Guardians of Nexus / GNX

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Smuggling
  • Exploration

We are the Guardians of Nexus. A highly specialised group of interstellar traders. Need something transported? Concerned about inter system customs interfering with your belongings? For the right fee, we can be at your service. If you need us, you know where to find us.



Little is known about the Guardians of Nexus. What is known is that during the Second Tevarin War ███████████████ and his team was responsible for the collection and handle of top secret Tevarin technology. Their role was to ensure that these technologies were transported securely back to the top-secret military installation on Nexus III. This facility is only accessible by top clearance military personnel only.

Sometime shortly after the Second Tevarin War it was discovered that ███████████████ and his crew ████████████ were also trading Tevarin technological info with known persons outside the law and even the wanted ████████ ███████████████. The were all immediately discharged from the UEE Navy, all clearance revoked and banned from nearing the proximity of any UEE Military installation.

Very little is known once the team left the UEE. Rumours have it that they set up Guardians of Nexus, who’s role was ensuring that the trade routes in the ███████████████ remained open. It is believed the purpose of which was to ensure that ███████████████ and supplied made it to ███████. Which eventually led to the rise of the revolutionary attempt at overthrowing the UEE government on Lago.

Because of their association with the revolt on ███, The Guardians of Nexus have been listed as criminals along with known outlaw █████████ █████ ████, the notorious Sang Gestas and the Argul Dawn . All of which are known to operate within in the Nexus System. The Guardians have refuted this bold allegation claiming that they are not murderers but merely vigilante transport pilots whose responsibility it is to bring food and supplies to the lesser well off living on Lago.

In later years, circa 2947 the Guardians of Nexus was passed on to ███████ █████ and his crew. ███████ █████ grew up in one of the ex-military compounds found on Lago. Although the living conditions were nicer than civilians, life on Lago was still harsh. It didn’t take long for ███████ █████ to make name for himself. In his early years earning a reputation for quick and covert smuggling by winning the Elcibre Belt Run of 2935. Which has been known to be one of the most treacherous races in the Nexus System. In 2948 with a wealth accumulated over time ███████████████ purchased a Mercury ████ ██████ and was christened ████████████. It is said that ████ ██████ uses the ████████████ for running covert intelligence operations. Intercepting UEE intel and selling it to the highest bidder. However, UEE security forces have yet to prove this.


Although the majority of transport and delivery capabilities are unknown, there are some records of what has been acquired from UEE intercepts. Records dating back to 2853 are as follows;

  • Rare Endangered Animal Capture & Transportation
  • Toxic and Carnivorous Flora

The Guardians do not accept contracts from general citizens. Instead they find you. Should you seek their assistance merely ask the bartender to show you his finest whiskey collection while jumping up and down waving a towel. This will likely get you shot. Should you survive this encounter The Guardians of Nexus will be in touch. But only if you are not found to be a UEE agent.


With any organisation, large or small there is always a problem with financial storage and accessibility. Come in the Federation Bank, a bank which has been made of of the interests of several less than legitimate organisations. This includes ███ ████████, █████, █████ ████, ███, and ██████████ ██████████████. There are a total of ████ members, all of which have access to lower repayment rates. Members of this bank have been know to become their own loan sharks to the lesser of fortunate people needing a quick top up for ship maintenance or military upgrades. However, once contracted by these loan sharks the loanee usually is unable to ever repay their debts.

The Guardians of Nexus became involved with the Federation Bank during the turbulent times of 2930s. The UEE and Advocacy and an elite force known as The █████ ████ ██████████ were making larger pushes in to know pirate systems. One of their larger attacks on Echo Eleven where marines stormed the station in an attempt to end the activities of the Argul Dawn. Due to such activity ███████ █████ and The Guardians of Nexus were forced into taking a loan for protection from Federation Bank mercenaries. ███████ █████ was forced into hiding and had to call upon his old friend ███ ██████ who was last seen in Banu space.

To this day, although The Guardians of Nexus are affiliated with the Federation Bank, it is a precarious situation as money is still owed by ███████ █████ and his crew. Last reports are that payments are being transmitted, but the with the bank extortionate methods intel suggests these loans will never be repaid.


In 2935 at the peak of the instability in the Nexus System, outlaws massacred entire families on OP Station Demien known as the Waltzer Massacre. The planned attack took place between security shift change, and cost the lives of all on board the station. Bodies were found having been executed with a bullet to the back of the head.

Rumors in the system are that The Guardians of Nexus aided the outlaws in taking the station, under the pretense that none shall be harmed. In since learning that the outlaws broke their promise The Guardians of Nexus contacted one of their Advocacy contacts ██████ ██████ providing them with intelligence on outlaw numbers and weaponry. The assault to retake the station took 6 hours. No outlaw was left alive.

The Guardian of Nexus VEHEMENTLY reject this rumor, and claim that it is nothing but fabrication.



We pride ourselves on our ability to transport highly valuable cargo or data throughout the Verse. We operate in areas which suit us best. What does this mean for you? It means that the higher risk the cargo the longer it may take to safely be delivered to its final destination. Additional payments may be required to secure safe passage through known pirate systems.


WE DO NOT OPERATE IN VANDUUL SPACE! However we do operate on the frontier lines near alien space, and are able to access areas which normal civilians are not permitted. Should the requirement be for us to venture to these remote locations a fuel and security surcharge will be applied.


