Gambler Secure Solutions Incorporated / GSSI

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Security

“When the Chips are Down, Trust Gambler Secure Solutions to be Your Ace in the Hole”


Gambler Secure Solutions Incorporated (GSSI) traces its roots from combined arms realism units in Arma 3. GSSI began as an offshoot of interest from these roots and has become a fully fledge Private Military Contractor in the Star Citizen Universe. We are fully capable of combat support, logistical support, or even a fully self sustained combat unit capable of both tactical and strategic operations across a wide range of military operations.

GSSI has developed a strong relationship with Joint Task Force 8 and is able to leverage this relationship for additional support from time to time in support of contracts with others.

Gambler Secure Solutions is fully committed to Operation Pitchfork.

Remember, when the chips are down, trust Gambler Secure Solutions to be your ace in the hole.


Mission Statement:
Gambler Secure Solutions Incorporated provides professional and efficient security, high risk transportation services, and limited warfighting to customers while conducting self-sustaining logistics and exploration activities.

Everyone in GSSI is a contractor, plain and simple. There is no rigid rank structure or ladder to climb. We simply have two ranks which designate the time spent in the organization. The rest of our ranks solely exist to mark those in leadership positions. The command structure of GSSI is run by a team which makes policy decisions together and the entire organization is split between a Logistics Department, a Combat Department, and a Board of Directors.


Gambler Secure Solutions Incorporated Charter

1. GSSI is first and foremost a Defense Contractor. However, all precautions must be taken by members of GSSI to prevent loss of innocent life and to limit liability.

2. GSSI is not a mercenary group, highest bidding contracts do not guarantee acceptance. Certain ethical and moral requirements must be met.

3. All GSSI members must follow the GSSI moral code at all times and present themselves accordingly.

4. All GSSI members will follow instructions laid out by the GSSI Board of Directors.

5. It is against company policy to deviate from established SOP. The company does not reimburse any losses incurred while ‘Trying to be a hero’.

6. No GSSI member may represent the GSSI while on an unauthorized mission. Missions carried out while outside the backing of GSSI are carried out at the personal risk of the participant.

7. GSSI does not condone personal rivalries; however, friendly competition is allowed.

8. GSSI is a meritocracy. All members are equal and have an equal stake in the profits of the company. Rank is earned on skill, personal merit, and seniority. There is no favoritism.

9. GSSI provides equipment for use in official activities at the discretion of the board of directors. All unofficial activities are at the user’s own risk and not subject to reimbursement by the company.

10. All GSSI members are responsible for attending two scheduled working sessions per month.

11. All GSSI members will represent the company in the highest professional standard.

12. All GSSI members must be a minimum of 16 years of age.

13. Racist, sexist, or other discriminatory remarks and actions are not tolerated by the GSSI board of directors.

All GSSI members must acknowledge these rules, and are subject to discipline upon joining the company.