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The Grayson Space Navy / GSN

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Security

Welcome to the service of the Sword. Meet the Test of Life, become a hero.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


The Test of Life: The Grayson Credo

The center of Grayson life is the Test. The hardships and trials of life are a great Test, set before us by God, and it is a matter of utmost spiritual importance that one meets and passes this Test.

So do you really take this seriously?

Nah. We’re mostly a bunch of fangirls and fanboys who want to have fun playing an awesome game. As such, we’re not going to be really that picky about people role-playing in guild chat or being all flowery and religious. Mostly, we’re fans of the Honor Harrington book series who wanted to honor our favorite series and heroine by bringing her ideals into Star Citizen.

So who’s Honor Harrington?

For those of you who haven’t gone into the science-fiction section of a bookstore since around 1992 or so, Honor Harrington is the heroine of a long-running space opera series by David Weber, featuring a version of the Napoleonic Wars in outer space about 2,400 years from now. The “Honorverse,” as her universe has been lovingly nicknamed, is a place of epic heroism on the high stars. The series has advanced about twenty-two years since the first book (in about twenty-two years of realtime), and gone through two, now three, major wars. The first two books in the series (On Basilisk Station and The Honor of the Queen) are available for free from and if you want a taste of what the Honorverse is like – the second book is of particular interest to people interested in playing in the GSN because it introduces the Planet Grayson, from which we take our name (although we’ve left behind some less-than-awesome aspects of Grayson society, like rampant sexism).


The Grayson Space Navy is a role-playing heavy organization whose mission is mutual support and rewarding gameplay. In order to build a navy of the first rank, we need people. As a member of the Grayson Space Navy much will be asked of you over the coming months and years, but in return we will support you to the fullest.

To pursue these goals, we ask certain promises, and make certain promises in return:

  • In order to apply for the Grayson Space Navy we ask that you are 18 years of age or older.
  • We would ask that all Grayson Space Navy members have working proficiency in English. We don’t ask that everyone be an English major, only that your communication in English be clear and understandable!
  • To be respectful of all Grayson Space Navy members regardless of real-world religious background, race, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, et cetera. We do not judge the Test of any member – only that she or he meet it cheerfully and with courage!
  • Real-world politics must be left outside the game world.
  • Navy leadership will be available for Voice Chat, and we encourage Navy members to make use of VC as well.
  • To support the health and security of both the GSN and Star Citizen as a whole, purchase of UEE Credits from any source other than Cloud Imperium Games is prohibited in the Grayson Space Navy.
  • As the Grayson Space Navy is a role-playing organization, we ask that all members have at least a “high-concept” image of the character they are playing – you don’t need to have an extensive background written, but a sentence or two of motivations and plot hooks would be nice.
  • We promise to listen to all opinions – though not necessarily to agree with them. We have a hard enough time agreeing on pizza toppings!
  • We promise to be fair and listen to ALL members of the GSN, and not to be driven by cliques or politics.
  • We strive to build a drama-free, pleasant playing environment.

The Star Citizen Terms of Use and the Grayson Space Navy Articles of War shall be the final arbiter of what is and is not permitted in the GSN.