Fabrication in allegiances and identification only to avert impending betrayal.

Stealth in apparent chaos and insanity. Disrupt the norm, leave no trace.

Deception in subjective experience, and appearance..

The danger of platitudes and natural banality may be used against our enemies.

The constant need to be ever more audacious in situations beyond our control.

Risk all that what was once rebellious to become conformist. Make what is not commonplace unexceptionally traditional.



Corvette Class | Polaris | Roberts Space Industries

Commissioned and paid for in 2948 by ███████ █████. The Barataria is a Polaris – a corvette class ship built by RSI, and was quickly made the pride of the fleet. Nothing is known of her current outfitting, however sources from the ████ ██████ ████████ shipyard in the ███████ System say that no expense was spared during construction. Same sources were able to divulge that the Barataria’s drives were upgraded from stock to the best available capital systems at the time. Making her one the fastest corvettes in the Nexus System.

Adhere extreme caution when approaching this vessel. The Barataria is know to have state of the art capital scanning capabilities and has an effect torpedo range of ███ kms.


Blockade Runner | Mercury Star Runner | Crusader Industries

The Pontchartrain is a Mercury Star Runner class vessel made by Crusader Industries and is the go to blockade runner for the Guardians of Nexus . The Star Runner class boast many smuggling capabilities such as large data storage capabilities, shielded sub floor storage and dedicated scanning for deep space communication interceptions.

Sources say the Guardians of Nexus commissioned in 2948 to fill the gap when their business moved in to military and corporate espionage. The source goes on to say that the actual purpose of the ship was purchased by ███ ███████ for the Guardians of Nexus to run covert operations on █████ █████, █████ ██████, and █████████ ███████ who are all top ███ of their respective companies. However, the source did not know the reason for this operation. Based on this knowledge it is assumed they required a covert, fast data running ship with shielded data storage for these operations.


Exploration Class | Carrack | Anvil Aerospace

The Jean Lafitte, built by Anvil Aerospace, was commissioned in the early 29th Century was originally a Jump Point Hunter for the UEE. During her stint in the UEE she was known as the ███ ██████████ and captained by █████ ██████. ███ ██████████ spent the early parts of her voyages aiding ████ █████ during the Charon III Civil War. The openly publicized purpose of which was to be running humanitarian aid to the region, however sources from the opposition had said that the real purpose was for long range scanning systems to be used to covertly spy on enemy locations. However, the “humanitarian” aid support for the rebels during the civil war was short lived. The UEE on high alert as the Vanduul War raged on through many systems, had dispatched an emergency broadcast requiring all available ships to reroute to the █████ System and plan to move on an unknown sized Vanduul fleet. Intelligence later reported that the Vanduul sent a medium size scouting force to the ████ System in 2928. ███ ██████████ was diverted to run counter intelligence operations in the outer fringes of the system to discover if the Vanduul were using a yet undiscovered Jump Point. Operations of ███ ██████████ did in the ████ System remain classified to this day. Sources within the UEE have stated that ███ ██████████ did not return to UEE space until 2934. It was also said that she had sustained heavy damage and casualties during this time, and was immediately escorted back to Terra III for debrief and a full refit.

After the year long refit, in 2935 she was then ordered to resume deep system scanning in the █████, and ████ Systems. There is no further information on this period of time that the ███ ██████████ spent with the service of the UEE.

In 2946, she again returned to Terra III, but was decommissioned from military use. ███ ██████████ was then retrofitted with civilian equipment and sold to ███████ █████. She was then christened as The Jean Lafitte. After her sale ███████ █████ dispatched her immediately to the █████ System where it is said she was sent even further in to the outer rim of the system to discover new Jump Points to establish quicker trade and smuggling routes.



Little is known of the common goals within Guardians of Nexus. Their goals seem to dynamically change based on who, what, where the role is taking place. One commonality as expressed by a former associate ████ ████████ of now UEE security division known as █████ ████ █████████ is that they only have one common goal, Credits of the Empire.

“Highest core value within the Guardians of Nexus is loyalty. The Verse is a dangerous place, no one can be trusted but our own.” This as quoted from a former customer who wishes their name is never to be disclosed.

Each member of the crew shall represent Guardians of Nexus in it’s best standing. They shall also follow the rules set out in this charter. All crew members are expected to uphold themselves with the highest honour, respect and professionalism when representing Guardians of Nexus. Failing to meet these requirements, crew will undergo a review by their ranking peer.

Crew ranks within the Guardians of Nexus are currently unknown to anyone outside.

A crew member in the Guardians of Nexus may be subject to dismissal and/or removal based on any infringements that are in the classifications below;

Minor Infringements

Excessive insults, spamming, trolling directed at an individual or a group of people.
Frequent issues during organised game play.

In the event of an infringement above, along with sufficient supporting evidence the crew-member will receive a written, and verbal warning from the Captains of the Guardians of Nexus. After a total of three subsequent offences with said crew-member will result in an immediate dismissal and permanently ban from Guardians of Nexus.

Major infringements

Racial / Ethnic Harassment
Sexual Harassment
Real life violent threats
Distribution of real life personal information
Use or publishing of any cheats, hacks, Trojans or other malicious programs

Infringement on any of the above will enact a swift dismissal and permanently ban of said crew-member with immediate effect.

All communications are handle on the Guardians Discord. “ACCESS DENIED*