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Ghostseekers Nexus & Artifact Wranglers / GNAW

  • Corporation
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  • Exploration

Ghostseekers Nexus & Artifact Wranglers is a reclamation and restoration force focusing on ship repairs, wreckage cleanup, and salvaging, as well as enthusiastically exploring a myriad of forgotten realms—derelict starships, ancient ruins, and mysterious locales—embracing the thrill of the unknown.


People of the stars, let me introduce you to the Ghostseekers Nexus & Artifact Wranglers, affectionately known as Gnaw. Our essence lies in the veneration of the ancient and the bold exploration of the bygone. We’re the ones who scrape and mend ships, clear battlefields, salvage lost treasures, and plunge headfirst into the mysterious wonders of abandoned ships and ancient ruins—places where ghosts of the past whisper tales of mystery waiting to be unveiled.

Our origin story is one of necessity born from the ashes of conflict. In a world craving restoration, Gnaw emerged—a coalition of adventurers, profit-seekers, and specialists. When not charting the uncharted, we repair the scars of war, or dance a macabre waltz around hushed battlefields in our hallowed Reclaimers profiting from forsaken metallic carcases.

We strive to adapt, thrive in the face of challenge, and forge new paths through the unexplored.

Our ethos revolves around fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within Gnaw. As we march forward, the rallying cry, ‘All Hail the Claw’ serves as a testament to our solidarity and collective strength.

Gnaw stands as a beacon—a force that reclaims, restores, and embarks upon journeys to unravel the mysteries forgotten to time. Join us in exploring the uncharted, unravelling the secrets of the inky black depths of the cosmic abyss!

All Hail the Claw!



We salvage


We Repair


We Explore


We Profit



Equal Voice: Every crew member is equal, having fair access to provisions seized, unless scarcity necessitates a vote for cutbacks. In the event of a tie, rank serves as the tiebreaker.

Maintain Arms and Tools: Maintain the readiness of firearms, tools, and equipment by ensuring they are consistently clean, charged, and primed for service whenever the needed.

Commitment in Battle: Life doesn’t always grant us the luxury of selecting our battles, yet it’s crucial to remain prepared and united as a cohesive team when adversity arises. Ready yourselves, for when challenges emerge, our strength lies in coordinated efforts and collective resilience.

Conflict Resolution: No physical altercations on board or during missions. Disagreements must be resolved off ship and away from mission zones.

Reimbursement and Fair Shares: Essential expenses like fuel and ship repairs are reimbursed (one share) before all crew members receive an equal share of mission rewards.

Guiding Principle: Above all, strive not to act in a manner detrimental to the crew’s morale and unity.

All Hail the Claw.