Gears of Infinity Corporation / GINC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the ‘Verse.”


The Beginning of “GINC

Founded in 2944, Gears of Infinity Corporation (short “GINC”) would soon become a famous name within the local star system. Using our skills in mining minerals, we quickly earned some respectable profits, which let us expand our industry greatly.

Just a year later, in 2945, we purchased a small vessel with the ability to dismantle wreckages of other ships, which had often been found between the asteroids in our preferred resource fields. By adding this profession to our portfolio, we raised the profit even more.


In 2946 the mining profits went down significantly. A lot of other companies started mining in the same region. As a result, the margins were dropping. Also, the first fights about mineable asteroid belts started. Once the local authorities could be bribed or were completely absent, more than one company had been erased. This forced GINC to invest much more into security, which didn’t benefit the profits at all.

During the same year, GINC no longer wanted to pay the large transportation fees their contractors were demanding. It was at this time we bought our first own transportation ships. Due to the large maintenance costs of those ships and the constantly dropping profits, the whole company nearly went bankrupt.

A New Hope

At the end of 2946, after cancelling every mining and salvage operation in the current system, we decided to move to new mining grounds to a distant star. The acquired transport vessels came in very handy for transporting the equipment and crew all the way.
In the end, the newly found rare resources and effectively established trade routes helped us to prosper anew.

It was 2947 when GINC massively invested in security again to establish operations in dangerous systems. For that purpose, an Idris firgate was acquired which doubled as the new home base.
There had been internal concerns that getting such a large combat vessel wouldn’t emphasize the peaceful business approach and that we should focus more on combat support through the UEE military. Nevertheless, the peaceful work continued and the company leaders decided to keep the ship and see what the future would be bringing.



What rules does GINC have?

The first and most important thing to remember:
We have a strict ‘no-assholes policy’ at Gears of Infinity Corp.

Other rules are:
  1. NO offensive actions. We’re strictly defensive and never the aggressor.1 Should you deliberately attack a peaceful vessel or citizen, you’ll be instantly dismissed.
  2. NO illegal commodities. GINC won’t take responsibility for your actions, should you haul illegal commodities. Furthermore, you’ll be instantly dismissed.

1 If being attacked, our employees are explicitly instructed to defend themselves by any means!