Grishord Enterprises / GRISHCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Resources

Welcome to Grishord Enterprises. We are a Neutral Works Corporation of players and are seeking members interested in:
Cargo Hauling
Running Protection for other members


To be filled in as our History is created. Please remind Grishord or a senior member to update this section.


GrishCorp will remain neutral in local and regional matters as the haulers, transports, and escorts will be fulfilling their own contracts and other interests of the corporation. GrishCorp will provide support, resources, and other assistance that will help members to protect, develop, and organize themselves so that they may further enhance the environment and atmosphere of the corporation.

Due to the vital nature of information such as jump points, trade routes, supplies, drop off points, etc members are expected to be EXCLUSIVE to GrishCorp and have no other outside interests in other Organizations.

Members of GrishCorp will remain in a Neutral to Neutral Good attitude towards conflicts, only intervening if it will directly benefit the corporation or it’s interests within the universe. If a fellow merchant, trader, cargo runner, etc is in need of assistance from an unaggrivated assault we shall take whatever action will support our long term interests keeping in mind any agreements, treaties, etc that we may have with other local members of that sector.


I-The Corporations Purpose

The Primary Branches of GrishCorp are:

Cargo Haulers

W e are a Neutral Good organization and don’t meddle in the affairs of others unless it directly impacts our members, corporate interests, or future of the corporation.

We are not interested in K/D ratios, but on profits and activity levels. Members are expected to always ensure that profit without hurting the name or image of the corporation is always their first priority.

All activities involving the Corporation are considered optional unless you have obtained a rank, signed up, or some other way committed yourself to such activities that other members are counting on you. Continual failure to perform duties will result in rank reduction, profit share cuts, or termination.

II-Guild Leadership

The Leadership are there because they have proven themselves through mutual respect, time, and dedication to the Corporation

The Purpose and powers of the Leadership is to;
-ensure the smooth running of the corporation and its events
-Moderate the forums and chat within the organization.
-Enforce the guidelines and other rules of the Corporation.
-Oversee members including conflict resolution.
-Ensure those that should have a job/position/etc within the Corporation has one
-Ensure the new members are properly taken care of and welcomed into the group.
-if appropriate and necessary delegate any such work to other members.

Leadership has the power of both positive and negative coercion. If instructed to not go to or to go to certain sectors, jump points, etc then it is expected that members follow these orders to prevent conflicts with other organizations that we have arrangements with.

Most heavy weighted decisions will be taken on by Grishord, when deemed necessary other members in high regard to the corporation may as well be brought in for their input on decisions.

NOTE: If you are a member of another Organization this will limit your upwards mobility within GRISHCORP.


The guidelines, outlined:

1 Ensure that all actions taken by your person including but not limited to combat, transactions, communication, and all other aspects are keeping the Corporations best interest first.

2 Understand that to be able to receive funding, supplies, ‘loot’, etc from the corporation certain time and efforts are to be expected from you. Members that are more active, helpful to other members, and contribute more will receive better perks as part of their membership to the Corporation.

3 Respect all players within and outside of the corporation, even those that may not deserve your respect. You never know who might be listening in on the communication and we always want to be kept in high regard. If someone deserves a tongue lashing, leave it up to Grishord, or that person’s direct superior, it is not your jobs as members to ‘correct’ other members, organizations, etc simply to report them to Grishord or your superior.

IV-Wealth Distribution

Wealth distribution will be a pure reflection upon Effort and Time put in versus wealth taken out. Someone that puts in more time and effort will be able to receive more benefits from the organization, loot may not always be distributed on a ‘mission’ based schedule and may in fact be daily, weekly, or otherwise as decided by leadership based. Rest assured, if the effort is there, you will be taken care of as a contributing member.

V- Voice Chat Conduct

Members are expected to be respectful, courteous, and in good manners when in voice chat. Members will not disrupt, offend, etc other members via any voice or chat communications and will not be respectful to current members, potential candidates for membership, or guests of current members. Report any issues to your superior officer or Grishord IMMEDIATELY.

VI – Exclusive membership vs affiliate membership

GRISHCORP is “exclusive” in the sense that affiliate members are as such, affiliates, and will not have the same say as members. They will still be able to participate in activities, missions, events, etc, but when it comes to voting on issues (affiliates will not have a say), or if a mission is limited seating capacity (for whatever reason) and it’s between an affiliate and a full member, the full member would get the position.

Full members will get better returns from missions than affiliates, will get priority in upgrades, rare loot, etc.

To some people that is unacceptable, and we at GRISHCORP understand, but to not dedicate your full time towards us, is your choice not ours, if you choose GRISHCORP over all others, we will choose you, over all others, it is as simple as that.

VII-What is said Goes Clause

In any event whether something is or is not covered within these pages Grishord’s word will always take precedence over ANY previous statements, negotiations, arrangements, agreements, etc. You understand that by being a part of this organization whether it be conflict resolution, loot distribution, or anything else that may come up Grishord’s word is law. If there is an issue between members, bring it fourth to him and it will be resolved swiftly with all information that can be obtained to expedite the matter. This clause will not be on a day to day usage but is included to assist in future conflict resolution.