Galactic Industrial Resources / GIR

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Galactic Industrial Resources

Prospectors. Exploration with the intent of discovering mineral or gas deposits, and turning that into profit.

Years of service – a heritage to be proud of. Now accepting lifetime-employment applications.

Role-playing is not required but is welcome.


2944-01-21 // Jinawee founded the organization.
2944-01-22 // Charter was drafted.
2945-12-04 // Charter was edited.


To boldly go where few will tread,
To master the subtleties of trade,
To reap the bounties of industry,
For all your needs, all the time;
Galactic Industrial Resources
Gets It Right.


A. Charter

This charter (“Charter”), executed by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Galactic Industrial Resources (the “Company”), governs the operations of the Company. At least annually, the Board shall review and reassess this Charter and recommend and execute any proposed changes, with sole authority to amend this Charter. The Company shall make this Charter available on its website at The Company shall disclose such availability to all stockholders, and shall provide an electronic copy of this Charter without charge to any stockholder who requests it.

B. Purpose of Company

The Company shall return to the shareholders 10% of net profit in total dividends, split per share on a [monthly] basis. Revenue shall be generated by means of (but not necessarily limited to):

(1) Harvesting and refinement of natural resources for sale through contract or market.

(2) Production of finished goods, and subsequent sale through contract or market.

(3) Acquisition and sale of goods and information from exploration, through contract or market.

(4) Purchase and resale of goods through contract or market.

C. Common Stock

This Charter authorizes 1,000,000 shares. The Treasury Stock will start at 900,000 shares (treasury stock shall have no Voting Rights, and not count towards any calculation of voting ratio), and will only be issued by directive of the CEO with a majority approval of the Board. The Board will collectively hold no less than half of Shares Outstanding (50,000 at time of Charter) in a Voting Trust to protect company interests. In addition, the CEO is at all times entitled to no less than a 5% hold of shares outstanding at the time of issuance.

D. Voting Trust

There will, at all times, be a Voting Trust (“Trust”) comprised of all Board members as both trustees and beneficiaries. This Trust will contain at least 50% of Shares Outstanding at all times, and will pay out dividends equally to all beneficiaries. Upon appointment to the Board, any member shall be made a trustee, and upon removal from the Board, that member shall be removed as a trustee.

E. Members and Qualifications of the Board

The members of the Board shall be appointed and replaced by the CEO and the Board shall be composed of at least three directors including all Chief divisional officers. The members of the Board shall identify executives qualified to fill vacancies on any committee (including the Board) and recommend that the CEO appoint the identified member or members to the respective committees. Appointment shall be complete only with a supermajority (⅔) vote of Board members, with ratification by the CEO. At the time of execution of this Charter, current Board members are Drummertheman, Jinawee, and Largonaut. Board members shall only be removed by election of the CEO and a supermajority (⅔) vote of remaining Board members.

F. Amendment of these terms

This Charter and its terms are only amendable by a unanimous vote of Board members.

Signed and executed on this [22nd] day of [January], [2014].
Modified on this [4th] day of [December], [2015]