Gjallarhorn / GLRN

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Gjallarhorn is a premier private military contractor founded in and based in the Stanton system. Established in 2945, Gjallarhorn primarily serves as a mercenary group for the corporate governments throughout Stanton.

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- Founding members of Gjallarhorn relocate to the Stanton system on contract with Hurston Dynamics. At this time Gjallarhorn was not yet even an idea and the original members who traveled to the Stanton system were part of a security company, The Dresden Group, which was working with HD for security contracting.
- Pre-Gjallarhorn members participate in raids throughout the Hurston system over the year in an attempt to stem the flow of drugs into the Lorville business district while working with Hurston Security. During this time the same group participated in numerous defensive and offensive operations in support of Hurston Dynamics.
- Relationships between the members of The Dresden Group in the core systems and in the Stanton system begin to break down following an assignment handed down by Dresden leadership that led to a friendly fire incident killing two friendly combatants and one VIP civilian. Early talks between Stanton Dresden Group members begin around their future.
- Stanton members officially broke off from The Dresden Group and established the security company Gjallarhorn. With The Dresden Group already looking to cease all operations in the Stanton system Gjallarhorn was able to retain control of a majority of supplies, funds, and contracts the Stanton branch of The Dresden Group held before.
- Gjallarhorn begins operations again throughout the entire Stanton system including the Hurston Dynamics owned areas even in light of the previous operation failures that led to the original termination of the HD Dresden Group contract.
- Gjallarhorn acquired their first large-scale ship, the GRN Isaribi a Carrack Expedition class vessel, which allows them to expand their operating range and campaign length.
- With the acquisition of their first dedicated cargo-bearing vessel, a C2 Hercules, Gjallarhorn begins providing secure cargo and delivery services as a part of their operation catalog.
- Gjallarhorn officially signs a contract with Clark Defense Systems that makes them Gjallarhorn’s primary personnel armor supplier. With this move, the Defiance Armor becomes the face of Gjallarhorn’s rapidly expanding ground operations.
-To modernize and reinforce its ground and infantry units, Gjallarhorn signs its second major contract of the year with Anvil Aerospace. This contract will provide Gjallarhorn with a steady supply of ground and landing vehicles such as the Ballista and Valkryie as well as future allocations for boarding ships such as the Legionnaire.
-Following their success in their early cargo and trading endeavors, Gjallarhorn decided to acquire a Banu Merchantman from the Banu Souli. Gjallarhorn embraces this as an opportunity to both expand their trading business as well as establish a mobile HQ for their endeavors.
-In a major move to further reinforce their naval forces, Gjallarhorn purchases a Perseus which will fill the role of their primary assault ship. This move not only gives Gjallarhorn’s navy the firepower it needs against pirates but also allows them to shift their flagship, the GRN Isaribi, out of the direct line of fire.
-In preparation for further operation expansions, Gjallarhorn purchases an Aegis Reclaimer. This will allow Gjallarhorn to not only support salvage operations in their area of operation but also project additional power in security operations.
-In their largest move as an organization since its creation, Gjallarhorn formally absorbed the allied organization “USS Victory”. This move follows substantial changes in USS-V leadership leading to a need for major organizational changes. Rather than continue to split resources attempting to keep both organizations afloat, Gjallarhorn leadership decides to merge the two. Key USS-V leadership and qualified members will be integrated into the Gjallarhorn chain of command over the following months.
-As the ranks of Gjallarhorn grew towards the end of the year and additional operational was income needed to support its growth, leadership began to look towards expanding the cargo operations of the organization. To do so Gjallarhorn entered into a purchase contract with Musashi Industrial Flight Concern (MISC) for both a Hull C and a Hull D. This move enables much wider cargo operation flexibility for the organization. Alongside this purchase, Gjallarhorn also reserved a Galaxy from Roberts Space Industries (RS) to act as a multi-role mission ship for service alongside the fleet’s Perseus from RSI.
- Gjallarhorn’s leading council faces the need for adjustment with the departure of 2 of the 3 remaining active councilors and 2 others being called back to duties in their home systems. The council orders the scaling back of its patrol and cargo operations and returns to its primary focus of security. With this Gjallarhorn returns to the employment of solo and dual squads which while successful is met with criticism by some within the group due to its inherently riskier nature. Fortunately, Gjallarhorn’s high level of training allows the group to see no major changes in injuries or casualties as a result of this change.
- Just before the end of the year Gjallarhorn leadership, in response to a shift in the organization’s direction and leadership needs, agrees to merge with Halycon Dynamics (HALDYN). This is in an attempt to reinvigorate the organization’s activity and success in the verse.
- Gjallarhorn enters into a new agreement with Roussimoff Rehabilitation Systems who previously held a contract with Halcyon Dynamics to re-evaluate their existing armor assignments and fill the gap present in the organization’s heavy armor slot. 2954
- Following new contracts and adjustments to Gjallarhorn policies, the need for a new headquarters was identified. The organization’s residency at Lorville and HUR-L1 was no longer viable as the goal was to secure contracts with more companies than just Hurston Dynamics. With this Gjallarhorn downsized their Lorville offices and moved to a more security-minded presence there given that most of their Hurston Dynamics contracts were security-based. A portion of the security staff and almost all of the other branch units stationed there were relocated to CRU-L1 and it was established as the new primary base of operations for Gjallarhorn in the Stanton system. CRU-L1 was selected due to its convenient access to resources and closer proximity to Crusader-controlled space which the organization hoped to land large cargo contracts with.
- Following the merger with Halycon Dynamics (HALDYN) there was a need to look at how the organization could best be structured to ensure it could efficiently function moving forward. With that, the 2954 Gjallarhorn Reformation Plan was submitted to the existing council and approved by all the remaining councilors. This plan temporarily gave complete control to the reform division to enact a new charter, organization structure, and other formalities. The outcome of this reformation was a more traditional structure that replaced the small council at the top with a wider array of leaders from the different branches and created a clearer progression of ranks.
- After a reassessment of the organization’s needs Gjallarhorn’s contract with Aegis to purchase an Idris-K was cancelled. It was decided that the Idris series would not align with the flexible nature of the organization. After further discussion, Gjallarhorn looked to an expansion of their existing contracts with Roberts Space Industries, the primary supplier of the organization’s fleet, and signed a deal to acquire an RSI Polaris as their new combat flagship. Additionally, Gjallarhorn renegotiated their existing contract with RSI for a future purchase of an Orion and signed a deal to purchase an Arrastra during its upcoming public release.


