• Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Piracy



It is a period of civil wars in the galaxy. A brave alliance of underground freedom fighters has challenged the tyranny and oppression of the awesome CORPORATE EMPIRE.

Striking from a fortress hidden among the billion stars of the galaxy, rebel spaceships have won their first victory in a battle with the powerful Corporate Starfleet. The EMPIRE fears that another defeat could bring a thousand more (soon to be released) solar systems into the rebellion, and corporate control over the galaxy would be lost forever.

To crush the rebellion once and for all, the EMPIRE is constructing a sinister new high security prison complex. Powerful enough to imprison an entire planet, its completion spells certain doom for the champions of freedom.


We, the beings of GENTLE DIPLOMACY, do this day send forth this Declaration to His Majesty, the Emperor, and to all sentient beings in the Galaxy, to make clear to all the Purposes and Goals of this Rebellion.

We believe that the Galactic Government derives its power and right to rule from the consent of the governed. We believe that, should the rights of free beings be willfully and malignantly usurped, it is the unalienable right of said beings to alter or abolish said Government.

We believe that the Corporate Empire has willfully and malignantly usurped the rights of the free beings of the Galaxy and therefore, it is our unalienable right to abolish it from the Galaxy.

We do not take this course lightly. Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, but when a Government displays a history of usurpation, abuse and moral atrocity, displaying a clear design to subjugate totally and absolutely beings born free under the auspices of nature, it is our right—our duty—to depose of that Government.

The history of the present Corporate Empire is of repeated injuries upon its members, with the direct objective of establishing you, Emperor Addison, as absolute tyrant over the Galaxy:
  • You have built a new device of mass imprisonment on Aberdeen, with the sole purpose of oppressing the voice of the free people of the Galaxy;
  • You have overthrown the chosen leaders of planets, replacing them with Moffs and Governors of your choice;
  • You have raised taxes on space booze without the consent of those taxed;
  • You have murdered and imprisoned millions without benefit of trial;
  • You have unlawfully taken land and property;
  • You have expanded the military far beyond what is necessary and prudent, for the sole purpose of oppressing your subjects.

We, GENTLE DIPLOMACY, do therefore in the name—and by the authority—of the free beings of the Galaxy, solemnly publish and declare our intentions:

  • To fight and oppose you and your forces, by any and all means at our disposal;
  • To refuse any Corporate law contrary to the rights of free beings;
  • To bring about your destruction and the destruction of the Corporate Empire;
  • To assume control of—and destroy—Klescher Prison Complex;
  • To make forever free all beings in the galaxy.
  • To make space booze tax-free once more.

To these ends, we pledge our firstborn sons, our dogs, and our cats.


We, GENTLE DIPLOMACY, have made it our goal to ensure safe passage for EVERY citizen, imprisoned by the corporate THUGS, out of Klescher and into a crime-stat-free life. Therefore we have put together;

(In 89 easy to follow steps.)

  1. Wake up in Klescher.
  2. Find the code.
  3. Ventilator bugged.
  4. Connect to new server.
  5. Wake up in Klescher.
  6. Find the code.
  7. Disable ventilator.
  8. Enter tunnels.
  9. 1 FPS.
  10. Wake up in Klescher.
  11. Find the code.
  12. Disable ventilator.
  13. Enter tunnels.
  14. Flee Klescher.
  15. Enter rescue vehicle.
  16. Die in quantum travel.
  17. Wake up in Klescher.
  18. Find the code.
  19. Disable ventilator.
  20. Enter tunnels.
  21. Your pick-up gets killed by turrets.
  22. Oxygen 7%.
  23. Estimated survival time: 00:00:03.
  24. Wake up in Klescher.
  25. Find the code.
  26. Disable ventilator.
  27. Enter tunnels.
  28. Flee Klescher.
  29. Enter rescue vehicle.
  30. Die in quantum travel.
  31. Wake up in Klescher.
  32. Find the code.
  33. Disable ventilator.
  34. Enter tunnels.
  35. Flee Klescher.
  36. Enter rescue vehicle.
  37. Get to ArcCorp.
  38. 30K.
  39. Wake up in Klescher.
  40. Find the code.
  41. Disable ventilator.
  42. Enter tunnels.
  43. Flee Klescher.
  44. Enter rescue vehicle.
  45. Get to Lyria.
  46. The program has stopped working unexpectedly.
  47. Wake up in Klescher.
  48. Find the code.
  49. Disable ventilator.
  50. Enter tunnels.
  51. Flee Klescher.
  52. Enter rescue vehicle.
  53. Get to Lyria.
  54. Enter Security Depot.
  55. Get shot by guard.
  56. Wake up in Klescher.
  57. Find the code.
  58. Disable ventilator.
  59. Enter tunnels.
  60. Flee Klescher.
  61. Enter rescue vehicle.
  62. Get to Lyria.
  63. Enter Security Depot.
  64. Kill all guards.
  65. Try to pick up crypto-key.
  66. Crypto-Key vanishes.
  67. Spam-click second crypto-key.
  68. Pick up crypto-key
  69. Start hacking.
  70. Get shot by bounty hunter.
  71. Wake up in Klescher.
  72. Find the code.
  73. Disable ventilator.
  74. Enter tunnels.
  75. Flee Klescher.
  76. Enter rescue vehicle.
  77. Get to Lyria.
  78. Enter Security Depot.
  79. Kill all guards.
  80. Try to pick up Crypto-Key.
  81. Crypto-Key vanishes.
  82. Spam-click second crypto-key.
  83. Pick up crypto-key
  84. Start hacking.
  85. Inside the system.
  86. Start deleting felonies.
  87. 30K.
  88. Wake up in Klescher.
  89. REPEAT.