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Grow Up Gaming / GROWUP

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Transport

Grow Up Gaming

The Grow uP Gaming became an Association in 2008 and is one of the Portuguese Multigamings that currently includes a greater number of members.
We face this new adventure creating a cohesive, mature group that aims to uncover all aspects of Star Citizen



Vision and Mission

We believe that Gaming is a practice that brings connection between people, in addition to stimulating cognitively your practitioner. Abilities such as cooperation and teamwork, strategic thinking, problem solving, understanding of other languages ​​are some of the capabilities that are worked to integrate this activity. Social contact is also one of the aspects that we consider essential to promote, thus uniting the community and creating a form of interrelation. As such we integrated a platform that enables its members to be in constant contact, and the constant meetings organization also something that we insist to do.

Thus, we intend to fight for good addition to competitive results in the various games, food a healthy community that shares the same love for the game online.


Intentions and Motives:

As mentioned the Grow Up intend always in any game create a link between players, cognitively stimulating the same, valuing always your capacities that can always be an asset to this group.
Thus we believe that we will create a group able to operate effectively and competitively in more this online game.


1- Lack of respect between players is completely prohibited
2- Maturity
3- Cooperation
4- Team Spirit
5- fun on
6- Follow all other 5 rules.
