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Gryphon company / GRYPHONCO

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

“We will stand before the gates of hell… and we will fight.” That’s our motto here at Gryphon company, and you better believe that we mean every word, ‘cause when the galaxy calls someplace hell, a Gryphon’s already on his way.
Primary activities are bounty hunting, security and misc freelancing.


Gryphon company began as a small time security business in the Sol system, protecting miners from the pirates that used to fill the asteroid belt. Even though those cut-throats are now gone from the asteroid belt, many more have taken their place now that the galaxy at large is open to humanity.

Although it is not specificaly stated as a requirement, each Gryphon pilot has had some degree of military history. Due to this, there has been several occasions when a Gryphon pilot ahs volunteered to fight with the UEE’s navy against Earth’s enemies, which are currently the Vanduul.

Gryphon company’s road has been a long one, and everyone here hopes that it will stretch on and on into a brighter future, one that we will help build.


This company exists to fight back the lawless hordes, provide security for our clients, and to protect Earth and her colonies. We will accept all, be ye merchant, mercenary or a hauler, we will accept you with open arms.

Call us what you will, but if you prey on the meek, we will come to prey on you.

Current relations with the organization “Imperium:” Uneasy. We are neither friend nor foe.


1) No piracy. We are here to fight back the lawless hordes, not to join them.
2) No Killing of civilians. We aren’t pirates, we don’t kill civilians. If they are piates, or hostile, fire away.