Gold Wing Squadron / GOLDWING

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to Gold Wing Squadron. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.

Gold Wing SC Org Card


The Grand Saga of GoldWing

The Wing’s history begins in the year 2012. The month was September in the old Gregorian Calendar and a new site appeared in the untameable wilds known as the internet (see “Al Gore”, inventor of). One that promised glory to those who register before the tenth hour of the tenth day of October (10:10:10=42!). Those who did so were given the fabled Golden Ticket. This was a special honor to show the curiosity and bravery of the few who ventured in. Out of these mere 30,000, a man came forth to the forums now known as Wing Commander DbTkenny. His idea was to establish a squadron for those in this Era of Uncertainty and unite them as one. On the twenty-sixth day of October the Wing officially formalizes. From there, DbTkenny established a chain of command consisting of those whom showed great skill and talent in many a needed field.

Auream lumen de victoria!


  • 18. July 2013 – Gold Wing Auxiliaries
    Relatives and friends are now encouraged to join Gold Wing.
  • 26. October 2012 – Gold Wing is founded by DbTKenny. Together with other members they wrote the first Charta of Gold Wing:

Gold Wing Code of Conduct
1. Members of Gold Wing and Gold Wing Auxiliaries cannot be a member of any other wing or squadron that in any way supports or condones piracy.
2. All members must fly under Gold Wing colors (black with gold trim and gold ticket emblem) at all times during fleet operations and as much as practical at all other times. Possible exceptions:
a. During covert/reconnaissance missions.
b. Gold Wing Auxiliaries will fly under Gold Wing colors (black with gold trim) without the gold ticket emblem during fleet operations.
3. Members are encouraged to assist other wings and squadrons unless doing so will have a negative effect on the squadron’s reputation.
4. All members have a right to defend themselves at all times. As Captain Malcom Reynolds once famously said, “Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill ‘em right back.”
5. No attacking/pirating other non-hostile players. Ever.
a. Attacking griefers, known pirate players, collecting approved bounties, and defending allied players is allowed and encouraged at all times.
b. Defending non-allied players is, of course, allowed and encouraged as long as it will not have a negative effect on the squadron’s reputation.
6. We will do revenge attacks as necessary on other players/squadrons that keep attacking our members. All for one and one for all.
7. Keep the bad language to a minimum.

Wing Overview
There will be one main leader, DbTkenny, supported by an established chain of command. We will be looking for, depending on total members and time zones, to have a number of players help run the wing. We will try to run the wing on a consensus basis, but there will be times that things are put to a vote. If the vote is even, DbTkenny will cast the deciding vote. All results of votes are final.

Skully: We will take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting. By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more critical matters–{{{SMACK!}}}– Skully: HELP! I’m being repressed!

We are a group of friends and family playing and fighting together and will only have one goal in the game: to have fun while being some of the “white hats” in the ‘verse. We can be traders, pirate hunters, racers, explorers… it is up to you how you play (aside from not being a pirate and/or griefer!).

Signature Banners
If you would like Hstaphath to create a Gold Wing signature banner for you, please contact him with what pic (or pics) you would like to use. You can either describe what you have in mind or, preferably, send a link to an image. Also, you could send him the minute and second of a scene from a video since he can do screen captures as well (naturally, please link to what video you are referring to if you do so!).

To Join
Gold Wing: Simply be a gold ticket holder who has no interest in pirating and/or griefing and be willing to follow the Gold Wing code of conduct.
Gold Wing Auxiliaries: Be the family or close friend of a Gold Wing member who is willing to sponsor you in the squadron. You must have no interest in pirating and/or griefing and be willing to follow the Gold Wing code of conduct. Note that a sponsor takes on responsibility for your actions and can face expulsion (in addition to yourself) if you are responsible for violating the code of conduct.

Please Note
Both Gold Wing and Gold Wing Auxiliaries applicants must post their intent to join our group in the Gold Wing Squadron recruitment thread on the RSI forums ( Please state your intent to enlist, your timezone, and what pledge ships you have (if any). For Gold Wing Auxiliaries, please also indicate who your Gold Wing sponsor is. Once you are approved, your next step is to register at our squadron forums.

  • 10. October 2012 – The Great Announcement
    StarCitizen is revealed and the most successful crowdfunding campaign of all times starts.
  • 10. September 2012 – Roberts Space Industries goes live
    About 27000 people join the site and are awarded with a Golden Ticket.


Wing Overview
There will be one main leader, Wing Commander DbTkenny, supported by an established chain of command. We will be looking for, depending on total members and time zones, to have a number of players help run the wing. We will try to run the wing on a consensus basis, but there will be times that things are put to a vote. If the vote is even, the Wing Commander will cast the deciding vote. All results of votes are final.
Skully: We should take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting. By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more critical matters–{{{SMACK!}}}– Skully: HELP! I’m being repressed!
We are a group of friends and family playing and fighting together and will only have one goal in the game: to have fun while being some of the “white hats” in the ‘verse. We can be traders, pirate hunters, racers, explorers… it is up to you how you play (aside from not being a pirate and/or griefer!).
Signature Banners
If you would like Hstaphath to create a Gold Wing signature banner for you, please contact him with what pic (or pics) you would like to use. You can either describe what you have in mind or, preferably, send a link to an image. Also, you could send him the minute and second of a scene from a video since he can do screen captures as well (naturally, please link to what video you are referring to if you do so!).
To Join
Gold Wing: Simply be a gold ticket holder who has no interest in pirating and/or griefing and be willing to follow the Gold Wing code of conduct.
Gold Wing Auxiliaries: Be the family or close friend of a Gold Wing member who is willing to sponsor you in the squadron. You must have no interest in pirating and/or griefing and be willing to follow the Gold Wing code of conduct. Note that a sponsor takes on responsibility for your actions and can face expulsion (in addition to yourself) if you are responsible for violating the code of conduct.
Auream lumen de victoria!


Article 1: Introduction

Article 2: Application

1.Gold Wing — Simply be a gold ticket holder who has no interest in pirating and/or griefing and be willing to follow the Gold Wing code of conduct.
2.Gold Wing Auxiliaries — Be the family or close friend of a Gold Wing member who is willing to sponsor you in the squadron. You must have no interest in pirating and/or griefing and be willing to follow the Gold Wing code of conduct. Note that a sponsor takes on responsibility for your actions and can face expulsion (in addition to yourself) if you are responsible for violating the code of conduct.

Article 3: Code of Conduct
1. Members of Gold Wing and Gold Wing Auxiliaries cannot be a member of any other player run wing or squadron. Being members of non-pirate NPC squadrons and organizations is acceptable.
2. All members must fly under Gold Wing colors (black with gold trim and gold ticket emblem) at all times during fleet operations and as much as practical at all other times. Possible exceptions:
~a. During covert/reconnaissance missions.
~b. Gold Wing Auxiliaries will fly under Gold Wing colors (black with gold trim) without the gold ticket emblem during fleet operations.
3. Members are encouraged to assist other wings and squadrons unless doing so will have a negative effect on the squadron’s reputation.
4. All members have a right to defend themselves at all times. As Captain Malcolm Reynolds once famously said, “Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill ‘em right back.”
5. No attacking/pirating other non-hostile players. Ever.
~a. Attacking griefers, known pirate players, collecting approved bounties, and defending allied players is allowed and encouraged at all times.
~b. Defending non-allied players is, of course, allowed and encouraged as long as it will not have a negative effect on the squadron’s reputation.
6. We will do revenge attacks as necessary on other players/squadrons that keep attacking our members. All for one and one for all.
7. Keep the bad language to a minimum.
Auream lumen de victoria!