Gladius Company / GLADCOMP

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Infiltration

Gladius Company’s goal is to create a safer, more prosperous UEE through contracted planetary defense, combat, exploration and espionage. Unity, prosperity and friendship are the tenets of the Company.

Ad astra, per aspera; insperata floruit.


Gladius Company originally started as a rag-tag group of teenagers led by our current Fleet Admiral, Riley Watson, as a method of fighting back against the pirates who had laid waste to their home system of Idris after the UEE pulled resources out of the surrounding area to focus on the war effort against the Vanduul menace. The company slowly formed into a competent PMC as the years went by, accepting jobs across multiple systems as its’ members grew older. Today, Gladius Company stands as a competent and well-renowned PMC willing to work the toughest of jobs across the galaxy.



Gladius Company’s goal is to create a safer, more prosperous UEE through contracted planetary defense, bounty hunting, exploration missions and more. Unity, prosperity and friendship are the tenets of the Company.


The intention of the Company is to provide for its’ members while also providing for the system that they are currently deployed to. “Relief” missions, espionage, high-risk bounty targets, assassinations and more are available options for our clients.


Our motive is to make a living and improve life for the average UEE citizens through the methods known to us: combat, exploration and espionage. Pirates shall fall, corrupt corporations shall crumble, and the UEE shall prosper. This is the way.


1. Do not be disrespectful or rude to other members or your employers. Jokes that both members are involved in are allowed, as long as both members know it’s a joke.

2. No pornographic content. Keep it to yourself or off-duty.

3. Keep discussions relevant to the current mission, until the mission has ended.

4. Be polite and respectful to your fellow members and your employers. If you offer criticism make it positive. Every one of us has room to grow and ways to improve, even if you feel like you’re worthless in the moment. Company members should lift each other up, not bring each other down.

5. Treat others how you wish to be treated. This is the golden rule.