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Grim Wolves / GRIMWOLVES

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

Do you have military skills? On the field and in the skies? Then Grim Wolves is there for YOU!
We do security, infiltration, extraction and combat operations. From small to big, nothing is too dangerous for us!

We operate in the shadows, assisting where others can’t or don’t dare too.


Where did the Grim Wolves came from? That is a question that follows the bloody footsteps of this company throughout its existence. A seemingly complicated question, but one that has a very short answer. Greed. The greed that people have for a multitude of things. Power, money, revenge, and guess what? More power. Ever since the dawn of Man, there are instances of murder for hire, and since murder is frown upon in most human societies, such actions are extremely well payed. If not for murder, it is for power, as many mercenaries are hired to tip the balance of many engagements that populated our history. The first recorded instance of the usage of mercenaries in war was in 2000 B.C. That is, Before Christ, in the old Sol System days. That is a long time, if we do the math. But the actual hiring a mercenary or an assassin to kill someone that was in the way? Way before. Greed fuelled a lot of death and still does, and the more advanced humanity is, the more powerful is greed.

Over eleven years ago, one man, a former bounty hunter, with its crew, decided to truly shed all ties that categorized the bounty hunting business. Never before in the Sol system a mercenary was that worthy of that title. His ship, named The Grim Wolf, as its owner, travelled and fought for at least one year in various skirmishes, contracts, assassinations and even participating in the First Battle, amassing a small fortune and fame.

What did that man did with that? He created the Grim Wolves, a Private Military Company of mercenaries that are specialised in covert operations. He surrounded himself with the most bloodthirsty and proficient hunters in the Verse. With some small successes, the name Grim Wolves became a known trademark in the mercenary and bounty hunting business. After a year, the leader, only known as Grim Wolf, decided to pass the Company to one of his most trusted ‘Colours’.

What are the colours? Codenames of taskforces of course, for each pilot protection. Some take it like it was just an extra layer of security, and some others take it to heart. With the colours like “Blue-7” written on the sides of the ships, they strike confusion and fear into the hearts of the enemies.

And from then, such tradition occurs. The Company owner, although truly a owner, passes the contracts and full might of the whole organization to someone that he or she handpicks from the roster.

But it was not until Yellow-4, that the Grim Wolves knew what fame and fortune was truly like. From billionaire contracts, to the establishment as de facto leaders in the mercenary and bounty hunting market. The one year and half that Yellow-4 was the owner, the company grew from a small, dedicated company numbering in the twenty or so. To the hundreds that now offer even personal security solutions to a multitude of factions. With the big grow of Grim Wolves, the codenames had to change as well to fit the new situation. This created a path to unique code signs, were only the owner of the Grim Wolves knows the true identity of this person.

To this day, it stays at the top of the suppliers of death, strength and greed, under the command of someone with the codename “Duvelske”. He or she intends to bring the company to another level.


Dare to be extraordinary
Dare to be the best!
Not for yourself, but for others
They need you to make the difference


1. General Rules
The concepts of family, honour and loyalty are hallmarks of Grim Wolves and are expected to be upheld and respected by all members.

2. Behaviour
Be respectful of fellow members, their guests and friends. Our community is comprised of peoples of various
races, religions and backgrounds. Our aim is to have fun and we feel that’s achieved when everyone feels comfortable and accepted. We all have an inclination to be negative or deal with losses in a bad manner but, remember your attitude can affect the squad and team as a whole. Try to be positive and have fun.

3. Game Play
Cheating, hacking, stat boosting, or mods and players who engage or endorse such behaviour are not tolerated. Any member found engaging in such activity will be up for immediate removal from Grim Wolves. We are a team oriented and objective based clan so we ask you stay focused and listen to your officers and squad leaders when in battle.

4. Loyalty
You are required to be a representative of Grim Wolves when you are attending Grim Wolves functions and operations. We ask that members play with other members in the community, make an effort to join parties and games when available.

5. Communication
All members are required to have mics and to use them when playing in parties and especially during Grim Wolves operations. You are asked to keep in contact with Grim Wolves discord regarding events and practices. If for any reason that isn’t possible let us know by using the appropriate reaction on said event/practice ahead of time please.

6. Staying Informed
You are asked to keep in contact with Grim Wolves discord regarding developments in the org, events and practices.

7. Clan Structure
Be familiar with the Grim Wolves charter and agree to it. Be aware of the ranks, classes and progression and what these elements mean to the operation of the community. There is a mandatory training sessions for all members, that will rant your ranks. Each rank inferred is first to be approved by a member of high command.

8. Operations, events and practises
Attendance is key, you must attend at least one clan function a month or you may be assumed as inactive. Do not blame failure or loss on teammates. Accept the loss and learn from our mistakes. We are only as strong as our weakest member so instead try to improve any situation by educating via discord or during leadership meetings. Try your best during operations, events or practises. But remember after any event we return to being fellow brothers/sisters. So leave any salt or grudge in the Verse.