• Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Hey kid, welcome to the most run-down asteroid in the ‘verse. Ain’t many space-rocks that come equipped with mouldering bars and alley trash, but we’ve got it. It’s not all bad though; no empire, no corps. That gives us options. Gives us a shot at Livelihood and Dignity.


2903: Green Imperial HEX was little more than a central hall at this point, with a few modular hab-tunnels spidering out like spokes. Back then it was all contained within the central asteroid, a tight-knit community making the best of its function-first home. There were a few organised mining startups but freelancers had the majority; a tangled economy of probe jockeys, boxrunners, and mining crews. Most of the nearby planets had well-established industry at the time, making them ideal customers for large quantities of ore. Some of the older miners had helped build the worlds they now serviced. They once mined chemicals from Crusader’s atmosphere to feed the terraforming projects, and simply never left. Better to earn a thin retirement here than to slave away planetside.

2904: Stanton I is sold to Hurston dynamics, adding another customer to the miners’ clientele. Quite a hungry one, too! The housing exchange prospers, and more habs are built on the outside of the structure as years go by.

2935: ArcCorp’s demand for a constant stream of construction materials begins to slow down when the entire planet has been covered in buildings. What they need for their factories can largely be obtained from underground veins and cheap interstellar trade deals. Stanton miners now have much less work to compete over as the other planets also get over their initial buildup phase, and the housing exchange sees its golden age in decline. At least, that’s one of the explanations its workers give themselves. Others blame a lack of quantanium clusters on their scans, or competition from Lyria, or ‘undercutting Banu hawks.’

2938: Work grows thin, rent gets skipped, and Everline starts running the facility at a loss. Not for long. It only takes a few months until they close the station, at least officially. Nobody does any demolishing in space. People actually start leaving when pirates and gangs use the place to launch their rackets.

2941: Those first few years were chaos. Not everyone had somewhere else to go, so they got stuck and squashed between one gang and the next. The same was true for those who came to GrimHEX seeking liberty. Violent disputes ran rampant for a time until the dreaded Nine Tails gang came out on top. Those HEXers who had little taste for crimes and killings—there were more of them than you might think— finally banded together to make their home a better place. Organised under the creed “GrimHEX unbound!” they even dared hope to oust the gangs.

2951: Well, we didn’t oust much. In fact, many of us joined the Nine Tails once the gang grew bigger and milder. Now an outside observer may think the Unbound and the Nines hardly differ. But we do. The gangs will never hesitate to step on the back of someone’s skull, even if they’re just a miner or a lonely cargoman. We let those folks do their thing, even keep ‘em safe when we can. Our fight isn’t with them. We’re smaller now than before, but we’re smarter too. Do this thing right, and we can make some good changes in the days to come. For now we keep our heads down, don’t make the Nines mad. Hell, we’ve even worked together when their goals matched ours. But they won’t always be the only choice around Yela, or even the biggest.


These are the tenets which underpinned our unification…

0. The world is the world. Our player characters act like people, and we often roleplay in Star Citizen as if its universe might be a real place. That might involve speaking and making decisions in-character.

1. The Grim HEX bears no prying eyes. It remains a place where the corps and the UEE hold no sway. We keep it for the free and the unwanted.

2. We are no pirates (officially). Look, things sometimes happen. If you’re a CEO or officer of the law, Yela’s belt just ain’t the place for you. You’re gonna mess up, and folk are gonna find your ship and your stuff, and then you won’t own them anymore. That said, we are no Nine Tails. We don’t prey on spacers just trying to get by. Ideally we kick all the pirates out at some point and get a sense of order back. Only then will the Grim HEX be truly free.

3. We stick together. Our community rests on mutual aid. We’ll help you haul cargo, mine a dangerous claim, try out a ship, or get that crimestat wiped. Basically our folks do what they can to help, and we know you’ll do the same.

4. But we don’t just look inward. Dominance and exploitation cause grief everywhere. Here in Stanton, but outside the system too. If you’re dealing with that kind of problem, be it near-enslavement on ArcCorp or toxic waste on Hurston, you’ll probably find people here willing to do something about it.


Our full charter can be found in our Discord server under #rules-of-conduct. The gist of it follows below. We recognise two sets of rules. Primary rules are instant red flags that result in a quick ban. Secondary rules warrant more nuanced moderation.

Primary Rules

1. Do not post nude, sexual, sexualised or NSFW content involving minors.
2. Do not express or encourage hate speech or discriminatory views based on race, sex/gender, sexual orientation, ability, or religion.
3. Do not threaten, intimidate, or encourage the intimidation of anyone inside this community or outside of it.
4. Do not try to evade measures or consequences imposed by our moderators.
5. Do not brigade this community. That is: do not come here as part of a combined effort by any group to disrupt the spirit or usability of the server.

Secondary Rules

1. Stay civil. Do not treat others with aggression or passive aggression.
2. Do not post NSFW content outside an NSFW channel (we currently don’t have any of those).
3. Do not post gore.
4. Roleplay safe. Sensitive topics such as extreme harm, trauma, abuse, oppression, nudity, and sexuality may be described in text-RP, but tread with care. Avoid gratuity, and check with the other people in the scene that they’re okay. Also keep in mind that people might be reading along—you may want to add in-channel content warnings where appropriate.
5. Do not abuse the policy and update forums; that is do not use them for any reason other than to contribute your honest opinion to make the community the best it can be. For instance: do not call for a staff member to be demoted because you dislike them, or because you disagreed in a discussion about “the balancing of ballistic weapons.”
6. As an admin or moderator: do not abuse your extended privileges. Do not use them to gain power over other users or to lash out for personal reasons.