gets tagged. So passing it off to a friend just means that your friend is now carrying stolen cargo that could get picked up on scanners.”


Per Developer: “Yes, a tax will be an option for organizations to include in their structure if desired. We’ll likely offer some different options as well, like….flat tax per [unit of time] versus % deducted from org missions/jobs versus both…..those are just some examples.” The Ghost Pilots Guild has no plans for organization taxes.


The Ghost Guild currently has no perks. However, per developer : “The PU will also allow you to buy/rent personal space outside of the hangar… like an apartment in a high-rise building or something. Additionally, you can have any number of them on various planets, but each one carries a cost obviously”. Organizations will be allowed to own hangers.


Per Developer: “ [If you die] Everything you earned from Squadron 42 the first time will pass on: Citizenship, Credits earned, Starter Ship and the like. If your beneficiary was a citizen his status will pass on down to you as well with a probation period that you have to perform some actions / missions / job to keep the Citizenship in good standing. “


No Bed = No Safe Logoff. Per Developer : “Yes, a bunk/bed is required. I believe a variant of the Avenger is going to come with a bunk (not sure if the current one is going to change though). Most ships will come with a bed. Hibernation Mode: for the explorers out there, we will add the ability to save and resume while you are out in space. When not in combat, power your ship down, hit the bunk, and exit the game safely until you can resume your journey.”