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Gemini Initiative / GMNI

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  • Security

Welcome to the GMNI Homepage, We are a For Hire PMC, Our current Group consist of 10-20 active players and triple that in Stragglers

For the Right Amount of Creds We’ll Do pretty Much anything, But no Worry, We’ve Got Enough Honour to See a Job Through Even if a Bigger Fish Offers More.


If you want to know about Gemini Initiative’s Capabilities here’s a story… Have you Heard of the Caliban System? The now Scary Vandull hunting grounds? 70 years ago it was UEE space with Ores Galore and plenty of pirates looking to profit from the mining rush. So Terra Nova Industrial Hired Gemini Initiative to Haul around and protect their mining Ships while they went for the motherload. So Gemini Sent out their Primary Carrier a Kraken named GMNI – Draugr with its minimum complement of two fighters in the bays with the addition of a Terrapin for long range Scanning, leaving all but one the top pad available for the mining orgs 3 Propectors, and 2 Moles.

Once arrived at Belt Alpha within the Caliban System GMNI – Draugr Sent out the Terrapin to start Scanning for threats. Once the area was safe the miners got to work. The First few days were uneventful although the Terrapin reported some Signatures coming near then turning around seems the Kraken’s Signature Works well as a deterrent.

On day 6 those signatures started to grow. The Draugr’s crew were convinced that they were getting ready to mount an assault, they informed the miners but they decided to keep mining as long as possible due to their confidence in their protectors. A raiding party consisting of Cutlass’, Hornets, Freelancers, and a caterpillar moved in on the Kraken. The Pirates vastly underestimated the skill of GI’s members and were forced to retreat after losing 5 ships.

Roughly 3 hours later the Terrapin reported a Massive Signature on their way, they estimated that the signature was equivalent to 2 Krakens with a large supporting fleet. Understanding the threat, Draugr’s Captain called in its sister ship the GMNI – Defiance, The organization Idris and Primary War Vessel who was Conducting Training exercises in the Oberon system in the shadow of Oberon II to avoid the solar flares. Draugr also Directed the miners to make their way back to the mothership as this threat was Sizable.

The miners insisted on filling up their ships before heading back, having found a large deposit of Teranite, Draugr reluctantly agreed and assigned the two fighters and the terrapin to protect the miners, then got ready for a hell of a fight.

The crew Anxiously waited as the signature got closer and closer but as the signature got closer it didn’t seem to split apart, the crew jokingly said that since pirates can’t fly well enough for that tight a formation maybe it was a ‘Super Kraken’. But when the ship Appeared out of Quantum it was not a ‘Super Kraken’ it wasn’t even human, or tevarin, or any designs known to the crew except for those who had fought under the UEEN. This was Vanduul more specifically a Hunter Carrier, an over 2-kilometer-long Vanduul Carrier, as soon as they appeared the Nightmarish Carrier Quantum locked the ships and Spat out Scythe after Scythe who had their sights set on the Miners, but their escort was not going to let that happen. GMNI – Draugr Rushed, as fast as a Kraken is, towards the astroid field to pick up the miners so they could hopefully lose the Carrier in the astroids and Quantum away. The Krakens turrets firing at any Scythes that got in range and its main turret peppering the Vanduul Carriers shields knowing that GMNI – Defiance was on their way any shield damage would help.

GMNI – Draugr’s pilot expertly maneuvering the Kraken through the Astroid field to retrieve the miners. Unfortunately, one fo the prospector’s starboard Main trusters got hit by a scythe and was lagging behind with a Scythe moving in for the kill the terrapin flew full speed into the scythe going right through it with minimal damage due to the terrapins thick armor. The Vanduul are aggressive and bold and they showed that when they flew their Carrier right into the asteroid field to continue its assault on the Kraken. With astroids colliding against its hull the Vanduul ship it continued to push forward as the Kraken’s shields were weakening. Luckily the GMNI- Defiance showed up carrying two Gladius and an Eclipse they helped dispatch off the Scythes assaulting the Kraken. The Defiance and the Draugr fired at the Hunter Carrier to take down a face of the shields hoping that a well place torpedo from the eclipse would take out the Vanduul Carriers Quantum Snare.

GMNI – Defiance using its main S10 gun made quick work of the Vanduul ships shields. The first Torpedo was shot down by the Hunter Carrier, for the second the two gladius were directed to fly along the torpedo to distract the PDC on the Carrier, with minimum damage to the gladius due to well-executed evasive maneuvers the torpedo hit its mark and Gemini Ships were no long quantum locked. GI’s Ships Callibrated their drives and jumped out of that hell hole, these were the last Civilian ships reported to have left the system before the Fall of Caliban, this was in 2884.


Gemini Initiative is not Afraid of a fight, you want to dance we’ll show you how to tango. Never Back down. Get It done.

What is It? It is anything or anywhere you want acquired, kept Safe, or kept Unsafe, As long as you got the Creds. Just don’t ask how we get It done.

Whatever It is.


Get It done.

Don’t Give up, Get Backup.

Don’t do for free what you can be paid for.